Best insurer for a T6 Cali Beach



VIP Member
Winchester, Hampshire, UK
T6 Beach 150
Hi all,

I'm collecting my Beach at the end of this month so trying to sort out the insurance so I'm all ready to go. Reading the forum I get the impression that if you're insuring an Ocean then it's wise to go for a specialist insurer but that the Beach is treated as a normal car and you are safe to use any insurer because there isn't all the habitation stuff to cover - is that right? I've had quotes through comparethemarket starting from £332 with Admiral. Will those kind of insurers cover all the bits on my Beach by default including the pop top roof or do I need to use a specialist policy?

My requirements/details are:

Ex demonstrator T6 Cali Beach, 3 months old, 1000 miles on the clock
Just turned 40
Using it as my main drive
9+ years no claims bonus (never had an own fault crash in 23 years but it only shows up as 9+ for some reason)
Approx 12,000 miles per year personal use
Approx 2000 miles per year Business use
Need European cover - approx 2500 miles per year
My partner will drive it too - similar age but only a few years NCB due to a vicious parked car
Homeowner, fully employed as a Head of department in a Tech company so a reasonably responsible adult (I guess!)

Any recommendations on who to go with, who to avoid, what to look out for? I've tried looking through the forum but the number of posts is bewildering and a lot of them seem to focus on the Ocean or on people with very different circumstances like not their main drive, left hand drive etc.

Really appreciate any help and advice, this is an awesome forum!


Well I have just insured my new ex demo Beach through the Caravan Club without any problems at all. However I do understand that others have experienced problems getting the CC to except the Beach. Their policy provides a new for old benifit for 24 months. This is effectively a form of gap insurance but without the need to buy a separate policy. They also cover contents.
Good luck.
I went with Admiral on my multi car policy. I read all the extras out as some impact cover and some don't at all. Worth checking that they confirm all the extras you list will be covered for peace of mind. Hope that helps.
I would look at caravan club or safeguard. I would definitely avoid certain insurers like admiral who don't know a beach from a berlingo
We're going through the same sifting process. Admiral (our multi-car policy is with them) will not cover damage to any post-factory modifications to our T5 Beach, including SlidePod kitchen in the rear.

Need to look at others tomorrow so we're set before collection in a few days...
We looked at Comfort, Safeguard and A-Plan. Comfort needed to be reassured that the Beach was going to be registered as a motor caravan which our dealer confirmed it will be. With that, Comfort undercut the other two's best offer by approx £150 coming in sub-£300.
Hmm. Rang Safeguard and they said they wouldn't insure a California Beach, only a California Ocean. They passed me onto their sister company called Scenic and the best quote they could offer me because I want protected no claims bonus and business miles was £1200!

I tried Camping and Caravan club and their best quote was £476 with a £400 excess and they also wouldn't do Business cover (I'll need to drive to other offices once in a blue moon).
@Boris - they also told me that the 'new for old' isn't valid for ex-demonstrator's (which mine is too) as I wouldn't be the first person on the log book - was that your understanding?

I've tried Admiral online and they've quoted me £347 for fully comp with 13000 miles of normal use and 1000 miles of Business use, £0 voluntary XS and £150 compulsory XS.

Comfort quoted me £436 for fully comp with unlimited miles, Business use (doesn't give a limit) and with £200 compulsory xs. It says it includes £5000 personal belongings cover as well as accessories that are part of it's function as a motor home which I presume means the pop top roof?
It also says it has three years new for old cover but this doesn't apply to ex-demonstrators so I don't get that benefit :0(

I guess the difference really in cover between Admiral and Comfort is down to the £5000 for personal belongings and the cover for accessories/ancillary equipment - is that right? £89 extra a year plus £250 additional XS seems reasonable for this. Am I missing something? Is there an additional benefit to having a specialist policy like this or am I overestimating it's value and better off going with a standard policy like Admiral given that it's a Beach not an Ocean?


Just spoke to Comfort and the guy was very nice and helpful but was told that despite the fact I'd put it down as a Beach online and that it's registered on the V5 with the body type as a 'Motor Caravan' they couldn't offer me the product I'd been offered online. When we went through it there are some significant differences to what they will offer for the Beach:
Limit of 10,000 miles vs. unlimited for Ocean
Limit of 90 days european cover per year vs all year on the Ocean
£1000 limit for personal belongings vs £5000 personal belongings for Ocean
Costs slightly more as well - £464.50 once he'd added the 5% discount vs £436 not including the discount :0(

This feels a lot more complicated than it should be and wrong that my choosing not to have a built in cooker and sink make such a difference! Finding it hard to justify not just using Admiral based on the above figures - am I missing something?
Hmm. Rang Safeguard and they said they wouldn't insure a California Beach, only a California Ocean. They passed me onto their sister company called Scenic and the best quote they could offer me because I want protected no claims bonus and business miles was £1200!

I tried Camping and Caravan club and their best quote was £476 with a £400 excess and they also wouldn't do Business cover (I'll need to drive to other offices once in a blue moon).
@Boris - they also told me that the 'new for old' isn't valid for ex-demonstrator's (which mine is too) as I wouldn't be the first person on the log book - was that your understanding?

I've tried Admiral online and they've quoted me £347 for fully comp with 13000 miles of normal use and 1000 miles of Business use, £0 voluntary XS and £150 compulsory XS.

Comfort quoted me £436 for fully comp with unlimited miles, Business use (doesn't give a limit) and with £200 compulsory xs. It says it includes £5000 personal belongings cover as well as accessories that are part of it's function as a motor home which I presume means the pop top roof?
It also says it has three years new for old cover but this doesn't apply to ex-demonstrators so I don't get that benefit :0(

I guess the difference really in cover between Admiral and Comfort is down to the £5000 for personal belongings and the cover for accessories/ancillary equipment - is that right? £89 extra a year plus £250 additional XS seems reasonable for this. Am I missing something? Is there an additional benefit to having a specialist policy like this or am I overestimating it's value and better off going with a standard policy like Admiral given that it's a Beach not an Ocean?


Hello Jez,
I am sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble obtaining a reasonable quote.

My experience is with the Caravan Club and not the Camping and Caravan Club. You have to join the CC to qualify for their insurance but in my view the membership fee, (from memory, £46ish pa), is well worth it. However they will give you a quote before you actually join. Despite the many other benifits that CC membership gives you, their policy seems to be very good value. They are not the cheapest but I find you generally only get what you pay for in life. However as with all insurance policies, you never actually find out how good they are until you need to make a claim. I believe WelshGas has actually made a substantial claim from CC insurance and was, I believe, impressed by their service.

We actually now own two Calis, a late 2015 T5 Se and a 2016 T6 Beach. Both are ex demonstrators. I had no trouble insuring either vehicles with the CC and in both cases queried whether the New for Old Cover was applicable given that they are both ex demo vehicles. Their answer was yes. Actually, when I purchased both vehicles I double checked this point and in the case of the SE I asked for confirmation in writing. The reply from Devitt Insurance was:

"Dear Mr *********,
Thank you for your recent telephone enquiry, the details of which have been noted.
I am pleased to confirm that the New for Old Cover, as per our Policy Wording, is in place in the event of a Total Loss Claim for your vehicle registration number **15***.
This has not been invalidated by the fact that the dealer was the first registered owner/keeper of the vehicle as per your V5 form.

I trust you find this in order but should you have any further queries please do not hesitate in contacting us on 0345 300 4290.

Customer Service Team (JK),
Caravan Club Motor Insurance,
North House,
St Edwards Way,
RM1 3PP"

Both of our vehicles are used purely for social, domestic and pleasure and as we are both retired, we don't use them to travel to work and back and do not need business use. Also they are not used for any form of hire or reward.

You may find that it is your business use that is the problem.

Anyway good luck. I hope that you get sorted out soon.
Thanks for your reply Borris, really appreciate you taking the time to write it! I'll try CC and see if they can do me a better quote, fingers crossed :0)
And we are now same questions regarding our 66 Reg Beach bought new.

With Churchill with our other policies so may call them but think of them as highly unprofessional and unreliable. I have been too occupied to get alternate quotes.

(In 2011 Feb Churchill refused to pay out when just my X5 parked oppositte Selfridges had its rear windscreen smashed and high end laptop stolen.

Despite police report, cameras, the X5 had to be towed to BMW Battersea because of monsoon like rains on the day, which would have ruined the interior.

BMW discovered that the motor for the rear wiper and other electrics had been destroyed too. Churchill wanted to have Augoglass repair the windscreen but Autoglass said they could not repair electric motors and other wiring. Plus they said they would not repair on BMW premises. They said I could drive car out to some layby where they could do the work.

The next day when it was again pouring with rain I gave BMW the order to repair after checking with Churchill and explaining the whole issue. They told me to go ahead.

However despite the fact that we have never claimed a penny on Insurance ever in our lives regarding cars, Churchill now refused to pay the 1,100 pound bill from BMW.

They said Autoglass was the ones who should have done it.

After tens of phone calls to Churchill I finally launched a formal complaint with them in a 5 page letter with full details of evidence of work done, and police crime report etc.

I was confident they would pay up. But no they rejected the claim after a formal investigation. How? They deliberately changed dates mentioned in my letter on when I had made phone calls to Autoglass and so on, and said there was no record of me calling Autoglass. This was both brazen and false.

I then intended to take them to the Ombudsman. It had become clear by then that they were playing the shameless game of making it extremely costly and timely to reclaim. Doubtless the Ombudsman would have found in my favour because of the overwhelming evidence, and perhaps ask Churchill to pay a nominal 100 or so pound fine for inconvenience caused.

Before I could do so my mother took very ill, and next few months were spent in a haze with emergencies and hospitals until passed away a few months later.

So the brazen insurers escaped with shamefaced behaviour. They did send me a 75 pound check for something which I ripped up and threw in the bin.

So perhaps the Cali insurance is an opportunity to get rid of these guys now. Move on to different insurer for all our cars.

I know that if something happens Churchill will likely play the same game again. Nature of the beast does not change.

I'm with Comfort and they have been fine. Unfortunately they are just the broker and have absolutely no involvement in a claim as the policy is with Aviva. Aviva paid out for the work to be carried out to ours promptly but are absolutely hopeless pursuing the claim with the motorist whose fault it was. Every time I speak to them they have done nothing since the previous time I called. I've also done all the running about trying obtain the police report. As it stands I'm nearly £400 down in uninsured losses and insurance on our other car has increase by £100 because I have an outstanding claim. Not to mention probably 3 days of phone calls and faff!
I've renewed my Cali Beach recently and was one of the more frustrating think I've exoerienced in UK. CC and CCC told me they don't assure Cali Beach, which is not true (I don't get why they lied me).

Called a lot of companies and no one wanted to insure me but LV=, ridiculously expensive, and Admiral the less ridiculously expensive ane the one I've choosen.
I've renewed my Cali Beach recently and was one of the more frustrating think I've exoerienced in UK. CC and CCC told me they don't assure Cali Beach, which is not true (I don't get why they lied me).

Called a lot of companies and no one wanted to insure me but LV=, ridiculously expensive, and Admiral the less ridiculously expensive ane the one I've choosen.

Lazy and incompetent people lie to save themselves from doing any thinking. They cause huge problems for others.

So that is why CC and CCC lied to you. I have had a 100 such experiences with BT, NatWest, Churchill, McAfee antivirus, etc etc. They become more and more absurd the more obvious it becomes that they were wrong.

For sake of sanity and time such companies must be avoided. It is with a heavy heart that I pick up the phone when I must call these companies.

Here is a typical example with NatWest. For over a month outgoing payments from my account are debited to the correct recipient. But recipients do not receive the monies. Tens of 4 hour long phone calls, and many emails, plus personal visits to the bank have resulted in nothing. NatWest assure us on the phone all is well. But they can't check further. Then they pass me from one department to another.

Now this is clearly a matter of urgency. But no NatWest gave not responded at all. Finally on 02 Sept they gave me a complaints reference and said they had 8 weeks to investigate....

This over an urgenf matter. Our supplier cut us off at a critical time, and a subsequent payment made over 10 days ago suffered the same disappearing act. So did the relationship manager, and turns out that we have now become the one account without a relationship manager.

Losses are greater than the payments which were already uin thousands of pounds. Worse recipients are same service providers to whom payments are made every every month for over 2 years. Not a first occurrence because in 2014 when recipient was first set up NatWest did the same. It took them 4 weeks to actually make the payment after telling me all was cleared.

So what you ran into with CC and CCC is just the sane as above. Some incompetent person makes an error, deliberate or otherwise, and then they cover up tellling lies after lies...

Getting Cali insurance will hopefully be a less painful experience. But I am not looking forward to it.
Here is a typical example with NatWest. For over a month outgoing payments from my account are debited to the correct recipient. But recipients do not receive the monies. Tens of 4 hour long phone calls, and many emails, plus personal visits to the bank have resulted in nothing. NatWest assure us on the phone all is well. But they can't check further. Then they pass me from one department to another.

Now this is clearly a matter of urgency. But no NatWest gave not responded at all. Finally on 02 Sept they gave me a complaints reference and said they had 8 weeks to investigate....
It only takes 7 days to switch banks...
It only takes 7 days to switch banks...

Yes, looks like that option might have to be invoked.

But not before I invoke Section 35 of Data Protection Act on NatWest, and launch an investigation with Action Fraud....
That would be additional waste of your time to be honest, use the FCA as your stick.

Tried that to zero effect.

I know a little bit about banking.....I could PM you if I knew how..
What a kerfuffle...
Just sorted out insurance for our '66 Beach for next week's collection - current insurers (via broker) won't cover a vehicle of this value(!), so the brokers are moving me to another provider, but some negotiation required over my minimal self-employed business use, which seemed to interfere with some other providers.
The strangest thing, however, is that two operatives at the same broker had different opinions on the Beach = Motor Caravan question! The one who said it's wasn't insisted it was a day van, but was floored when I asked, "if it's a day van why has it got beds?" She couldn't answer when asked if the cover would allow us to sleep in it...
Perhaps I could have got it a little cheaper, but I now have the cover, the Beach is worth 4-times the value of our current Caravelle, so I have to expect an increase as the risk has increased. It's proper motorhome cover with the extras for awnings and the like, and it's a known insurer brand.
Perhaps next year I'll look at some of the other alternatives, and business use may have changed, but the patience and resolve was wilting as the day went on...
Added to which I had to take out temporary cover for the Caravelle to cover the overlap until that's sold!
if its a Beach - just bang it through comparethemarket and you will get the best market rate - i did that and LV came out tops - i included european cover so no need to inform them when zipping off.
Was this the net value or the value including VAT?
The invoice price including VAT (there was also a bit of a discussion about full vs discounted (inc VW Loyalty Bonus).
if its a Beach - just bang it through comparethemarket and you will get the best market rate - i did that and LV came out tops - i included european cover so no need to inform them when zipping off.
Just doing that and somewhat troubled by the fact they think the California has 5-doors...
if its a Beach - just bang it through comparethemarket and you will get the best market rate - i did that and LV came out tops - i included european cover so no need to inform them when zipping off.
Just done as you suggested and there are 8 quotes - significant variation in price (£220-£460) but very little contents cover (£100 in most) and no indication that there is an acknowledgement of the type sleeping, camping, touring use of the Beach. I know when I mentioned to another insurer that we slept in the Caravelle, they withdrew the quote they had given as they said they couldn't cover it!
I may well do some phoning of the comparethemarket offerings to see what the actual situation is.
LV at the higher end, but lower excess.
Did you clarify with LV the use to which you would put the Beach?
Just done as you suggested and there are 8 quotes - significant variation in price (£220-£460) but very little contents cover (£100 in most) and no indication that there is an acknowledgement of the type sleeping, camping, touring use of the Beach. I know when I mentioned to another insurer that we slept in the Caravelle, they withdrew the quote they had given as they said they couldn't cover it!
I may well do some phoning of the comparethemarket offerings to see what the actual situation is.
LV at the higher end, but lower excess.
Did you clarify with LV the use to which you would put the Beach?
I told them i use it for business use / euro holiday use - i didnt bother telling them i use a camper for camping tho - i assume they know that

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