Adblue consumption on a GC



VIP Member
Grand California 680
Just curious how much Adblue a GC uses. In my case it seems not much. My 23 GC680 is just coming up to 10k miles, I think I've only put 5 litres of Adblue in during that time and it is still showing 11k miles remaining. I'm now wondering whether to add some Adblue additive to prevent crystalisation? Anyone done this? Any product recommendatios?

Is this the normal (low) consumprtion of Adblue on a GC? Everything seems to working fine and there's no error messages, but I know of people, especially Land Rover owners who seem to be always adding Adblue.

Is your GC similar?
I’ve done a similar number of miles and had to refill twice. Showing 3000 miles to next refill. GC600 2022MY
Ad blue shouldn't crystallise in the tank and isn't exposed to uv light so should be fine. Keep running it til it's low then you can put a full tank of fresh in.
I have driven 49000km from new and never added ad blue yet. Still 6000km to go.
Wow … are you sure your dealers haven’t been topping it up when the GC is being serviced
I am sure. Because ad blue filling kilometers are degreasing slowly but never increased :)
Thanks to you all for the information. It seems there can be quite a variation. I expected mine to use more, but seeing 49k Km + 6k Km to go is a huge distance!
I wonder if a lot depends on length of journeys? Mine have almost all been long trips, only short trips have been mainly to the dealer and back!
The AdBlue® consumption, just like the fuel used, depends not only on the vehicle itself but also on various factors such as vehicle category, engine type, driving style and traffic conditions...

The AdBlue® average consumption of a utility vehicle is mainly related to the distance you drive each year, and the date of commercialization of the vehicle concerned:

- For a commercial vehicle of the Mercedes Sprinter type (similar to the VW Crafter) sold after 2018, AdBlue® consumption is rather between 1.6 and 1.8 litres per 1000 km.

Source : (French site)
That's kinda what I'd expect, but mine and reimajarvinen seem to use a lot less than that...

That's kinda what I'd expect, but mine and reimajarvinen seem to use a lot less than that...

Hi DonGraham
This is also my case because with about 11 000 km I only added 10 liters of AdBlue with various bear park (countryside, mountain, highway)
Consumption of 0.9 litres/1 000 km

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