Central console control panel?



My control panel was replaced under warranty just before the warranty expired after some false readings from the water tank.

I noticed a few things..
It's much darker than the old one.
It appears to turn itself off if on when driving? Is this supposed to happen? The old one didn't.
It flickers like mad when viewed from the drivers seat/passenger seat so viewed at an angle when driving... A straight ahead view is flicker free?

Can anyone else with. Late model GP tell me if theirs does the same before I get onto my dealer please?
I should also say I didn't request the control panel replacement, merely reported the false readings and assumed it was the level sensor.
Hijack sorry..

My waste tank never shows any reading at all. Was that the same as your level problem? Anyone else had any issues with levels?
My Control Panel shows no reading for the waste tank. I was going to mention it at first service. No flickering though.
The panel display goes into a standby mode when driving/inactive but is still on. Unless you power it off.

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