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Beware Brittany Ferries - it’s a customer service disaster zone at the moment.

Government or Virus?
Teachers incapable of making accurate grade assessments?
The NHS was never “ Closed Down”.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing. How about a little Foresight for a change from the masses.
How much notice would you like, 24 hrs, a week or two? How about a month?
NHS not closed down? I think you need to meet a few people who had elective surgery cancelled. I have a relative who was undergoing preventative treatment for possible pancreatic cancer - all now cancelled due to Covid!! What do you say to that if that's not the NHS 'closed down'???
NHS not closed down? I think you need to meet a few people who had elective surgery cancelled. I have a relative who was undergoing preventative treatment for possible pancreatic cancer - all now cancelled due to Covid!! What do you say to that if that's not the NHS 'closed down'???
The NHS were asked to a do an impossible job and many paid with their lives...Now all they get is a kick in the teeth..And now we know almost certainly sold to the Yanks...But not if I have anything to do with it...I know it’s far from perfect but it’s OURS and not for sale.
NHS not closed down? I think you need to meet a few people who had elective surgery cancelled. I have a relative who was undergoing preventative treatment for possible pancreatic cancer - all now cancelled due to Covid!! What do you say to that if that's not the NHS 'closed down'???
Clinical need. Hospitals round here working normally. Yes, some waiting lists have gone up for non- clinically critical problems, but that happens every winter. Can’t vouch for your area. Love to know what the preventative treatment for possible pancreatic cancer is?
Clinical need. Hospitals round here working normally. Yes, some waiting lists have gone up for non- clinically critical problems, but that happens every winter. Can’t vouch for your area. Love to know what the preventative treatment for possible pancreatic cancer is?
Are you a doctor now? READ the post - preventative!!!! When you can convince me you are a cancer specialist I might heed your posts, until then I'll put it down to ignorance!
The NHS were asked to a do an impossible job and many paid with their lives...Now all they get is a kick in the teeth..And now we know almost certainly sold to the Yanks...But not if I have anything to do with it...I know it’s far from perfect but it’s OURS and not for sale.
I agree. Its not the front line health workers - who deserve medals, its the NHS bosses (many with an MBA and no or limited clinical credentials) and PHE that have created this debacle. The Freeman Hospital in Newcastle is empty and the medical staff are sitting drinking coffee and reading the paper 'cos there are virtually no patients!!! I wonder how many patients Covid-free could be in there right now being treated for other illness? How many avoidable lost lives will this situation lead to down the road?
Brittany ferries is the thread title, i always use the tunnel so this wouldn't
really interest me. Looks like this thread is heading for a lockdown,
sorry you cannot comment anymore :D

@Peter Roberts
I heard that the yanks had funded many new hospitals years ago and
the NHS pay rent for them.
So they are yank owned.
How did we get on to this from Brittany Ferries customer service?
Are you a doctor now? READ the post - preventative!!!! When you can convince me you are a cancer specialist I might heed your posts, until then I'll put it down to ignorance!
Yes, MB BS, FRCA, , 30 yrs running an ICU and 37 yrs anaesthetising for Aortic, pancreatic, hepatic and oesophageal surgery with some cardio-thoracic and neuro anaesthesia on the side. But obviously it may not be enough for you.
Things are hotting up! Saturday night entertainment:thumb
Isolation in France would be in a hotel where you arrive I guess - I don't think they would let you quarantine in your campervan???
Got our own house in France hence the food issue. If they don't restrict entry to essential travellers, insurance might be an issue as well.
problems problems
Now, can we get ba back to ddiscussing BF customer service and not challenging everyones right to have an opinion?
Now, can we get ba back to ddiscussing BF customer service and not challenging everyones right to have an opinion?
Granny..Everyone has the right to an opinion and supposedly we live in a democratic country..If people deviate from the topic is that a crime? If we are not hurting anyone what’s the problem..We live in the UK not Russia, China or Belarus...
Granny..Everyone has the right to an opinion and supposedly we live in a democratic country..If people deviate from the topic is that a crime? If we are not hurting anyone what’s the problem..We live in the UK not Russia, China or Belarus...

Yes. Exactly. . Everyone has that right.
Granny..Everyone has the right to an opinion and supposedly we live in a democratic country..If people deviate from the topic is that a crime? If we are not hurting anyone what’s the problem..We live in the UK not Russia, China or Belarus...
I think @GrannyJen as a Moderator is right to give us a prod when we start drifting off topic, especially when there’s a danger of it turning into a scrap! The way we are going here we will soon be asking the MHRA for a copy of @WelshGas qualifications.

Now my computer is working properly ...

Yes, everyone has that right. They also expect that threads will not be wrecked by political comments resurrecting old arguments, by personal attacks on other members, by threads deteriorating into personal tit-for-tat arguments. Only yesterday we had a member ask for their thread to be deleted because of the aggressive replies of a few members.
Yes, MB BS, FRCA, , 30 yrs running an ICU and 37 yrs anaesthetising for Aortic, pancreatic, hepatic and oesophageal surgery with some cardio-thoracic and neuro anaesthesia on the side. But obviously it may not be enough for you.
Boom! Ha ha, enjoyed this very much


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I’ve just replied to ANOTHER thread where people are still worried to death that they are going to be gassed by Eastern European criminals in their vans..This has nothing to do with Brittany ferries I know but why do these ridiculous stories persist..
I’ve just replied to ANOTHER thread where people are still worried to death that they are going to be gassed by Eastern European criminals in their vans..This has nothing to do with Brittany ferries I know but why do these ridiculous stories persist..

It's like a perennial weed. They come up every year. Normally accompanied with a sad tale of the poor gassed family so worried about leaving their life savings at home they took it with them in a shoe box hidden in the wardrobe along with the diamond tiara that had been a family heirloom, all now taken by those dastardly thieves,

I can only assume that the gas used was laughing gas ....

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