Cali technical tips&tricks

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Hotel California

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Cali now sold
As followinging the tread Umbi27 , my fellow Belgian member, started here
I 'm gonne show some more pics and post some of the "tips&tricks" we got from our Dutch VW aces at CCN ( Camper Centrum Nederland)
It will be a whole lot of diffrent aspects regarding diffrent things , i'm gonna post it bit by bit as i don't have te time and patience to place me longtime in front of my Ipad.
Best to read the topic above first , so you get to know the back ground of this topic.

Dont't know if many of you have seen the Cali from underneeth ... and without the underbody protcetionplates
It shows a 4 motion , see the big black propshaft and the diffrential at the rear axle.
Spot the aux heater on the left ( on the driverside in UK)
For those who look careful on the right of picture can spot the pre- heater for the engine!
Was told that it comes on every Cali as standard , did not knew that!
The exhaust and Catalisator ( the more round pot in front of exhaust)
At the right the big 80l diesel tank ( black plastic)

Next the breaks and suspention with the wheels removed , again it's a 4 motion 180horses so big breaking disk and so was told two cylinder breaks
Next the breaks and suspention with the wheels removed , agian it's a 4motion 180hp front left ....
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

Rear left suspention
The aux and the pre-heater in close up....

The intake of the already warm air from inside the Cali , in the frontside of the aux heater going in the heater....


The backside of the heater going in to interieur ( warm air) in the Cali , black plastic thru the floor up in to vent and the exhaust going backwarts

With the underbody on you just can see the exhaust coming out...the burner is hidden behind protection plates
Pre-heater , located aprox where the kitchensink is located...

Check the two famous dieselpumps that are making the annoing"clicking" sound , to the right of pic.
One for pre-heater and one for aux heater. Belive the one to the right seen here is the one for pre- heater and the one on the left close to the pre-heater should be the one for the auxheater...

With the protection back on it looks like this , just the exhaust coms out
Fantastic, keep these coming... very useful and informative.

As mentioned elsewhere, wish we could get this service, knowledge and passion for VW's from the dealers in the UK

Fantastic pictures and information.
Did the dealership take the under trays off specially for you to look around or were they working on the vehicle anyway?
In England you are not generally allowed into workshop areas because of Health and Safety concerns.
Most dealerships wouldn't give you the "steam of their sh@t", can't even be bothered to ring you back never mind organize an event like this!
Fantastic pictures and information.
Did the dealership take the under trays off specially for you to look around or were they working on the vehicle anyway?
In England you are not generally allowed into workshop areas because of Health and Safety concerns.
Most dealerships wouldn't give you the "steam of their sh@t", can't even be bothered to ring you back never mind organize an event like this!
They prept the cali's for us special , it was saturday and three mecanics came special for us to the garage ..
The Cali' s where two rental ones and two who where just changed owner to them
They got many parts as demo , for instance the fresh and the waste watertank cut in half to show how the levelindicator works , how the gasbottle fits nice in the freshwatertank,..
Roofdisplays opend to show the broken turningnob .
Even a roof canvas ript open up to see how the folding system is fitted in the canvas!
So many things in a few hours , took some pictures but not of all things...
It was loads of information!
They put in all the effort to make sure the costumer is well informed and that buying a Cali is buying a unique verhicle that needs more attention a normal daily car , and that they are the best to give that attention to their Cali .
In the end its all a commercial thing , they give insight and we buy , a Cali , accecoirs , maintenance, solar panels,...
Ok , next up showing some pics of the electronic thats mostly hidden.
The lesure battery in the back with the inverter mounted above ...
Only the latest model have it there , mine is a 2012 and the inverter sits underneeth the fridge...think they repositiond it due the heat factor underneeth the fridge
image.jpg image.jpg
A detacht inverter

The lesure battery in front under ( for UK ) the passenger seat and the fuses that covering the area behind the front seats.
Everything in the cabin has they'r fuses behind the bottle holder under the dash
Fuses regarding the engine are located under the hood next to the engine battery

And here what sits under the right seat
This depents on what specs you got , it can be diffrent ...
Anybody intrested to see how the oilpump that lifts the roof looks like ...
Here it is , located behind the roofdisplay , also very sensitive to heat and stops working if themp. Is to high

The puchers located left and rigt on the roof
The roof display , you can see the special made protection cover to prevent to break the turningnob
Part from showing a stript Cali we got explaned how to change lightbuls on headlights and rearlights ( not the fog , or side direction ones :()
Not much new for me ...but one thing !
Removing the rear lights , to get acces to the bulbs, anyone ever done?
With the boot open you can only see two screws , after removed them you need to move the whole lightunit to the side of the Cali , so don't pull it backwarts to you but give it a light tap with your flat hand from the inside booth to the left or right depending what side (... to the outer side of the Cali) it comes lose.
Also the taillights seemd to be diffrent on the non visible side that is depending on the buildyear
Told also that the thirth breaklight is weak for waterinfiltration , it shows in the bag that stores the campingseats. So water in the bag , check breaklight above!
What is that protection thing for the control unit knob?! I want one!
Regulary check the holes that drains the water from the roof
Frontside the drainhole is underneeth this plastic cap
Remove it by holding it like this , sqeeze with your hand and pull towarts you at same this .
Try to do it two handed but i had to hold my phone taking the pics..'
Clean underneeth and check te drainopening
Attention , don't push any sharp pin's ( like i do here with a nail) to deep in the hole , the rubber hose takes a direct turn and it will puncture the drain!
Use a you call it ....thing to claen your ears stick:D

Backside is easyer and if you look good one can see light thru the drain if its open

About the same category :
Cleaning the rubbers of the sliding window(s) with a toothbruch specialy below, preventing dirt to get stuck and resulting in waterinfiltration.

As for doorrubbers in general use talkpowder no vasline or greasy stuff

What is that protection thing for the control unit knob?! I want one!
If nobody ever copyed this you need to make the trip to CCN at Amersfoort (NL)
Coast just under 40euro i belive so!
Regulary check the holes that drains the water from the roof
Frontside the drainhole is underneeth this plastic cap
View attachment 7277
Remove it by holding it like this , sqeeze with your hand and pull towarts you at same this .
Try to do it two handed but i had to hold my phone taking the pics..'
View attachment 7278
Clean underneeth and check te drainopening
Attention , don't push any sharp pin's ( like i do here with a nail) to deep in the hole , the rubber hose takes a direct turn and it will puncture the drain!
Use a you call it ....thing to claen your ears stick:D
View attachment 7279

Backside is easyer and if you look good one can see light thru the drain if its open
View attachment 7280

About the same category :
Cleaning the rubbers of the sliding window(s) with a toothbruch specialy below, preventing dirt to get stuck and resulting in waterinfiltration.

As for doorrubbers in general use talkpowder no vasline or greasy stuff

View attachment 7281

Brilliant information well done.
What can i offer you guys today , lets see ....
Anyone ever looked how the bottem of the Campinggaz bottle in the booth looks like?
I did'nt before yesterday , and afther been tipt by CCN
Like this.....
Now as visible there's a possible some sharp edges due to falling or scraping over the floor , who knows where this bottle as ever been and how it's been treaded?
There's a risk those sharp edges might damage the inside of the hole it sits in , know it or not but it's your freshwatertank.
When unlucky , probally very unlucky but it can happen , if the bottle rattles and shakes while driving afther some time it damage and even make a cut in the watertank...
Mine inside afther nearly three years looks like this
You can see some minor inpact , seems there is a sort of thicker plastic ...but you can easy do this....takes 10 minuts
Bottle back in hole , and have a better sleep

As we are in the booth there are a few things to learn.
The main power switch , goes of automaticly if something goes wrong with the electric if plugged in.
But does that thing work...?
Test it by pushing this little black button on top

Ok it goes OFF ....

When leaving the Cali unused specialy at wintertime risk of freezing , we drain our two water tanks , fresh and waste.
Best to position the handle halfway between open and closed for less risk on damaging the inside mechanism when frozen
Like this in the back
You can get a fairly thick fabric cover for the Campingaz 907 container with an elasticated reinforced rim that goes over the base and a hole in the top for valve. Also fits the 904 . Stops any rattling, snug fit in holder and cushions the base.
As i'm running out of pictures taken during the workshop i just have a few left.
The miracle thing that lets our roofcanvas bending at the right time to fall in place closing the roof, if lucky !
Better to have a bungee as xtra:thumb
Made some cuts in my canvas special to show you guys how it looks like:cool:
Should have taken more pictures , next time i'l be wearing a go-pro mounted on a helmet:bananadance

But i did wrote some things on a note...
During bad weather with thunder&lightning , if on hook-up best to unplug it from the Cali as the cable on the ground is a potencial risk of catching lightning .
Also good to unplug it at the donorside at the same time
The roof itself is aluminium and they say it can take pretty stormy winds ( forgot howmuch speed ) but i wil be closing mine if possible.
Oh , always have the engine running while opening/ closing the roof , it's deadly for the battery if you don't have the engine running.

The 220/12v inverter is sensitive to heat , it can switch itself off if themps underneeth the wardrobe goes above 60degrees celcius
In hot country' s or very hot Brittisch summers , try to cool the left side of the Cali by providing shade to that side you do it is up to you , under trees , attatch a tarp to the side, whatever is in reach.
Leave the sliding doors under the sink a bit open and take out the plastic round caps inside the wardrobe and under the cooker . They sell a fan to put in place of the cap under the coocker but for me thats overkill...
On recent models the inverter sits above the lesure bat in the booth opening the inspection door can help also , i'm thinking of placing a vent in that little door
Other earlyer Cali's have the inverter under the fridge

That fridge also has to suffer the heat and the same precautions might help here to.
Also useful to clean out dust underneeth the fridge around the fridge motor , vaccum or by compressor -air- pressure

If somehow the bech drawer is stuck , impossible to open.
Check if not the seatbelts are pushed the whole way in the seat when using the benchseat as bed...and pull them back up

The pump in the fresh watertank can come lose of the rubber hose , due to pressure by the pump is when taking water at the tap , to open it in one time fully and than bringing it back to the position you want . That way the beginpressure floads away and less risk of disconecting the rubber hose .
Now you say if it happens , open the watertank and put a strap on it , good , but then the problem moves to the other side of the rubber hose in the tank and the risk of popping of on that side ....and it's nearly impossible to reach in the tank to fiks that!

Driving the Cali generates power thru the dynamo to charge the battery , as the Cali has three bats the dynamo is not powerfull enough to 100% load the lesure bats
Is therefore its best to plug your Cali in to 220v mains at least every month for 12h in a row.
It should extend the life of the bats.

Sparewheel is hard to reach , specialy when towbar is mounted .
Jack-up the Cali first or place it on your levelling ramps to higher it up.
Use a small wooden plank (say 20x20cm)to larger the groundsurface of the original VW jack and dropping the risk of jackfailure on lose ground/gravel

Clean both the watertanks once a year using hot water and some cheap tablets people use to clean theire fake theet in a glas water (don't know how you guys call this)

Now some of you think i wrote a lot of bulls:mutet , but do with it whatever you want...
If you read it up to here , you wil remember some things in the near future and i hope at that moment this tips might have helpt you!

It's mostley just rational thinking but one is better at it then the other...:veryfunny
If something pops up i'l be adding it here.:kiss

VW California Club
