Geoff York
HiDear Cali Chums,
I've just heard that VW will start making our new Beach in mid September. So now I've started to look at our essential dealer and after market add ons. Being our second Beach, we know exactly what we need to buy with the exception of one item, a tracker.
Our previous two Calis both had dealer fitted Vodaphone Cobra Track Plus trackers that were both around the £500 mark to have installed with an annual subscription of £143 on top. Fortunately, I never had cause to use the tracker on either vehicles, so I have no way of saying if they were wise investments. So now I'm considering if I should get a tracker fitted to the new van and if so what type and model.
Now here's the problem. I have read the previous posts on trackers but being "a bear of very little brain" they have only left me with a thousand yard stare. Actually, any thing techy and involving electrical wizzardry has always caused the same reaction. Leaving aside the question about whether they are worth it, I would appreciate some un-techy advice on which tracker I should be buying. Obviously I'd like it to be effective and as difficult as possible for the hoody wearing brigade to disable or bypass. Cost isn't really my main concern, instead getting a good system is the goal. Having said that if that can be achieved more cheaply then whoopee.
Any simple and straight forward suggestions would be much appreciated.
Confused from Kent.
dont bother with a tracker if you are insured with the caravan club or LV.......there are no significant discounts
If my ocean is stolen then I dont want it back after some low life has been using it