Yeah well that sort of inconsiderate behaviour gets all cyclists a bad name. It's not the fact that the person was riding a bike that's the problem though... it's the fact that they think they could get away with it. I have had a wing mirror smashed off too once... but that was by a driver coming the other way very fast on a narrow road... did they stop and offer to pay...? No, they didn't.
Road tax often comes up in these debates too... the correct name for it is vehicle exise duty and the money it raises just goes into the general exchequer... it is not ring-fenced for Highways spending. In any case I cycle and between me and my wife we own, run and tax 3 vehicles including the Cali, but very often they sit at home as we walk (or cycle) when we can. Most cyclists also pay VED on at least one car, so by not using their cars on their selected journey, they are actually saving some longer-term wear and tear and more tangeable capacity-relief on the roads (despite having paid for that provision). So, especially in urban areas with high cylcing uptake, collectively cyclists may just be actually doing you a favour by making your journey less congested and reducing the overall highways maintenance bill!
Cycling has to be part of the future of the low emmissions economy that we so obviously need.