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Hi Peter...
If I was doing it all again and knowing what I know now, I would have allowed BF to take my 'Final Balance Payment' and then waited for them to cancel the trip!
As it was, at the time, I was unable to contact BF, for guidance, so reluctantly cancelled, before they took another £300 from my Credit Card.
You have probably read other 'Posts', on this 'Thread', it seems, if BF cancel your trip, you will get your refund, but if you cancel your trip, you don't???
Hope this helps?
Yes I think thats what we will probably end up doing.. Ive got the flexy fare so it appears that its only the initial 25% deposit I would lose if I cancelled it later on. If Id gone for the cheaper options it would have been ALL the money gone..But Like you say if they actually cancel you should get it all back..This is becoming a minefield from what was easy for the previous 20 years. Still its only money....LOL...
tried to call BF on several occasions, (pre English government releasing lockdown, and reciprocal Quarantining arrangements being scrapped etc)

we wanted to change our booking to a date in the future when travel may have been possible. (Based on what we knew at that time) however this was not possible online via BF website as future sailings schedule had not been released and it was impossible to speak to a human being !

The only response we could get was the automated system telling us that all communications should be via email. The kicker was that they were quoting 40+ days minimum to respond !

An email was duly sent requesting to know when the next sailing schedule was to be released and what was the protocol for changing a booking if we indeed wanted to ?

To our surprise we received an email, this week, informing us that BF had cancelled our booking, for August and have issue a “voucher / credit “ on our account that is valid until 2022 !
None of our questions laid out in our communication have been answered !

It looks like I won’t be going on my planned holiday this year, thanks to the incompetence and lack of appropriate staffing of phone lines by BF. (Despite travel now being possible)

Needless to say another email has been sent now to request a refund, not a voucher ( we did not cancel our booking BF did)

What a shambles BF have been, but they are not the only travel provider, in my experience, to act poorly,
I would rate BF and Easy jet in the same league, inept at effective customer communications, didn’t care for the customers wishes.

We await the response from BF, presuming another extended wait for a response.

BF emailed today, to advise credit note has been reversed and a refund will be Forthcoming, also apologised our August sailing was cancelled ! ( which we were not aware of until now ).
Latest email from BF says booking are now open up to November 2021.

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