Bike rack advice



Hi Everyone,

I'm really struggling to decide which bike rack to go for, ideally the tailgate option as we can just load and go. (We're a family of 5 (with 3 little ones) most racks I've seen are for 4 bikes which is fine as I can stick with my brompton which folds to be transported in the boot) Our local VW dealer has quoted purchase price and fitting £570 for the tailgate rack, if anyone can lend any advice on the VW bike rack over the Fiamma which is significantly less at £349 or any other brands it would be most helpful.

Have you tried SMG at Cowfold to see what price they can do?
Took the words from out of my mouth they will give you a discount and fit it if you ask nicely or will ship it but its a very very big box you will need to be a VIP member which you will get back in discount
Just remember if you buy the current VW rack which does not have an A Prefix you cant use it with the current brandup storage bag , brandup are making a new bag for the rack available next year
I got my VW rack from SMG who fitted it, I'd say the quality isn't great and one of the arms fell to pieces, other issue is the bikes are high up and my MTB always used to foul the roof on boot opening when the roof was up.

I'd go for a towbar rack from Thule anyday, just removes all of these issues, my bikes are all under 10kg too.
Hi Everyone,

I'm really struggling to decide which bike rack to go for, ideally the tailgate option as we can just load and go. (We're a family of 5 (with 3 little ones) most racks I've seen are for 4 bikes which is fine as I can stick with my brompton which folds to be transported in the boot) Our local VW dealer has quoted purchase price and fitting £570 for the tailgate rack, if anyone can lend any advice on the VW bike rack over the Fiamma which is significantly less at £349 or any other brands it would be most helpful.

I bought the Fiamma T6 rack, we only needed to carry two bikes (although can be modified for four). I appreciate the much better rearward view when the bikes are not fitted compared with the cluttered four bike VW rack. I also cannot fault the engineering quality/cost compromise over the equivalent VW rack.
Atera linea is now available for T6 ( roofbox), although a 3 cycle tailgate mount a 4 carrier can be added and price is less than VW.
I can't comment on functionality as I don't have one. I use the Atera strada on my car and well built, easy to use etc.. the only negative on the strada is having to thread the outer carrier arm through the inner the arms are not detachable..not sure if this exists on the linea.
We've the T5 style tailgate, it was easy to fit and fits 2 adult and 2 bikes for 8 year olds.

Good luck :thumb
Regular long term user of the VW tailgate rack (T5) and also can't fault it. I just like the 'always there' aspect; no need to store a rack; super easy to use, though like many racks you have to load it carefully to get the bikes to fit together. We strap the wheels to the rack obviously but also strap the bike brake lever on - gives the bike a handbrake to reduce the little bit of side to side movement you can get otherwise.
I think the VW racks look good too ... like the awning they sort of define the Cali for me.
Hi would anyone be able to recommend a good bike rack which would hold 5 bikes at one time? many thanks
Hi would anyone be able to recommend a good bike rack which would hold 5 bikes at one time? many thanks
That would be a lot of weight. Tailgate mounted would not be an option because of the weight, likewise a Towbar rack. Maximum weight is 60kgm.
If some are children’s bicycles then you might have to carry at least one inside.
Hi Everyone,

I'm really struggling to decide which bike rack to go for, ideally the tailgate option as we can just load and go. (We're a family of 5 (with 3 little ones) most racks I've seen are for 4 bikes which is fine as I can stick with my brompton which folds to be transported in the boot) Our local VW dealer has quoted purchase price and fitting £570 for the tailgate rack, if anyone can lend any advice on the VW bike rack over the Fiamma which is significantly less at £349 or any other brands it would be most helpful.

There is normally weight limits on bike racks you would just need to make sure that the 5 bikes don’t go over the limit... I think on our VW t5 rack it’s 60 kgs..
We used to carry four bikes plus a children’s trailer on the back. Two Bromptons, one 16” child’s bike, one 12” balance bike and a Burley trailer.
Remember you may need to buy uprated tailgate struts so you can open tailgate with bikes on (if you are going to do that of course) they come in at about £140 I think
Following this as really interested in buying one. However the cost keeps putting me off.
One point to note... Don't store your extra bike clamps vertically on the top bar, as most people do, as they impact on your elevated roof when you open the boot. I've shifted mine mine to clamp on the sides when not in use.
I bought an Atera Strada Evo 3, and the boot can open easily without having to think about bikes hitting the roof when opening the roof. The bootlid stays open with all 3 bikes on the Atera.
My rear view is as bad as without bikes.
I don't get dents and scratches from the Atera on my bootlid.

Just my opinion!
I have an Atera towbar mounted for 3 bikes and you can get a rail for a 4th bike. It is brilliant and slides back in an arc to allow door( or in our case doors) open with bikes still on.

Bike rack down.jpg

Bike rack up.jpg

Loaded bike rack.jpg
We used to carry four bikes plus a children’s trailer on the back. Two Bromptons, one 16” child’s bike, one 12” balance bike and a Burley trailer.
Good thing you’ve got that long vehicle placard on there!
Remember you may need to buy uprated tailgate struts so you can open tailgate with bikes on (if you are going to do that of course) they come in at about £140 I think
I really wouldn't advise trying to lift the tailgate with any bikes on. Ive tried it with just 2 and its almost impossible. Sort of things hernias are made of..And could cause other damage especially to the roof....Also doesn't the California come with uprated struts because of the extra weight it has to contend with re the chairs etc....

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