Are prices due to crash?

Sorry to hear that you have sold.
You have been a lynchpin member of the forum, your contributors will be missed.
Like Hotel California, Kerrnowlad, Granny Jen, Jabberwokky, your name is part of the forum's history, I'll always remember.
Kept my eye on the market.

Since the turn of the year I’d say prices have recovered.

October / November I saw many go unsold, asking prices for T6.1 went through the floor.

Probably since the last of the T6.1’s got sold I’ve seen prices and demand going back up.

Good news for all the Cali owners :)
Ive been monitoring WBAC with a value on mine as may need to sell & its currently at the highest figure its been for months, & £15k higher than the November low.
Been monitoring mine too. Since the start of January the price has been up 5% (the highest price for quite a few months), but it dropped almost 5% this week.

VW California Club
