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Sorry to hear that. Any Locking Wheel Bolt will do. The Problem is the Locking Bolt Head is exposed if used on the Spare Wheel Carrier on its own and easily removed using a Monkey Wrench. When these Locking Bolts are used on an Alloy wheel they are countersunk or shrouded so you have to use the correct key socket for the Locking Bolt.Just discovered this weekend our spare had been stolen from our T6 Beach!!Interestingly my wife had gone to Legoland last week - Me thinks this might be the scene of the crime. We had purchased the locking wheel nut from VW but it appears to have the same lock as all the others. I wonder if you could use one of the nuts from the main wheels. Does anybody know what size the spare wheel is and whether its and alloy like the other 4 or a simple steel rimmed wheel. It's the standard 16" inch wheel.
Your spare will be a 16" steel wheel and you really need a 'SpareSafe' as sold in the Forum Shop. They also sell single Locking Bolts.
As far as I know no one has had a spare wheel stolen if they have a SpareSafe fitted.
Nothing will stop a Professional Scumbag but these thefts are normally down to opportunistic druggies/scumbags.