POLL: Average Age of a Cali Owner?

What age bracket do you fall into?

  • 18 - 25

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • 26 - 35

    Votes: 43 5.5%
  • 36 - 45

    Votes: 232 29.6%
  • 46 - 55

    Votes: 224 28.6%
  • 56 - 65

    Votes: 191 24.4%
  • 66 - 75

    Votes: 68 8.7%
  • 76 - 85

    Votes: 22 2.8%
  • 85+

    Votes: 3 0.4%

  • Total voters
Childhood was a time not very nice
A council estate,violence, drugs and vice
Then authority slammed me in a children’s home
and took away my freedom to roam

Then late in my teens, outside I went,
and bought myself a little tent,
Over hills and mountains I did tramp
and found my soul in my little camp

Then an age when time was not that free,
Raising my boys, studying for a degree
However to get away whenever we can
We crammed into a small caravan

My boys grew up, we continued to roam
and bought ourselves a motorhome
Then an offer, university, Oregon state
Winnebago? Sorry, I do not rate

Too big, too clumsy, easy to bash,
frankly it ended up looking like trash,
So when I crossed from West to East,
I finally got rid of the crumpled beast

An English Lady? Students expected to greet
Someone demure and terribly sweet,
and then onto campus she did arrive
with a trailer pulled by a 4 wheel drive

5 years in the Dominion state
then back to England and something great
A caravan made by Van Royce
In fact two, stuck for choice!

Age was finally taking it’s toll
But still I couldn't wait for the wheels to roll
Cancer came and went, of my life I took stock
There were still some years left so lets rock!

A tent was out, motorhomes suck
The caravan dealer was out of luck
I wanted to explore, have fun, be free
there really was only a camper for me

My body might have the wear and tear of age
but my brain feels released, as if from a cage
I cannot tell you how young it feels
When being wafted along on Albert’s wheels

It does not matter the type of steed
for the cali is a noble breed
T5, T6, Beach or SE,
to have a cali is to feel young and free

Oh, that was so nice to read thanks for that/thanks for sharing @GrannyJen
Childhood was a time not very nice
A council estate,violence, drugs and vice
Then authority slammed me in a children’s home
and took away my freedom to roam

Then late in my teens, outside I went,
and bought myself a little tent,
Over hills and mountains I did tramp
and found my soul in my little camp

Then an age when time was not that free,
Raising my boys, studying for a degree
However to get away whenever we can
We crammed into a small caravan

My boys grew up, we continued to roam
and bought ourselves a motorhome
Then an offer, university, Oregon state
Winnebago? Sorry, I do not rate

Too big, too clumsy, easy to bash,
frankly it ended up looking like trash,
So when I crossed from West to East,
I finally got rid of the crumpled beast

An English Lady? Students expected to greet
Someone demure and terribly sweet,
and then onto campus she did arrive
with a trailer pulled by a 4 wheel drive

5 years in the Dominion state
then back to England and something great
A caravan made by Van Royce
In fact two, stuck for choice!

Age was finally taking it’s toll
But still I couldn't wait for the wheels to roll
Cancer came and went, of my life I took stock
There were still some years left so lets rock!

A tent was out, motorhomes suck
The caravan dealer was out of luck
I wanted to explore, have fun, be free
there really was only a camper for me

My body might have the wear and tear of age
but my brain feels released, as if from a cage
I cannot tell you how young it feels
When being wafted along on Albert’s wheels

It does not matter the type of steed
for the cali is a noble breed
T5, T6, Beach or SE,
to have a cali is to feel young and free


I am both humbled, and full of admiration. In every sense possible.

I am now GranJens personal bodyguard, not that she needs any.

Pick a fight with her, pick a fight with me!
Hi all...

Don't want to offend anyone but I have always wondered what sort of age people are that own a Cali...

I guess my first reaction would be retired people but I'm not so it is something that I've always wondered... ☺

We we're 38 when we bought ours and feel very lucky to have such an awesome vehicle at that age.... ☺


Shaun (now 40)
I think Cali owning is like having kids: if you waited till you could afford one, you'd never have one! We're 54 (him) and 51 (me) and hoping to sell the house within the next three years once the boy has gone to uni so we can pay off the balloon finance on the Cali. Hey, it's only money (and our retirement fund - oops)! Who knows, we might both get something horrid and die next year. Hopefully not, and we'll deal with poverty if and when it catches up with us. Life, as they say, is too short, and we've lost quite a few friends over the last few years at ridiculously young ages - it sharpens the focus. Enjoy it while you can, and spend the kids' inheritance now so the Chancellor can't get his greedy mitts on it a few years down the line ...
I think Cali owning is like having kids: if you waited till you could afford one, you'd never have one! We're 54 (him) and 51 (me) and hoping to sell the house within the next three years once the boy has gone to uni so we can pay off the balloon finance on the Cali. Hey, it's only money (and our retirement fund - oops)! Who knows, we might both get something horrid and die next year. Hopefully not, and we'll deal with poverty if and when it catches up with us. Life, as they say, is too short, and we've lost quite a few friends over the last few years at ridiculously young ages - it sharpens the focus. Enjoy it while you can, and spend the kids' inheritance now so the Chancellor can't get his greedy mitts on it a few years down the line ...

Couldn't agree more! And don't confuse growing old, with growing up. One is inevitable, the other is optional!
Interesting post bournemouthbeach! We are 42 (my lady) and quite much younger myself being 41. I am quite sure there is a big age difference between cali owners and campericed vans. I originally come from the north of Spain where surfing is quite popular and you can see a lot of youngsters with DIY transporters and vitos. Mine is on its way and I dont still know how we are going to pay for it.
Hi brilliant answer about paying for it .i do that all the time.

I am both humbled, and full of admiration. In every sense possible.

I am now GranJens personal bodyguard, not that she needs any.

Pick a fight with her, pick a fight with me!

Goodness :shocked

You haven't met "muscles", my Sister.

She started doing weight training a few years ago to strengthen her weak back and now beats me up for a pastime :sad
Goodness :shocked

You haven't met "muscles", my Sister.

She started doing weight training a few years ago to strengthen her weak back and now beats me up for a pastime :sad

I better not meet her then!
Hi Mods...

Thanks for setting up the poll so we get to see the age but now it's in the Poll section will it get seen like before?
It seemed to generate some good discussion and it may get missed by others now it's been moved... ☺


Hi Shaun

As far as I am aware it does not matter what section it is in as majority of people click on new posts each time they log in ( thats what I do any way )
The poll has surprised me, it is possible more than 50% of owners are under 50. Well done to whoever is over 85 and voted.
Now it would be interesting to see a Poll of Age against vehicle.;)
In the Cali manual it advises anyone over sixty who sleeps in the top bunk never under any circumstances to take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
Makes very interesting viewing, especially how many 76+ have Cali's and also we still have no under 25's
I think Donald Trump is thinking that also :)

Oh dear, poor Mr Trump
He really has got the hump
There surely can be no disputing
He's going to have to wait to meet Mr Putin

secret chats, Mikes were left on
Tapes released, presidential hopes gone
All the disgusting things he said
Has left his campaign looking dead

Of course Hilary tried to make the most
but failed to turn him in to toast
Flailing out avoiding the kill
he turned to Hilary's husband bill

Whatever he said, as a red blooded male
Was certainly not beyond the pale
For husband Bill, nearly having to take out loans,
Through having to cough up over Paula Jones

He dug the dirt, turned over the ashes
Hilary and he had many clashes
The debate over, he declared he'd won
But for the republican party, this is no fun

So, typical of politicians, to avoid the flack
They lined up to stab Don in the back
Even running mate "Dim" Mike pence
Finally got a bit of sense

So dreams of white house blown apart
Trump now looking more of a fart
should really withdraw from the public gaze
and come to Europe for quieter days.

Sell the hotels, Sell the Boeing
sell the lot and get going
To England where no one gives a care
That you're a stinking rich multi billionaire

Buy a cali, drop the flash toys
and just be one of the boys
your past mistakes? No one gives a jot
far more interested in your roof rot

"Hey Donald, stop looking for the bog
instead mail the BBC, get on watchdog"
"Tell VW to sort it out,
or you might buy them out"

Then you could sack the arrogant bunch
invite us to Hannover for a spot of lunch
Give us each a new cali to make amends
At long last!! You will have friends!
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Just got this on an innocuous reply to some one........problem?
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