Vehicle theft prevention



T5 SE 180
Has anyone got experience of the Outsmart The Thief Lockdown system?
Having had our van stolen last year we are looking for the best possible protection for any new vehicle.
Autowatch Ghost seems good but the extra protection given with the Lockdown facility appears a worthwhile addition.
Any comments would be great.
as much security as you can afford would be my advice! You cant protect these things enough
We we talking about what could we do to prevent or slow down the theft of our van..I know this would be a real pain but my wife suggested turning the drivers seat round and fitting a lock on the handbrake...No as daft as it sounds..obviously wouldn’t prevent it but would slow the theft time down dramatically...
When we are at home we also park up real close to the garage doors and pull our other car right up tight to the back of the Cali. Just another delay for the would be thief.
As old as they are a disc lock on the steering wheel is always used,it will slow them down when you’re not at home
At home I have a a cat 1 ,disc lock ,drive post, 2cars behind it and a beretta with night sights silencer and red rod .
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We we talking about what could we do to prevent or slow down the theft of our van..I know this would be a real pain but my wife suggested turning the drivers seat round and fitting a lock on the handbrake...No as daft as it sounds..obviously wouldn’t prevent it but would slow the theft time down dramatically...
@Amarillo is an advocate of : turn drivers seat, pull up hand brake, dead lock van simples !
Deadlock prevents the drivers door from being opened, you can’t turn the seat with the door closed
@Amarillo is an advocate of : turn drivers seat, pull up hand brake, dead lock van simples !
Deadlock prevents the drivers door from being opened, you can’t turn the seat with the door closed

And while a crook might come equipped to deal with a steering wheel lock, I cannot see them coming equipped to deal with a deadlocked door and swivelled driver’s seat.

One look through the window at your swivelled seat should make 95% of California thieves consider an alternative profession.
Thanks for the comments, does this mean that nobody has experience with the OutSmart the Thief system?
Thanks for the comments, does this mean that nobody has experience with the OutSmart the Thief system?
Not heard of anyone using it.
Reading the spec it seems to have a weakness like conventional alarms that if they enter the house and steal your keys with their dongle on it they can start and drive it away.
Ghost is simpler and cheaper and achieves the same (without the tracking)
If you turn the drivers seat round you can also use a long shanked padlock through holes in the seat support to make it impossible to return the seat back to the driving position without removing the lock.

This is just too much trouble for most thieves.
As you say, without the tracking and the Lockdown facility.
Seems to me it's about as good as it gets.
As an additional security measure we rotate the front seat and put a padlock through each seat rail. It’s quick, cheap and easy to install (no drilling required as VW have kindly provided all the holes necessary) and, if the shackle length is correct, its bloody awkward for someone to remove the locks without using the keys.

The seat cannot be rotated to the driving position without removing the locks. Better than a wheel lock IMHO if you use quality padlocks and a lot less bulky to carry around. The locks sit in the door pockets when not in use.
I was thinking about security for our new Cali when it eventually arrives when I was highlighted this thread. Can I ask a really stupid question since the recommendations all look really useful and cost effective. Dead locking the drivers door sounds good but is that done with the remote or do you need to insert and turn the key. If you need to insert the key then I can understand that a thief wouldn't have that. But if they could replicate the remote opening then they possibly could open the door? Also I assume even if the thief can get into the van via maybe climbing through a broken window there is no way of opening a deadlocked door from inside? Sorry to be so slow with this one!
I was thinking about security for our new Cali when it eventually arrives when I was highlighted this thread. Can I ask a really stupid question since the recommendations all look really useful and cost effective. Dead locking the drivers door sounds good but is that done with the remote or do you need to insert and turn the key. If you need to insert the key then I can understand that a thief wouldn't have that. But if they could replicate the remote opening then they possibly could open the door? Also I assume even if the thief can get into the van via maybe climbing through a broken window there is no way of opening a deadlocked door from inside? Sorry to be so slow with this one!
The doors are automatically locked and deadlocked when the key fob is pressed unless the deadlocking has been deactivated by, for example, not setting the alarm. So if someone has replicated the key or the electronic key fob they can unlock the deadlocked door.

If someone gains entry by, for example, smashing a window, unlocking a deadlocked door would be very difficult without a key.
We we talking about what could we do to prevent or slow down the theft of our van..I know this would be a real pain but my wife suggested turning the drivers seat round and fitting a lock on the handbrake...No as daft as it sounds..obviously wouldn’t prevent it but would slow the theft time down dramatically...
Not a Cali but here’s one fitted to T6.



I have been told that the professional thieves merely lower the backrest !
Steering wheel lock is negated by cutting and bending the steering wheel.
The more I look into it the better Outsmart the Thief Lockdown appears.
Coupled with good insurance.
When our California was stolen Caravanwise and LV were brilliant.
I agree it would be an awkward experience but not impossible with seat pushed right back and driver perched on the edge. Obviously the headrest is removed.

The information came from both police and vehicle security experts.
The vans are stolen to order and the thieves are highly skilled in their profession.
You would be amazed at the lengths they go to.
Remember these vehicles are worth in excess of £50k.
Don't confuse these guys with joyriding teenagers.
No 1 is good insurance. Not necessarily the cheapest.
If the professionals want it they will take it. As above, they know all the tricks of the trade.
WelshGas is absolutely right!
So, once again, has anyone got experience of the Outsmart the Thief Lockdown system.
Surely someone must have used it?
I agree it would be an awkward experience but not impossible with seat pushed right back and driver perched on the edge. Obviously the headrest is removed.

The information came from both police and vehicle security experts.
The vans are stolen to order and the thieves are highly skilled in their profession.
You would be amazed at the lengths they go to.
Remember these vehicles are worth in excess of £50k.
Don't confuse these guys with joyriding teenagers.
I have no doubt that the theft of a California is possible, and that they are stolen to order. But faced with a swivelled driver's seat and a deadlocked driver's door, I doubt that even a professional would try.

I have just checked, the driver's seat doesn't flatten (the passenger's does).

Without being able to open the driver's door, but being able to push back and part flatten the driver's seat, this is the space available for driving.


A little more space would be gained by removing the seat back pockets.
I have no doubt that the theft of a California is possible, and that they are stolen to order. But faced with a swivelled driver's seat and a deadlocked driver's door, I doubt that even a professional would try.

I have just checked, the driver's seat doesn't flatten (the passenger's does).

Without being able to open the driver's door, but being able to push back and part flatten the driver's seat, this is the space available for driving.

View attachment 61850

A little more space would be gained by removing the seat back pockets.
Probably enough to get onto a low loader.
My point is the professionals know about all the gadgets and gizmos available and if something can be fitted then it can be overcome. I, personally, haven't heard of any California being stolen out and about, always from home. So the professionals have time on their side.
It's easy to stop the joyrider but the professionals not so easy.
Probably enough to get onto a low loader.
My point is the professionals know about all the gadgets and gizmos available and if something can be fitted then it can be overcome. I, personally, haven't heard of any California being stolen out and about, always from home. So the professionals have time on their side.
It's easy to stop the joyrider but the professionals not so easy.
I think that every theft of a T5 or T6 California that I have heard about has been with the vehicle's keys. So, protect the keys, protect the California.

Ghost - as promoted by @Loz is the only system I'm aware of that protects the vehicle if the keys are stolen. It's weakness is that it does nothing to prevent an attempt (a sticker advertising Ghost will have little effect on amateurs and, I fear, may encourage those who know what it means to resort to finger snapping to gain the access code). The visual impact of a swivelled seat is a powerful deterrent, and therefore, in my opinion, more effective than Ghost. Both Ghost and a swivelled seat might be even better, but if someone is determined enough to attempt to overcome a swivelled seat, I think that I'd prefer to rely on insurance.

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