California Beach Heaters



VIP Member
T6 Beach 150
we're are about to buy our first Cali (beach) but are not sure on the various heating options that VW offer and none of the salesmen seem to know properly either.

Climatronic 3 zone aire conditioning with 2nd evaporator, auxiliary heater......
is the above just heating whilst the van is running?

The programmable parking heaters - there seems to be 5 options - two of which just have the radio controls. But what should one be looking for? Some are air based, some water auxiliary heaters, and one with auxiliary heater (coolant).

Any help advice would be appreciated - as it is a very expensive option when a cheap plug in heater (or another jumper) might suffice.
Be in no doubt. A cheap plug in heater won't do!!!!!!

Air heater is the option you want.

There are reams of posts on this topic if you search.

The air heaters are amazing. Nothing you can buy in B and Q will come close.
In addition you won't need electric as the VW unit runs on diesel.

Tick the box.
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we're are about to buy our first Cali (beach) but are not sure on the various heating options that VW offer and none of the salesmen seem to know properly either.

Climatronic 3 zone aire conditioning with 2nd evaporator, auxiliary heater......
is the above just heating whilst the van is running?

The programmable parking heaters - there seems to be 5 options - two of which just have the radio controls. But what should one be looking for? Some are air based, some water auxiliary heaters, and one with auxiliary heater (coolant).

Any help advice would be appreciated - as it is a very expensive option when a cheap plug in heater (or another jumper) might suffice.
Climatronic - provides full heating and AirCon front and rear, using a separate AirCon condenser, heat exchanger and fan in the rear
Standard AirCon - is only in the front cabin.
This might be acceptable if there are just 2 of you and no one sits in the back while travelling. Climatronic would probably help resale.

There are the possibility of 2 Diesel powered auxiliary heaters on the Beach.

Water Heater - this is an automatic heater for the engine coolant system that works at 5c or colder and aids the engine warmup in winter. Needed if you plan to use the vehicle as a Daily Driver, less so if only occasional use.

Parking or Auxiliary Air Heater - Diesel heater that will heat the vehicle interior via a heat exchanger. Can be used continuously. A definite MUST if you use the vehicle in All Seasons. Very much sought after accessory in the second hand market.
This can come with a remote control.

If your Dealership are unable to help then I would seriously suggest finding a Dealership that does. I would look at the Delers Reviw Forum on this site.
Climatronic - provides full heating and AirCon front and rear, using a separate AirCon condenser, heat exchanger and fan in the rear
Standard AirCon - is only in the front cabin.
This might be acceptable if there are just 2 of you and no one sits in the back while travelling. Climatronic would probably help resale.

There are the possibility of 2 Diesel powered auxiliary heaters on the Beach.

Water Heater - this is an automatic heater for the engine coolant system that works at 5c or colder and aids the engine warmup in winter. Needed if you plan to use the vehicle as a Daily Driver, less so if only occasional use.

Parking or Auxiliary Air Heater - Diesel heater that will heat the vehicle interior via a heat exchanger. Can be used continuously. A definite MUST if you use the vehicle in All Seasons. Very much sought after accessory in the second hand market.
This can come with a remote control.

If your Dealership are unable to help then I would seriously suggest finding a Dealership that does. I would look at the Delers Reviw Forum on this site.
Thanks for your help. I do not intend to use our local dealer in Bristol as they really have not seemed to be the slightest bit interested in helping or getting us any facts / info. I may use "Guy In Preston" who several seem to suggest offers decent price upfront without any excessive haggling
Buying a California without a aux. heater would be very stupid as you realy need it .
Or else you you would feel like sitting in a tent , cold wet and damp....
With the heater on it feels nice and cosy
Welcome on your first post btw.
Thanks for your help. I do not intend to use our local dealer in Bristol as they really have not seemed to be the slightest bit interested in helping or getting us any facts / info. I may use "Guy In Preston" who several seem to suggest offers decent price upfront without any excessive haggling
South Hereford VW have good reviews. That's the Dealer I use. Cannot vouch for Discounts. I got 7% back in 2014.
Buying a California without a aux. heater would be very stupid as you realy need it .
Or else you you would feel like sitting in a tent , cold wet and damp....
With the heater on it feels nice and cosy
Welcome on your first post btw.

I disagree.....I have a beach without said auxiliary Heater and it's really depends on how u use the vehicle, and generally how u camp. Generally I don't think u need it...Yes, it's a luxury and yes if u are sleeping out in depths of winter then I would imagine it's needed......I certainly haven't felt the need for it as of yet and I certainly wouldn't put someone off a VW California if it doesn't have an auxiliary heater.....especially with the additional cost....Nice to have....Yes. Stupid, cold and damp without it......definitely not and I think this gives the wrong impression.
Forgot to say.....I second VW Hereford....very helpful and good to deal with
I disagree.....I have a beach without said auxiliary Heater and it's really depends on how u use the vehicle, and generally how u camp. Generally I don't think u need it...Yes, it's a luxury and yes if u are sleeping out in depths of winter then I would imagine it's needed......I certainly haven't felt the need for it as of yet and I certainly wouldn't put someone off a VW California if it doesn't have an auxiliary heater.....especially with the additional cost....Nice to have....Yes. Stupid, cold and damp without it......definitely not and I think this gives the wrong impression.
If you had one you'd have a completely different opinion.
I have one. It's very nice to know it's there. But if I was paying on a cost per minute of me using it in anger (as opposed to running it to keep it in working order), it would be a very expensive rate.
Would I cough up if I were buying new? Probably, but with an eye to resale.
Maybe....but many people have said that climatronic is a must....3 seater is a must, new dash is a must, car connect is a must and yet the way people use California's are so different. What is a must for u is not necessarily a must for me or anyone else. I have used a cali Ocean with auxiliary heater and nice yes but to me and the way I use the vehicle not a MUST. It seems that everything is a must to those that have it but I don't see a California as redundant purely because it hasn't got this or that. AND certainly not cold, damp or stupid.
If you use only campsites it certainly is'nt a must have , as many carry oil filled radiators , microwaves , senseomachines,....

If you use your Cali for other purposes you need to carry eighter a loooong extention lead or order a aux. heater.

I never liked waking up in a cold tent....and thats what it is , a tent on top of a cabrio...
If you use only campsites it certainly is'nt a must have , as many carry oil filled radiators , microwaves , senseomachines,....

If you use your Cali for other purposes you need to carry eighter a loooong extention lead or order a aux. heater.

I never liked waking up in a cold tent....and thats what it is , a tent on top of a cabrio...

That is exactly my point.......I don't use just my California on just campsites......I primarily wild camp and haven't needed a heater. U cannot generalise and give such a biased view to people who are about to spend a small fortune. In your opinion it's great and you couldn't do without. Fine. I would suggest that anyone who looks to buy a California tries both the Ocean and Beach and with varying specs. To say that a California without a heater is a cold tent, stupid etc is nothing short of irresponsible and I find a bit disappointing in this much valued forum.
That is exactly my point.......I don't use just my California on just campsites......I primarily wild camp and haven't needed a heater. U cannot generalise and give such a biased view to people who are about to spend a small fortune. In your opinion it's great and you couldn't do without. Fine. I would suggest that anyone who looks to buy a California tries both the Ocean and Beach and with varying specs. To say that a California without a heater is a cold tent, stupid etc is nothing short of irresponsible and I find a bit disappointing in this much valued forum.
Strange then that on both this Forum and others relating to Conversions there are many threads relating on purchasing the vehicle with a Parking Heater and fitting such a heater as an aftermarket fitting. Unless you plan on using the vehicle ONLY during high days and holidays and restricting your area to the UK and near Continent then you would be limiting your opportunities for travel. Many Open campsites in the UK during winter months, have limited places with EHU capabilities and as the California can function without that requirement for 3 - 5 days and having on-board heating becomes more important. If you start including the Continental countries, outside the Summer season, then these capabilities become even more useful.
Full Climatronic AirCon, with more than 2 passengers and travelling in Southern Europe in the Summer in temperatures of 35c definitely makes it more comfortable.
Re-sale values and the ability to sell quickly is much improved with these additions.

I hope you are comfortable on your trips to Southern Europe during Summer or to Scandinavia in Spring or Autumn and skiing in the Alps this coming Winter off mains hookup. I will, well all but the skiing as I don't ski but may be close by.:thumb
Thanks for your help. I do not intend to use our local dealer in Bristol as they really have not seemed to be the slightest bit interested in helping or getting us any facts / info. I may use "Guy In Preston" who several seem to suggest offers decent price upfront without any excessive haggling

We live in Bristol and bought ours from South Hereford. Have found them very helpful, informed about the vehicle and proactive. Easy to get to from here as well.
There are many threads on the dealerships around and everyone has their own experiences.
You are welcome to come over for a look at our SE and a chat if you want to send me a PM.
There will be a few Beaches at the Lower Lode Meet in a couple of weeks, you could pop over for the day and speak to some owners. Simon
Strange then that on both this Forum and others relating to Conversions there are many threads relating on purchasing the vehicle with a Parking Heater and fitting such a heater as an aftermarket fitting. Unless you plan on using the vehicle ONLY during high days and holidays and restricting your area to the UK and near Continent then you would be limiting your opportunities for travel. Many Open campsites in the UK during winter months, have limited places with EHU capabilities and as the California can function without that requirement for 3 - 5 days and having on-board heating becomes more important. If you start including the Continental countries, outside the Summer season, then these capabilities become even more useful.
Full Climatronic AirCon, with more than 2 passengers and travelling in Southern Europe in the Summer in temperatures of 35c definitely makes it more comfortable.
Re-sale values and the ability to sell quickly is much improved with these additions.

I hope you are comfortable on your trips to Southern Europe during Summer or to Scandinavia in Spring or Autumn and skiing in the Alps this coming Winter off mains hookup. I will, well all but the skiing as I don't ski but may be close by.:thumb

WelshGas......No not strange at point is being missed. My personal requirement when I went to purchase a VW California after being part of this great forum for several years and reading lots of great tips etc and having driven the SE, Ocean and Beach was A) California Beach b) parking heater. That was it really as I had reliably been informed that a parking heater was ESSENTIAL by so many people on this forum. The demo I eventually bought had a wild variety of add ons but the one thing it didn't have was a parking heater. After.much deliberation I went for it and I haven't regretted it at all because it works for ME and my family. My point is that the beauty of the VW California is that people use it differently to fit their lifestyles and needs. To some four wheel drive is a must; to others a parking heater is a must; to others an Ocean is a must whereas others including me find that the everyday practicalities of a Beach are more desirable. If I was ordering from scratch then I would.probably use the money for a DSG gearbox first.....if money was no option then I would order everything including a heater. However, no add on is better than the other but just a personal choice. I have no doubt that if u are using your California in the depths of Winter or whilst skiing in the Alps then an Auxiliary heater would not only be nice but probably essential. This is where I took exception to the comments made......not everyone will be doing this or travelling to the Arctic circle but to state that the vehicle is basically a waste of time or being described as just a tent without it is simply wrong and gives totally the wrong impression to someone looking to purchase such a great vehicle. This forum in my opinion is at its best when impartial informative views are it works for me because of this and that. That is my point.
One thing which I would spec for my next California is a DSG for me that would be a priority.

That's where we differ. I would save the money spent on DSG and get the full climatic + parking heater.
More necessary for camping and I would imagine better value come resale.
WelshGas......No not strange at point is being missed. My personal requirement when I went to purchase a VW California after being part of this great forum for several years and reading lots of great tips etc and having driven the SE, Ocean and Beach was A) California Beach b) parking heater. That was it really as I had reliably been informed that a parking heater was ESSENTIAL by so many people on this forum. The demo I eventually bought had a wild variety of add ons but the one thing it didn't have was a parking heater. After.much deliberation I went for it and I haven't regretted it at all because it works for ME and my family. My point is that the beauty of the VW California is that people use it differently to fit their lifestyles and needs. To some four wheel drive is a must; to others a parking heater is a must; to others an Ocean is a must whereas others including me find that the everyday practicalities of a Beach are more desirable. If I was ordering from scratch then I would.probably use the money for a DSG gearbox first.....if money was no option then I would order everything including a heater. However, no add on is better than the other but just a personal choice. I have no doubt that if u are using your California in the depths of Winter or whilst skiing in the Alps then an Auxiliary heater would not only be nice but probably essential. This is where I took exception to the comments made......not everyone will be doing this or travelling to the Arctic circle but to state that the vehicle is basically a waste of time or being described as just a tent without it is simply wrong and gives totally the wrong impression to someone looking to purchase such a great vehicle. This forum in my opinion is at its best when impartial informative views are it works for me because of this and that. That is my point.
That's why I stated the Parking Heater was a Must if you intend using the vehicle All Year round. Just as Climatronic is, In my opinion, a Must if you intend to use the vehicle in hot climates with more than 2 passengers. Your comment

To say that a California without a heater is a cold tent, stupid etc is nothing short of irresponsible and I find a bit disappointing in this much valued forum.

Is something I cannot agree with. Most of the people who post a lot on this Forum have a lot of experience in travelling all over Continental Europe in All seasons . In comparison with a Motor Home I too consider the California a " Tent on Wheels " as it has no fixed toilet or shower , I know there are some with such items but I am referring to the present Beach/SE and Ocean.
I use mine All year round and I do not intend sitting in it with umpteen jumpers on and using a 4 Seasons sleeping bag in Scotland in winter.
The California, unlike a Conversion, has very little in the way of Thermal Insulation behind the internal trim and depends on the Parking Heater outside the Summer Season. So if you want to camp all year round, In my opinion, the Parking Heater is a MUST. That is why it is standard on the SE and Ocean.
Parking/cabin heater would always be first on my options list. A god-send on many occasions...
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That's why I stated the Parking Heater was a Must if you intend using the vehicle All Year round. Just as Climatronic is, In my opinion, a Must if you intend to use the vehicle in hot climates with more than 2 passengers. Your comment

To say that a California without a heater is a cold tent, stupid etc is nothing short of irresponsible and I find a bit disappointing in this much valued forum.

Is something I cannot agree with. Most of the people who post a lot on this Forum have a lot of experience in travelling all over Continental Europe in All seasons . In comparison with a Motor Home I too consider the California a " Tent on Wheels " as it has no fixed toilet or shower , I know there are some with such items but I am referring to the present Beach/SE and Ocean.
I use mine All year round and I do not intend sitting in it with umpteen jumpers on and using a 4 Seasons sleeping bag in Scotland in winter.
The California, unlike a Conversion, has very little in the way of Thermal Insulation behind the internal trim and depends on the Parking Heater outside the Summer Season. So if you want to camp all year round, In my opinion, the Parking Heater is a MUST. That is why it is standard on the SE and Ocean.

As long as your California suits your needs then great and I hope you enjoy your travels and adventures. advice to anyone looking to buy a California would be to consider YOUR needs, budget, anticipated usage etc and go from there by test driving or hiring. The beauty of this forum is where people share different experiences, usages for the vehicle and ultimately their different requirements for the vehicle in accordance with their lifestyle. Those looking to purchase/reading can get a flavour of this. The downfall is where people express their opinion and that in their eyes is the only opinion and anything else is 'stupid' or wrong. I understand what your saying and appreciate the benefits of the heater and how it works for you....but that is not to say everyone WILL use their California like you. That is all.
Happy camping!
Water Heater - this is an automatic heater for the engine coolant system that works at 5c or colder and aids the engine warmup in winter. Needed if you plan to use the vehicle as a Daily Driver, less so if only occasional use.

Parking or Auxiliary Air Heater - Diesel heater that will heat the vehicle interior via a heat exchanger. Can be used continuously. A definite MUST if you use the vehicle in All Seasons. Very much sought after accessory in the second hand market.

This can come with a remote control.

The auxiliary heater is the coolant heater to be clear. These terms are regularly mixed up which confuses people further. The parking heater is the air heater. You can get remotes for both. The auxiliary with optional remote can only be used for heating the cab for 30 mins with the remote as it uses the vents in the van and engine battery to power the fans etc.

The easiest way to be sure of what there is that the Aux/Coolant heater is a Webasto Thermotop C, for heating its not the ideal one. With a remote its good for warming up the van before you get in on a cold day. Not really good for using as camping heating, for that the parking heater is the winner..
As long as your California suits your needs then great and I hope you enjoy your travels and adventures. advice to anyone looking to buy a California would be to consider YOUR needs, budget, anticipated usage etc and go from there by test driving or hiring. The beauty of this forum is where people share different experiences, usages for the vehicle and ultimately their different requirements for the vehicle in accordance with their lifestyle. Those looking to purchase/reading can get a flavour of this. The downfall is where people express their opinion and that in their eyes is the only opinion and anything else is 'stupid' or wrong. I understand what your saying and appreciate the benefits of the heater and how it works for you....but that is not to say everyone WILL use their California like you. That is all.
Happy camping!
Just to point out that the Original Post was regarding the differences in the various options relating to AirCon and Heating - not " Do I need them? " so I presume the OP had already decided but was unsure which option to order as the Salesman and the Brochure were not very informative.
I understand we each use the vehicles in our own way but it would be much more useful if the Brochure FULLY explained what each option was and intended use and that the Salesman had a little more training so that they actually new what they were talking about.:thumb
Maybe....but many people have said that climatronic is a must....3 seater is a must, new dash is a must, car connect is a must and yet the way people use California's are so different. What is a must for u is not necessarily a must for me or anyone else. I have used a cali Ocean with auxiliary heater and nice yes but to me and the way I use the vehicle not a MUST. It seems that everything is a must to those that have it but I don't see a California as redundant purely because it hasn't got this or that. AND certainly not cold, damp or stupid.

The only must have is the VW California. Get the best you can afford and enjoy. They are all awesome. :)

VW California Club
