Attempted theft of my Cali 5am today

Sorry to hear that Niborn . Let’s hope drug addicts just looking for something in the van to steal . I got a bit paranoid one day when a white van drove slowly by a few times .Thought they were casing the joint . Caligirl checked cctv and said it was parcel delivery van lost !
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Sorry to hear that Niborn . Let’s hope drug addicts just looking for something in the van to steal . I got a bit paranoid one day when a white van drove slowly by a few times .Thought they were casing the joint . Caligirl checked cctv and said it was parcel delivery van lost !

I also get a bit paranoid ... often I’m wrong and regretfully on a few occasions I’m not . ..I’ve got some rather real experiences to tell since I’ve become more aware , which have led to arrests , thankfully.

I deeply believe in the use of cameras , not only to potentially catch thieves in the act , which I’ve done , but to be aware of what’s happening around one . I look for changes in patterns and out of place behaviour .

After the police came to our house I installed a few more cameras and only wish I’d done it earlier , but my adult daughter doesn’t like them so I was holding off a bit , although when the police men told her what Ive been saying for ages « worse place to leave keys is near the front door on the side table « she suddenly moved them .
Seems Dads was previously regarded as paranoid .

I’m going to put a small foscam 5v usb caméra in the van on the house WiFi with push emails / photo.
I also get a bit paranoid ... often I’m wrong and regretfully on a few occasions I’m not . ..I’ve got some rather real experiences to tell since I’ve become more aware , which have led to arrests , thankfully.

I deeply believe in the use of cameras , not only to potentially catch thieves in the act , which I’ve done , but to be aware of what’s happening around one . I look for changes in patterns and out of place behaviour .

After the police came to our house I installed a few more cameras and only wish I’d done it earlier , but my adult daughter doesn’t like them so I was holding off a bit , although when the police men told her what Ive been saying for ages « worse place to leave keys is near the front door on the side table « she suddenly moved them .
Seems Dads was previously regarded as paranoid .

I’m going to put a small foscam 5v usb caméra in the van on the house WiFi with push emails / photo.

We’ve had the police ask to look at our camera recordings on 3 occasions when cars broken into nearby . I had 8 cameras installed about 2 years ago and Caligirl and friends thought I was a bit mad .Police said thieves don’t like the infra red glow on the cameras at night . Let’s hope so . Builders are renovating a house 2 doors away and thieves last week took all the velux windows that had just been delivered ,all the copper pipe and tools . Scumbags . Unfortunately they didn’t pass our cameras . And it’s a very nice area !

Oh and I put red 3m reflective tape on the roof for spotting from the sky . Hopefully it won’t ever be needed .

We’re looking forward to the Northern Lights Trip Niborn . Let’s be positive. Any chance of meeting up before?
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We’ve got a lot in common about our feelings on cameras the idea of reflective strip on roof too.

Oh yes the trip seems a long way off , but I guess it will come around all too soon.

Meeting , yes it seems like a good idea ... do you think we could do a mini pre meet somewhere ...
It’s awful to have to think so tactically / I’ve got 2 cars parked behind mine at night time in a driveway - so it’s well and truly sandwiched in. But I still worry.
I was also told by a police friend that a wheel clamp was one of the most effective deterrent partly because of the noise it makes when removing and the time it takes.
It’s awful to have to think so tactically / I’ve got 2 cars parked behind mine at night time in a driveway - so it’s well and truly sandwiched in. But I still worry.
I was also told by a police friend that a wheel clamp was one of the most effective deterrent partly because of the noise it makes when removing and the time it takes.
Yes , that’s exactly what I was told by the police ....a serious wheel clamp really puts them off ... so much noise and time, they said that too. I have learned there are some simple clamps for the quick option sold at sensible prices in the Cali shop... I’m also looking at a serious one and I might decide to buy that serious one through my company, at trade prices as we can because we have related business and some trackers and offer all this at cost price as a bundle ( so it doesn’t upset the other traders ) to VIP members to help prevent these situations...I’ll make a company post of the offer if and when I sort it out , may visit the security company on Monday to discuss...
Yes , that’s exactly what I was told by the police ....a serious wheel clamp really puts them off ... so much noise and time, they said that too. I have learned there are some simple clamps for the quick option sold at sensible prices in the Cali shop... I’m also looking at a serious one and I might decide to buy that serious one through my company, at trade prices as we can because we have related business and some trackers and offer all this at cost price as a bundle ( so it doesn’t upset the other traders ) to VIP members to help prevent these situations...I’ll make a company post of the offer if and when I sort it out , may visit the security company on Monday to discuss...
Just a note on wheel clamps. We had one on our caravan when it was in storage. One day my husband forgot to take ours off before trying to drive away. The clamp just disintegrated. True, it made a lot of noise, but it did not stop the van from being moved. It was a fairly inexpensive one like this:
They are clever enough to work out that a Cali is a more lucrative theft than a builder's van so I guess they can also work out where to find a Cali!

I park right outside my house and sleep at the front of the house , the Cali just underneath my window , my bedroom is on the second floor of our town house . Just before 5am I heard a noise , a clacking repetitive noise , like a tapping sound , not very loud but not normal , just enough to wake me .

I looked outside the window and there was a van parked alongside my Cali , no lights on , engine off . A guy was standing between the van and the Cali doing something . I opened the window and shouted , they drove slowly off .

I called to police who turned up about 20 mins later . They swabbed the van handle area . There is no apparent damage this time , although the police said they probably will try again. They suggested a wheel clamp would put them off , they say it’s the best deterrent, too noisey to get off. I’ve put my disc lock on the wheel for now . I think I’ll go somewhere in it tonight until I have the clamp (s)

I’ve been away the last few weeks but before I went away I saw a guy photographing the road and I thought my Cali in it . Possibly paranoia. Yesterday afternoon I saw the a strange car come around and go around about 4 times , just looking and not parking, possibly paranoia again .

Surprised there is no apparent damage , I wonder exactly what they were trying to do , I mean how they expected to get in the Cali with no key without causing physical damage . It would appear if they avoided damage they have a technique.

Good news is it wasn’t that easy to steal or I wouldn’t have my Cali . Lucky too I sleep light and thanks to this club I’m aware of the fact that our Cali’s are targets.

I’m buying a wheel clamp or two and I will put a camera onto the parking space from the house . Any other ideas most welcome .


Ps look at this link - hmmmm hide your keys in lead box

I have just purchased a wheel clamp from Go Outdoors, it’s robust enough to deter anyone and compact enough to take away with you if required. For under £30 i think it is a good purchase !!!

For info too there are places on a Cali you can hide a GPS tracker that is very difficult to find with a device designed to find the signal... I won't say where that is for obvious reasons but its worth experimenting yourself and making it as hard to find as possible.

The devices to find a GPS tracker are cheap as chips so I got one to help me hide mine effectively. I also have more than one tracker too. I want to increase the chances of someone getting caught as much as I can.

Shame these aren't legal; Magnavolt from Robocop 2 ;) not for the faint hearted though to warn you.
More upmarket and heavy duty version from Bulldog - >
Yes the bulldog one is the business , as is the special VW steering wheel lock they make .

I have just fitted them tonight.

I was so pissed off I went to their factory yesterday to look at their products and have made a deal to buy them via our company and will now , very shortly offer low low prices to VIP members on these , so we can beat these terrible people from invading our lives.
For info too there are places on a Cali you can hide a GPS tracker that is very difficult to find with a device designed to find the signal... I won't say where that is for obvious reasons but its worth experimenting yourself and making it as hard to find as possible.

The devices to find a GPS tracker are cheap as chips so I got one to help me hide mine effectively. I also have more than one tracker too. I want to increase the chances of someone getting caught as much as I can.

Shame these aren't legal; Magnavolt from Robocop 2 ;) not for the faint hearted though to warn you.

Love it and I if it was available I would be the first to order !

Agree with you about trackers etc and if you PM me we can exchange some knowledge , although I think you are ahead of me on this one....
Worth noting that a cheap ENGIE device plugged in below footwell into OBD2 port will give you full tracking via the phone app. I doubt the average thief would think to remove it.


App based remotes for the Parking Heater or Engine Heater also have map based full tracking systems via the "Hidden" sim card in the receiver unit.
Worth noting that a cheap ENGIE device plugged in below footwell into OBD2 port will give you full tracking via the phone app. I doubt the average thief would think to remove it.
I bet its the first place they look...

App based remotes for the Parking Heater or Engine Heater also have map based full tracking systems via the "Hidden" sim card in the receiver unit.

The one in my Discovery is behind the dash would be hard to find/remove. It cheap as its dual purpose remote start app and effective 365 day tracker with maps and route overlays etc.

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