Guide to changing bathroom sensor to switch



VIP Member
Stamford, UK
Grand California 680
Hi All

Just completed changing motion sensor to touch button so below is process and what’s needed so people can decide if they are comfortable doing.

Purchased new switch from amazon but you can get on ebay too. Remember to make sure you get 12V version


firstly you need to remove the light strip by simply pulling out, then unplug two connector. The black plug needs the small tab pulling black to release.



Remove the two screws on end of light strip (sensor end)

You should be able to pull off the defuser (it just clips in)

You will see two wires soldered to the light strip, unsolder these and remove sensor

The new sensor has a plastic connector which cant be used so needs cutting off to leave the two white wires.


Solder these onto led light strip (note the cables are a bit thicker so is tight fit)


You will now need to cut the black cable on the new switch to a shorter length and expose the two wires. plus you will need to cut the cables off the old sensor and solder these to the new switch.

This point caused me issues as it didn’t work and after bit of messing around noticed the black cable from the 12V feed was + and the brown was - so had to reverse the wires as i had used red to brown and black to blue!!
Correct order for my van (suggest you check your own in case this is not normal) Red from new switch to Blue and Black from new switch to brown19055BD5-FF9A-4C13-8C13-BEC22A16EF4F.jpeg

Light now just needs plugging in and testing


Hope this helps anyone wanting to undertake this project but please only do if you are happy taking risk.
here’s short video of function

Thanks - timely post, I didn’t spot it though - thanks Gordon for pointing me to it.
I started on unsoldering new light switch last night and was dreading soldering it onto light wiring in wet room - but glad to see whole unit can be removed and unplugged so I can do soldering in my workshop.
Soldered my new light switch in just now - but it’s not working… blue to black wires correct - I triple checked. I think I must have fried it last night removing wires from new switch - put a lot of heat into the board. I was using solder sucker syringe device too.
So I’d better order another and do it your way this time @Hammer and not remove any wires from new switch and just unsolder from led strip and cut the other wires and resolder instead…
I checked with multimeter brown and black wires input coming into new switch had 12v ok after fitting and connecting
And new switch is 12v not 24v
Just no led lights coming on when pressing the button…
I checked with multimeter brown and black wires input coming into new switch had 12v ok after fitting and connecting
And new switch is 12v not 24v
Just no led lights coming on when pressing the button…
I had exactly the same issue and when I checked the polarity the 12+ was the blue wire in the existing wiring, and the brown was 12- hence why I ending up switching blue to red and brown to black. I would be surprised if each van is different so might be worth switching.
Alas it’s not that - I checked with multimeter and circuit board on new switch indicates + & - and I have it correct. When I was using soldering iron I hit the increase button inadvertently upto 450 DegC so reckon I damaged the PCB components…
Ordered a new one and will do it your way this time… hopefully I have also fried the LED pcb…

Alas it’s not that - I checked with multimeter and circuit board on new switch indicates + & - and I have it correct. When I was using soldering iron I hit the increase button inadvertently upto 450 DegC so reckon I damaged the PCB components…
Ordered a new one and will do it your way this time… hopefully I have also fried the LED pcb…

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If you have damaged the LED it looks like a normal 12V type you could always cut at next break point and solder wires there. Good luck hope next one works better
@Hammer it’s done ! Soldering was really tricky it wasn’t melting easily even when pretty hot. Ordered some low melting temp solder for future jobs.
A satisfying job done - just need to remember to switch it off now when leaving wet room
Nice to be able to dim it too

Beer needed now…

@Hammer it’s done ! Soldering was really tricky it wasn’t melting easily even when pretty hot. Ordered some low melting temp solder for future jobs.
A satisfying job done - just need to remember to switch it off now when leaving wet room
Nice to be able to dim it too

Beer needed now…

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Nice job and glad you managed to sort. Yeah i also realised leaving it on could be issue as doesn’t turn off with rest of switches but glad i did as stops being blinded at night :)
Nice job and glad you managed to sort. Yeah i also realised leaving it on could be issue as doesn’t turn off with rest of switches but glad i did as stops being blinded at night :)

I bought this and got my mate to fit as he had a solder and electrical testing gear. I’m a good all round DIYer but this is a little bit tricky if you don’t have the expertise or tools.
Product works very well though

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