Are prices due to crash?

I standby my point that it is stupid money for a van. Comparing it to a range rover etc us ludicrous. .
Why is it ludicrous? - its a means of getting from A-B in comfort with a big boot, whilst I understand that the Range -Rover has a number of shortcomings & doesn't come out too well in the comparison but what does compare to a Cali?
I standby my point that it is stupid money for a van. Comparing it to a range rover etc us ludicrous. Yes the Cali will serve as day to day vehicle and a cramped means for a holiday but thinking you've bought an equivalent is ludicrous. You've still bought an expensive builder's van.

You lost me here.
I standby my point that it is stupid money for a van. Comparing it to a range rover etc us ludicrous. Yes the Cali will serve as day to day vehicle and a cramped means for a holiday but thinking you've bought an equivalent is ludicrous. You've still bought an expensive builder's van.
Yes, it is stupid money for a posh builder's van. But there are lots of other vehicles (motorhomes, campers, EVs) that are stupid money as well. A Kia EV6 is £50k. I actually quite like it, but still a huge amount of cash. And there in lies the problem, very few people actually think it is £50,000 that they need to graft for and save, they just think it is £X per month which with the artificially low interest rates we have had since 2008 they just pay. A lot of the population are about to get a big shock.
Yes, it is stupid money for a posh builder's van. But there are lots of other vehicles (motorhomes, campers, EVs) that are stupid money as well. A Kia EV6 is £50k. I actually quite like it, but still a huge amount of cash. And there in lies the problem, very few people actually think it is £50,000 that they need to graft for and save, they just think it is £X per month which with the artificially low interest rates we have had since 2008 they just pay. A lot of the population are about to get a big shock.
Yes spot on. Unfortunately this has got a bit anti Cali which I'm not at all. All vehicles have their limitations. As someone who has and does graft to buy their vehicles I agree wholeheartedly with what you've said. It isn't real money when it is down to monthly payments and last stats I heard 60+% of calis had been bought in the last 18 months on VW finance and then you have to factor in those who've borrowed from other sources such as banks or equity from their homes. When the shtf I feel a lot more might see the point of this thread....
Yes spot on. Unfortunately this has got a bit anti Cali which I'm not at all. All vehicles have their limitations. As someone who has and does graft to buy their vehicles I agree wholeheartedly with what you've said. It isn't real money when it is down to monthly payments and last stats I heard 60+% of calis had been bought in the last 18 months on VW finance and then you have to factor in those who've borrowed from other sources such as banks or equity from their homes. When the shtf I feel a lot more might see the point of this thread....

Yep. Doesn’t matter what the vehicle is. There are a lot of folk who’ve been taken to places they really shouldn’t have gone as a result of ultra cheap and easy debt. That’s going to change and quite quickly as rates ratchet back up towards some sort of long term normality. Many have released property equity (resulting from years of zero interest rate policy) to fund lifestyles and expensive toys. As Mervyn King said, house prices are a matter of opinion, debt is real.
Yep. Doesn’t matter what the vehicle is. There are a lot of folk who’ve been taken to places they really shouldn’t have gone as a result of ultra cheap and easy debt. That’s going to change and quite quickly as rates ratchet back up towards some sort of long term normality. Many have released property equity (resulting from years of zero interest rate policy) to fund lifestyles and expensive toys. As Mervyn King said, house prices are a matter of opinion, debt is real.
You sound like Someone very much on the same page as me!
I standby my point that it is stupid money for a van. Comparing it to a range rover etc us ludicrous. Yes the Cali will serve as day to day vehicle and a cramped means for a holiday but thinking you've bought an equivalent is ludicrous. You've still bought an expensive builder's van.
Have you seen the price of builders vans VW anyway there not that far behind the price of a cali now, especially a kombi
Anybody worried about the value of their Cali’ falling could always invest in the FTSE100.
Sorry :)

I'm in gold tbh. Very cheap at current price and only going one way as fiat currencies collapse and inflation soars...
I’ve tried gold but other than sitting counting it like Scrooge, there wasn’t a lot you could do with it.

A Cali on the other hand is pretty good for camping, going shopping, driving to work & using as a mobile office.
I’ve tried gold but other than sitting counting it like Scrooge, there wasn’t a lot you could do with it.

A Cali on the other hand is pretty good for camping, going shopping, driving to work & using as a ill

I’ve tried gold but other than sitting counting it like Scrooge, there wasn’t a lot you could do with it.

A Cali on the other hand is pretty good for camping, going shopping, driving to work & using as a mobile office.
I'll stick with the gold and be ready to snip up assets for cheap when people are desperate to sell. Double bubble...
Anybody worried about the value of their Cali’ falling could always invest in the FTSE100.
Sorry :)

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Bitcoin anyone?

I'll stick with the gold and be ready to snip up assets for cheap when people are desperate to sell. Double bubble...
Excuse my ignorance but you made me think about gold, which I never have before but know folk tend towards it in uncertain times. Gold looks high atm? And why does the platinum price have such a different profile over 20yrs?
Excuse my ignorance but you made me think about gold, which I never have before but know folk tend towards it in uncertain times. Gold looks high atm? And why does the platinum price have such a different profile over 20yrs?
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Gold looks high in sterling because it’s priced in USD. It’s actually quite low at the moment, it’s just that the dollar is so strong right now (which is partly why gold is low).
Gold looks high in sterling because it’s priced in USD. It’s actually quite low at the moment, it’s just that the dollar is so strong right now (which is partly why gold is low).
Ok, makes sense
Why does platinum track so differently?
Gold looks high in sterling because it’s priced in USD. It’s actually quite low at the moment, it’s just that the dollar is so strong right now (which is partly why gold is low).
Exactly that. Many are predicting a surge I gold well North of 5k an oz so buying at 1500 an oz is cheap. Either way it is much safer than cash in the bank especially in light if looming bail ins that will be coming...
My uncle used to collect Krugerands. Fat lot of good it did him as he is now dead. Best stick to your Cali if you can as it will repay you a way's that gold could never do.
Or have both.... just I'll but back in to a Cali with the money I'll make on gold and pick up a Cali at sensible money off a distressed seller....
Ok, makes sense
Why does platinum track so differently?
Less of it around. Platinum tends to be riding high in periods of economic certainty whereas gold is generally the opposite. Gold to platinum ratio is what investors look to and is worth researching. Vat on platinum etc tbh I invest in bits of each and silver all in different denominations for ease of realising and potential currency in a shtf scenario ie bars and coins and a very good safe

VW California Club
