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Change of circumstances - advice please?



Ross on Wye
Looking to buy
Hi all, I’m looking for some advice and wondered if anyone else had been in the same situation. We ordered a California Ocean 150DSG in two tone colours and loads of extras back in August last year. We have an approx build week of week 19 however, our circumstances have changed since. We have been given the opportunity to buy some land next to our house and whilst it’s a heart breaking decision, we feel that this should take priority (as we currently have a very small garden). We can’t afford both, and so will need to let the van go :( As soon as we are in a position to do so in the future though, we will be re-ordering…. It’s our dream and our 6 & 3 year old kids wouldn’t have it any other way!
Anyway, we are well ahead in the queue and wondered if anyone else can benefit from our mis-fortune. The van will be ready in time for summer hols etc and so we may be able to help someone get the van they want more quickly. Has anyone else done this? Is it possible to transfer the order to someone else should anyone be looking for the same spec van? Would welcome any advice or insights from anyone who has also found themselves in this unfortunate situation. Many thanks
Hi all, I’m looking for some advice and wondered if anyone else had been in the same situation. We ordered a California Ocean 150DSG in two tone colours and loads of extras back in August last year. We have an approx build week of week 19 however, our circumstances have changed since. We have been given the opportunity to buy some land next to our house and whilst it’s a heart breaking decision, we feel that this should take priority (as we currently have a very small garden). We can’t afford both, and so will need to let the van go :( As soon as we are in a position to do so in the future though, we will be re-ordering…. It’s our dream and our 6 & 3 year old kids wouldn’t have it any other way!
Anyway, we are well ahead in the queue and wondered if anyone else can benefit from our mis-fortune. The van will be ready in time for summer hols etc and so we may be able to help someone get the van they want more quickly. Has anyone else done this? Is it possible to transfer the order to someone else should anyone be looking for the same spec van? Would welcome any advice or insights from anyone who has also found themselves in this unfortunate situation. Many thanks
I very much doubt if VW would allow it. When you cancel VW will sell it at the purchase price + a premium for quick delivery.
From what a dealer told me recently a customer cancelled order and VW deleted off the schedule probably due to the shear numbers waiting to be built.
You never know maybe it’s worth talking to dealer.
My understanding was that orders cannot be transferred to another buyer or brought is as stock vehicles by dealers, due to current demand. In other words, cancelled orders will be removed from the list to prevent queue jumping or dealer profiteering. In this case, the dealer would alsonforfeit the deposit. Seems fair to all those that are still in the queue, but might not help your situation. Beat thing to do would be to contact your salesman to understand what options they can give you.
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Agree with the above, it would be unlikely to be able to be transferred.
Instead, consider taking finance to purchase the van and sell it on immediately to a grateful buyer for a healthy profit.
I have received disdain for this approach on here before, but you have gone through the faff and delay of obtaining the California, and can do someone else a service in delivering one early.
I don't see shame in that profit, which could be the deposit for your next order.
I'm pretty sure I'm buying a cancelled order. I don't know the ins and outs but the one I'm buying matches one a guy on a different forum specced up, ordered and then cancelled.
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Hi all, I’m looking for some advice and wondered if anyone else had been in the same situation. We ordered a California Ocean 150DSG in two tone colours and loads of extras back in August last year. We have an approx build week of week 19 however, our circumstances have changed since. We have been given the opportunity to buy some land next to our house and whilst it’s a heart breaking decision, we feel that this should take priority (as we currently have a very small garden). We can’t afford both, and so will need to let the van go :( As soon as we are in a position to do so in the future though, we will be re-ordering…. It’s our dream and our 6 & 3 year old kids wouldn’t have it any other way!
Anyway, we are well ahead in the queue and wondered if anyone else can benefit from our mis-fortune. The van will be ready in time for summer hols etc and so we may be able to help someone get the van they want more quickly. Has anyone else done this? Is it possible to transfer the order to someone else should anyone be looking for the same spec van? Would welcome any advice or insights from anyone who has also found themselves in this unfortunate situation. Many thanks
I would just cancel your order, you could buy it and sell it on but if anything happens. Dodgy buyer market changing etc do you want the hassle and risk.
If land is more important don’t hang around as that is even more in demand than a cali at the mo!
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Hi all, I’m looking for some advice and wondered if anyone else had been in the same situation. We ordered a California Ocean 150DSG in two tone colours and loads of extras back in August last year. We have an approx build week of week 19 however, our circumstances have changed since. We have been given the opportunity to buy some land next to our house and whilst it’s a heart breaking decision, we feel that this should take priority (as we currently have a very small garden). We can’t afford both, and so will need to let the van go :( As soon as we are in a position to do so in the future though, we will be re-ordering…. It’s our dream and our 6 & 3 year old kids wouldn’t have it any other way!
Anyway, we are well ahead in the queue and wondered if anyone else can benefit from our mis-fortune. The van will be ready in time for summer hols etc and so we may be able to help someone get the van they want more quickly. Has anyone else done this? Is it possible to transfer the order to someone else should anyone be looking for the same spec van? Would welcome any advice or insights from anyone who has also found themselves in this unfortunate situation. Many thanks
Cancel the order & buy the land.

(But be sure to check the small print for any restrictions on what you can do with the land.)
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Depends whether you want to make one person or many happy.

1. Cancel and make many people happy by freeing one build slot, which will mechanically speed up a little the build of all the vans stuck behind yours. Easy, risk-free and only takes an email to your dealer. Or
2. Take delivery of the van and sell it on. Make one person happy. Assumes you have the cash for the deposit + the credit score for the credit. Involves risk, time and paperwork. Can allow you to turn a profit (but by no means guaranteed).

I know which one I’d go for (disclaimer: I’m very biased behind of these people stuck in the queue ;))
If you cancel your dealer might keep the deposit then again if you explain your situation he might carryon bring it in place it in the showroom as it if was for you, and I am sure they will take it off their hands. Don’t forget, because they are in demand, there are none on display in showrooms. It is a selling point for them even if you do not make a profit you will not loose out on deposit.
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I don’t think transferring the order will be possible but speak to your dealer.

They may want you to keep your order in place until it arrives so they can sell it to someone else.

If you cancel now, the van will be lost in the system and they will lose out in a sale and may not want to return your deposit.
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Hi all, I’m looking for some advice and wondered if anyone else had been in the same situation. We ordered a California Ocean 150DSG in two tone colours and loads of extras back in August last year. We have an approx build week of week 19 however, our circumstances have changed since. We have been given the opportunity to buy some land next to our house and whilst it’s a heart breaking decision, we feel that this should take priority (as we currently have a very small garden). We can’t afford both, and so will need to let the van go :( As soon as we are in a position to do so in the future though, we will be re-ordering…. It’s our dream and our 6 & 3 year old kids wouldn’t have it any other way!
Anyway, we are well ahead in the queue and wondered if anyone else can benefit from our mis-fortune. The van will be ready in time for summer hols etc and so we may be able to help someone get the van they want more quickly. Has anyone else done this? Is it possible to transfer the order to someone else should anyone be looking for the same spec van? Would welcome any advice or insights from anyone who has also found themselves in this unfortunate situation. Many thanks
I was in the same position last month and was hoping to pass on the van but the interested party wasn’t prepared to be a 2nd named keeper and Breeze were adamant I couldn’t change the name before purchase but I must admit I was suspicious they could(or have) as getting the deposit back was drawn out so the van could be built so it would of been ‘too late’!
if you can sell it on I would and take any profit as it’s technically your slot you’ve purchased.
ps I did start a thread about it but deleted it due to strong sarky(from a couple of usual suspects) comments.
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Agree with the above, it would be unlikely to be able to be transferred.
Instead, consider taking finance to purchase the van and sell it on immediately to a grateful buyer for a healthy profit.
I have received disdain for this approach on here before, but you have gone through the faff and delay of obtaining the California, and can do someone else a service in delivering one early.
I don't see shame in that profit, which could be the deposit for your next order.
You can't sell a vehicle with Finance on it as it is owned by the Finance Company.
Gets very complicated trying to get the Buyer to pay off the Finance Company as part of the purchase.
Possible but there may well be early settlement charges to cost in.
Can’t comment on alternative options for the van but on the wider van vs land point there are few questions you should ask yourself:
Are you planning on staying in the house long term if not you will only get short term benefit and some possible financial upside
When you are in a position to buy a van will your kids still be young enough to enjoy it
Imagine yourself say 3 years down the line pottering around your estate - would you look back and wish you’d had a cali (bit of an NLP technique but I find it useful
Could you buy the land and cheaper van or even say a tent and enjoy the best of both worlds

From a financial perspective the land will always win. From an enjoyment perspective that depends on what you are planning to do with the land but it could give you options from growing your own veg and having a few chickens through some space for your kids to raz around on a motorbike

Don’t envy your decision but good luck and do think it through well.
You can't sell a vehicle with Finance on it as it is owned by the Finance Company.
Gets very complicated trying to get the Buyer to pay off the Finance Company as part of the purchase.
Possible but there may well be early settlement charges to cost in.
Of course you can - people have been doing it for many years!
Hi all, I’m looking for some advice and wondered if anyone else had been in the same situation. We ordered a California Ocean 150DSG in two tone colours and loads of extras back in August last year. We have an approx build week of week 19 however, our circumstances have changed since. We have been given the opportunity to buy some land next to our house and whilst it’s a heart breaking decision, we feel that this should take priority (as we currently have a very small garden). We can’t afford both, and so will need to let the van go :( As soon as we are in a position to do so in the future though, we will be re-ordering…. It’s our dream and our 6 & 3 year old kids wouldn’t have it any other way!
Anyway, we are well ahead in the queue and wondered if anyone else can benefit from our mis-fortune. The van will be ready in time for summer hols etc and so we may be able to help someone get the van they want more quickly. Has anyone else done this? Is it possible to transfer the order to someone else should anyone be looking for the same spec van? Would welcome any advice or insights from anyone who has also found themselves in this unfortunate situation. Many thanks
You don’t say what type of land it is, depending on type ie greenfield, brownfield, amenity or agricultural. There’s a whole heap of things you can’t do with it even though you own it. If you apply for planning permission for change of use to garden say, as you already have a small garden only a percentage of your new land may get its usage changed. As daft as it sounds your council may not like you growing vegetables on it, as you’ll be deriving a financial benefit from it. Then there’s surveys to be done, fencing, rights of way to look at plus any covenants that may be applied to the land. Then there’s the neighbours, good luck with them if you turn it into a children’s play area.
Despite all that I’d buy the land as it’s not being made in this country anymore. Calis are still being made, for the time being.
I’m confident you cancelling your order with the dealer will have no effect on the production line build slot (sorry for those in the queue). I’ve been offered three ‘cancelled orders’ recently from the dealer network (by phoning round). One having a build week of week 22 and expected delivery week 26. None of the dealers are offering a penny off. They are even telling me if it arrives after 1st June they will apply the price increase. I’m guessing here but even if the VW rules say cancelled order slots must be relinquished by the dealer I’m confident not all the dealers are doing this. Cali’s are in such short supply and the dealers are relying on making a margin on existing orders in a market with with restricted supply. If you can, I’d consider going through with the purchase, advertise it straight away, enjoy a family holiday and sell it on in time for another purchaser to enjoy a summer holiday. Appreciate its not as easy as it sounds, but with restricted supply (of most new vehicles not just Cali’s), pending price increase (plus inflation) and a reticence to foreign travel, you could end up with a zero net cost family holiday.
Of course you can - people have been doing it for many years!
Possibly if the "Cash" Buyer isn't worried about it being reclaimed due to seller not paying of the finance.
I’m confident you cancelling your order with the dealer will have no effect on the production line build slot (sorry for those in the queue). I’ve been offered three ‘cancelled orders’ recently from the dealer network (by phoning round). One having a build week of week 22 and expected delivery week 26. None of the dealers are offering a penny off. They are even telling me if it arrives after 1st June they will apply the price increase. I’m guessing here but even if the VW rules say cancelled order slots must be relinquished by the dealer I’m confident not all the dealers are doing this. Cali’s are in such short supply and the dealers are relying on making a margin on existing orders in a market with with restricted supply. If you can, I’d consider going through with the purchase, advertise it straight away, enjoy a family holiday and sell it on in time for another purchaser to enjoy a summer holiday. Appreciate its not as easy as it sounds, but with restricted supply (of most new vehicles not just Cali’s), pending price increase (plus inflation) and a reticence to foreign travel, you could end up with a zero net cost family holiday.
I totally agree with this, I was given the line that the dealerships get fined £5k if they take a cancelled order but then in the next breath they mentioned they can sell it for that much more it was a no brainier to keep the order coming! At the same time saying I wasn’t allowed to change the name on the order and make a profit!
Possibly if the "Cash" Buyer isn't worried about it being reclaimed due to seller not paying of the finance.
In my first hand experience of buying a Cali from a private individual who had finance, I payed the finance off, not the seller. Was very straightforward and at no point did I feel at risk.
Go for the land, it doesn’t sound like the opportunity to buy it will occur again.
Cali are still being made.

Is there a possibility of changing your Cali order that means you get sent to the back of the queue? Might work if you would be in a position again to buy in a years time.
Hi all, I’m looking for some advice and wondered if anyone else had been in the same situation. We ordered a California Ocean 150DSG in two tone colours and loads of extras back in August last year. We have an approx build week of week 19 however, our circumstances have changed since. We have been given the opportunity to buy some land next to our house and whilst it’s a heart breaking decision, we feel that this should take priority (as we currently have a very small garden). We can’t afford both, and so will need to let the van go :( As soon as we are in a position to do so in the future though, we will be re-ordering…. It’s our dream and our 6 & 3 year old kids wouldn’t have it any other way!
Anyway, we are well ahead in the queue and wondered if anyone else can benefit from our mis-fortune. The van will be ready in time for summer hols etc and so we may be able to help someone get the van they want more quickly. Has anyone else done this? Is it possible to transfer the order to someone else should anyone be looking for the same spec van? Would welcome any advice or insights from anyone who has also found themselves in this unfortunate situation. Many thanks
Would it be possible to take a mortgage out on the land? I know that can’t be done if it’s building land but can’t imagine you are going to get a building plot in Ross for the price of a California. You didn’t say if the California was going to be cash purchase or finance.. There are so many options like do you already have a large mortgage and what’s your salary as to wether you could easily pay for both. Don’t get me wrong I’m not asking for you to tell everyone about your finances but you could have a really good job and find it easy to pay for both or quite the opposite and finding things a struggle. Things have not been easy for anyone over the past 2 years and priorities have changed. Only you can make the decision I’m afraid. There are lots of people willing to have a brand new van and be second on the log book so maybe buy it yourself and sell it on. Good luck with whatever you decide.
I'd buy the land before someone develops it.
Yep. We had a house in a field when I was a kid. Parents sold the plot next to the house. Neighbours are not always the best...even if there's only 2 houses.

Buy the land. There is always another car.
Can you not keep the order…?
Once the Cali arrives, sell it back to the dealer for a small profit…?

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