Attempted theft of my Cali 5am today

What is the cost fitted ?
Is there a way of turning it off for when you go for an MOT or tyres or service.

When it´s activated do the ignition lights come on for the new to be Cali thief or
is everything dead ? So could it be overridden through the OBD ?

At the moment i´m thinking about a fuel pump isolator switch and a tracker.
So if it ever gets nicked, they won´t get far and then they´ll leave it where it stops.
About £400 fitted. Yes can do a valet mode for service etc. Don't know on Cali but on my Audi the engine starts for 3 seconds then stops and a system failed waning comes up. No (allegedly) can't be hacked through OBD.
Do you have a house alarm? We have a wireless one & used to leave a house PIR sensor in the big motorhome when we had it, set up as a separate zone. Took a minute or so to unpair it if we wanted to move the van but that was not often.

Easiest thing on a cali is just to swivel the front seats, it will drasticaly slow down anyone trying to steal it.

Another option is a garden shed type battery alarm, put it on the drivers floor, set it & then exit via the slider. (google wickes shed alarm) Thief enters the van & sets off an alarm he wasn't expecting to be there.

Quite a lot of big white motorhomes put a padlock & chain through the front door handles on the inside to lock the doors together, would work on a cali as it would also stop anyone being able to sit on the front seats until the chain was removed. Again exit via the slider.

These are all quick cheap & simple not necessarily a long term solution.

I did this when I left ours at La Rochelle airport. You wouldn’t believe it but the only time the key did not work because the battery was dead was on my return!
What a struggle......!
Having done some research, I think we are going to have an Autowatch Ghost fitted..
Is there any concern with the ghost and or with other immobilisers that they may , go wrong and prevent starting ? Invalidate warranty’s Or drain the battery ?
Is there any concern with the ghost and or with other immobilisers that they may , go wrong and prevent starting ? Invalidate warranty’s Or drain the battery ?
The installation should prevent these issues, wired into the can bus and power from an ignition feed. The way it works is buy being connected to the can bus so it can interact with the controls, when it goes live it sits and waits for you to enter the pin, if you dont it sends the imobilised can bus message that shuts down the engine and just keeps doing this. Very simple and effective as long as it s installed well.
I don’t see any warranty issues because it could easy be removed by the workshop if they suspect it causing an issue.
I was thinking along the lines of a crossbow!

In all seriousness, this problem seems to be getting out of control. You would think we have the capability to stop these gangs stealing high value vehicles, putting them in containers and shipping abroad.
So if thugs ship vehicles abroad, where do all the right hand drive vehicles go? Do the vehicles come back to the UK? Why don't they steal left hand drive vehicles for the Continent.
Lots of countries in Africa, West indies, Falklands and Jersey
drive on the wrong side too.
I did a quick google this morning & the shipping routes are Africa & Far East. Uganda apparently likes nice cars & drive on the right.
I park right outside my house and sleep at the front of the house , the Cali just underneath my window , my bedroom is on the second floor of our town house . Just before 5am I heard a noise , a clacking repetitive noise , like a tapping sound , not very loud but not normal , just enough to wake me .

I looked outside the window and there was a van parked alongside my Cali , no lights on , engine off . A guy was standing between the van and the Cali doing something . I opened the window and shouted , they drove slowly off .

I called to police who turned up about 20 mins later . They swabbed the van handle area . There is no apparent damage this time , although the police said they probably will try again. They suggested a wheel clamp would put them off , they say it’s the best deterrent, too noisey to get off. I’ve put my disc lock on the wheel for now . I think I’ll go somewhere in it tonight until I have the clamp (s)

I’ve been away the last few weeks but before I went away I saw a guy photographing the road and I thought my Cali in it . Possibly paranoia. Yesterday afternoon I saw the a strange car come around and go around about 4 times , just looking and not parking, possibly paranoia again .

Surprised there is no apparent damage , I wonder exactly what they were trying to do , I mean how they expected to get in the Cali with no key without causing physical damage . It would appear if they avoided damage they have a technique.

Good news is it wasn’t that easy to steal or I wouldn’t have my Cali . Lucky too I sleep light and thanks to this club I’m aware of the fact that our Cali’s are targets.

I’m buying a wheel clamp or two and I will put a camera onto the parking space from the house . Any other ideas most welcome .


Ps look at this link - hmmmm hide your keys in lead box
Hi., sad to hear they want damage or steel your Cali..
About the link you post…, this is only helping when you use a key less entry system in your car.. our vw Cali has no keyless entry right ;)
In addition to steering wheel I have a pedal lock (and CCTV cameras) which now have a few versions to choose from

As an imediate deterant you could fully rotate the drivers seat. That should at least delay the theft or may even make it not worthwile in the minds of the would be perpitrators.

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