Spare Wheel Removal



Conwy. N. Wales.
T5 SE 140
Attempting to remove the spare wheel from my recently acquired 2014 T5 Ocean . Removed the securing bolts lowered the wheel, no problem. BUT how do I get the wheel out!. The left hand securing bolt is in the way, it will not come out sideways, silencer in the way. I have not tried jacking it up to allow the wheel to possibly pass under the bolt yet.
I was doing this exercise on a nice day, I shudder to think of doing this in wet windy weather with a rear wheel puncture making the rear end even lower.
There must be an easy way,I cannot see VW designers making it so difficult.
2 bolts in mine, one comes out all the way and the other one
comes loose but you have to hook over it with the wheel carrier.

Sort of push the cradle up and slide.
Attempting to remove the spare wheel from my recently acquired 2014 T5 Ocean . Removed the securing bolts lowered the wheel, no problem. BUT how do I get the wheel out!. The left hand securing bolt is in the way, it will not come out sideways, silencer in the way. I have not tried jacking it up to allow the wheel to possibly pass under the bolt yet.
I was doing this exercise on a nice day, I shudder to think of doing this in wet windy weather with a rear wheel puncture making the rear end even lower.
There must be an easy way,I cannot see VW designers making it so difficult.

Thanks for your suggestions.
I can lower the carrier, the problem is sliding the wheel out.
I shall try screwing up the left hand captive bolt and using the chocks to increase the ground clearance.

Thanks for your suggestions.
I can lower the carrier, the problem is sliding the wheel out.
I shall try screwing up the left hand captive bolt and using the chocks to increase the ground clearance.

I can’t slide my 17” spare out without jacking up the rear as the Towbar Electrics socket gets in the way. Standard suspension.
Lower the cradle by sliding it to the right to get it out of the locked bolt, when on the floor, slide it to the left as far as possible while sliding the spare as far to the right as possible. Then the wheel should come out.
Best is when you jack up the rear right wheel, or drive on leveling ramps if possible.
Must be a real PITA on lowered vans.
Even with a 4Motion with wider tyres, yes it's difficult, but possible with a little practice.
Drive up with the punctured side on a kerb gives you more clearance.
lf you're got a puncture, you will need to jack your Cali up, that will give you the added height required.
Call VW Assist.
Once you've finally managed to get the spare wheel out by jacking up the right side it's even more fun getting it back in again, they are not light! ;)
Had the same problem after a blowout on a Portuguese motorway a couple of years ago.
On the specific issue of getting the blown tyre back under the Cali, once on flat ground again I used the levelling ramps and reversed back onto them to lift the rear.
Better bet is to pop into a tyre shop and bung them a few quid but I wasn’t in that position and needed the tyre stowed.

I assume you all have wider tyres than 215 ? as there's not problem taking down the spare on mine which is a 215 . That is on level ground with no flat on the rear , just testing it with all other tyres ok .
With a 235/17, level ground, no flat, just possible. It's not only the size , but also the weight that makes it difficult. Flat on the rear, Jack up, struggle, get filthy, on your way. Sense of achievement, quicker than waiting for VW assist.
A boiler suit is part of my essential travelling kit.
A boiler suit is a good idea.We had a puncture, did a change in a grotty lay, not nice, but got us going. I'll be looking for a lightweight one.
I finally got around to swapping winter wheels for my summer ones today. I dread taking the spare off and replacing it twice a year. I find sitting on my bum and using my feet to slide the wheel in makes it easier...if not very graceful!! I've also found removing the tow ball is essential. I'd hat to do this by the side of the road in the rain.

I did notice that my spare safe that I've had for four years is very rusty now. Anyone else notice theirs is rusting away?
I finally got around to swapping winter wheels for my summer ones today. I dread taking the spare off and replacing it twice a year. I find sitting on my bum and using my feet to slide the wheel in makes it easier...if not very graceful!! I've also found removing the tow ball is essential. I'd hat to do this by the side of the road in the rain.

I did notice that my spare safe that I've had for four years is very rusty now. Anyone else notice theirs is rusting away?
Yes spare safe started to rust pretty soon after purchase. Suspect not primed and sprayed just top coat.
You just reminded me of one of that jobs that was to be done by now, repaint.
I leave a strap around the wheel. Makes it so much easier to get hold of.

I finally got around to swapping winter wheels for my summer ones today. I dread taking the spare off and replacing it twice a year. I find sitting on my bum and using my feet to slide the wheel in makes it easier...if not very graceful!! I've also found removing the tow ball is essential. I'd hat to do this by the side of the road in the rain.

I did notice that my spare safe that I've had for four years is very rusty now. Anyone else notice theirs is rusting away?
Yep, had to repaint mine.
Anyone without a Sparesafe should check their spare as there was a recent case of a van with a puncture and when the driver took out the spare wheel, he found some crafty light fingered type had swapped his 17" for a 16" wheel. In this case he had to put the 16" on the rear in order to get a 17" for the front puncture replacement (big brakes).
Yet another advantage of air suspension. Just raise it up and then the spare comes out easily.:)
Yet another advantage of air suspension. Just raise it up and then the spare comes out easily.:)
Yes, I drop the front as low as possible, bumper touching the ground, and rear fully up.
Just reverse up onto your levelling blocks. Done.
Not really. About 1 revolution of the wheel.
Yet another advantage of a rusty spare, no one will steal it, unless they are in a real need of a spare wheel.
The rim is rusty as hell, and the tyre is from 2009 with less than 3 mm thread on it.

VW California Club
