Denmark trip 2019 / meet in Bornholm

Been in Kopenhagen city yesterday , from the campsite 15min walk and got on to the S-banh /train direct to center . Using a Kopenhagen Card all acces to public transport and many museums/atrractions.
Walked about 20km and enjoyed a 1h bootride on the canals/harbor witch is a must do imo.
The city has looots to see , offcoarse very busy as 20% of all the Danisch live in and arround Kopenhagen plus all the tourists!
We did sevral things , to much to name them all . As said the boatride is great
Weather was hot , some light rain in the morning .25-30 cel later...
The famous mermaide
The round tower

The Disign museum
The Marble church

From 16pm things get realy busy in town as everyone leaves work , most cycling ....many many bikes in all difrrent shapes/colors , a normal bike is dull here!
Then yesterday late evening and night until 1am a thunder/lightningstorm and rain kept us awake . It did cool everthing down , now getting ready for our 2nd trip to the city.
We enjoyed our 2nd day in Kopenhagen city , the weather was good , after it rained during the night seems it cooled of the city a bit , slightly clouded thismorning with a few drops . We walked again over 20km and did another boatride on the canals , thistime i payed more attention to the guides explanations and learned a few more things about Kopenhagen
Visited the Botanical garden , The National Gallery of Denmark , went to see the gards at the Amalienborg Palace and closed the trip with a visit to the Tivoli park .
We enterd a lot of museums in these two days witch we offcoarse not get to see all things in detail but we got overall a impression of whats inside , we are not the type that sits in front of a painting 30min debating what the artist was trying to tell ...
It’s becose we got the Kopenhagen Card giving free acces that made us go in each time , don’t think i could spent a fortune on entrance tickets and walking out 30min later.
The Tivoli is a big entertainment park for (grown-ups ) and kids , shops , cafe’s,....
The thing you need to do is discover Kopenhagen from the water ...those sightseeingboats are a must do!
The central trainstation is also a nice wooden construction
Botanical garden with butterfly’s
And bikes bikes bikes ....
Seen the most amazing bikes with even more amazing riders on them , more women then men on a bike here....
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Slowly heading to our 12th night in the Cali , halfway the trip .....
Today left the steamy city Kopenhagen behind not more than 73km distance to travel says SatNav but there’s a ferry need to be taken also . A short drive from the campsite to fill up diesel and stock up food , few km later allready on the bridge to Sweden ....64€ please to get from Kopenhagen to Malmo :oops:
Actually first a 6-5km tunnel then dirict on the bridge about 19-20km long
Then 65km driving on Swedisch ground , first time the Cali hits Sweden....and us also.
Boarding at Ystad is easy , you need to do it yourself at the computerterminal .
The crossing was nice , something to eat and a coffee arriving 1h20min later in Rønne (Denmark) where we planted the Cali on the campsite only 1km from the ferryterminal and took the Bromptons for a spin in to Rønne town , few shops pubs/resto’s

The 64€bridge
Our ferry for today
From now on....
....until monday

Our campsite
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This campsite is in the ACSI guide , now low season for 20€/night Cali on hook-up 2pers. (shower needs coins , no free wifi)

A path direct from the campsite only two min. walk brings you here....
Never parked the Cali this much out of angle compared to the ones arround.
They where filling up every free space on that ferry today . They pointed me to park up like this....
Large busses needed to move backwards in the ferry !
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We are on Hullehaven Campsite in Svaneke where the Danisch meet is this weekend .
Leaving Rønne behind us yesterday took a short drive on the island Bronholm , lovely btw , and visited Hammerhus , a castle ruin.
There’s a lady called Anne who’s attending the meet and she’s been a guid there until here retirement , she can tell every detail .
Bornholm is a realy nice island with lots of cyclepaths most parts separated from the road so safer to ride !
Arrived at Hullehavn campsite in the afternoon , took a pitch and meet the others .
@MattBW is here also , we went for a walk into town and had a few drinks...
Also get to meet @SailSki .

@Kmann supprised us again with a goodiebag with a competion to win a VW espressomaker sponsord by VW Center Risskov / Thomas Yde is here with a Grand California one of the first on the road in Denmark
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We had dinner all together at a large table , told stories until midnight most went to sleep.
Today sathurday waking up to a sunny day near the beach , expecting 25cel the whole weekend and no rain ....a dreamscenario afther last years Rømo meet thats been wet&windy.

At 8am the pulled up the Danisch flag
During the weekend friday-sunday we spent time at the meet in Bornholm , look here for the nice pictures and see what adventures we had

@Kmann did again after lasts years meet in Rømo some effort to make it even better alltough last years weather was bad and this year we had a Danisch summerweekend never seen!
We stayed at the campsite a night longer until mondaymorning , had booked the 8am frerry from Rønne to Saaznitz (Germany)
We took of at 6.30am to arrive wel on time at the terminal for the 3h20 crossing to Germany . I did not want to go all the way back via Sweden and those expencive brideges . The ferry was 799DK , if you book it earlier like @MattBW did i belive it was only half of that ..still 799DK is less than 2xtoll bridge + diesel + sevral hours more driving
From there we drove straight to Berlin , drove 420 Km + the distance on the water , planning a two or three days stay here .
Parked up almost in city center at City-Camping/Wohnmobil-Oase Berlin
Nothing fancy at all , a gravel parking with showers-toilets in a container , but very close to city .
Payed 63€ for two nights showers and 220hook-up included.
There are campsites also nearby but we are of the whole day so only need a place to sleep .0DFAB33A-A240-45D9-A28E-9972D02A1790.jpeg
Look at this animal parked up accros the field
The high bridge in Saaznitz

Parked up on the ferry with a Danisch Cali who was also at the meet
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Bornholm is really small. We got a surprise driving in Rønne last night and we noticed a Cali, then realised it was Henrik and Iben waving at us. Our unplanned dinner was very nice indeed. The island is very small, it’s hard to say goodbye for long.

Loving Denmark :)

We had difficulty finding a camping place as many had closed for the season so we ended up back where we started. Lovely sunrise today. Now waiting for the ferry... the rain has began.

Berlin is BIG need at least a few weeks i reccon . We are trying to see some must do’s and see where we get .
So far been in the TV-tower and seen Branderburg Tor
Berlin is BIG need at least a few weeks i reccon . We are trying to see some must do’s and see where we get .
So far been in the TV-tower and seen Branderburg Tor
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Tapas used to be good at Yosoy (Rosenthaler Strasse 37) – maybe a visit worth? Also Mitte and Prenzlauer Berg are nice areas with cafés, art galleries and good shops. Reichstag and Checkpoint Charlie are also a must if you go down the must-see tourist path :)
Parked up almost in city center at City-Camping/Wohnmobil-Oase Berlin
Nothing fancy at all , a gravel parking with showers-toilets in a container , but very close to city .
Payed 63€ for two nights showers and 220hook-up included.
There are campsites also nearby but we are of the whole day so only need a place to sleep .

We went straight to that Berlin Stellplatz from Hannover after the 1st factory tour this year. The WC and showers weren’t good at all but the location was really great by the supermarket and S and U-Bahn stations.
I should say the relaxing speed limits of Bornholm have pushed up my average mpg by about 4mpg much to my surprise.
Yesterday later in the afternoon we visited some remains of the Berlin Wall and wanderd arround the city to Checkpoint Charlie , seen the watchtower but I must say to me Berlin compared to Londen or Paris is less attractive . Today we head to Potsdam .
We been using public transport and walked a lot . Compared to Kopenhagen we did last week it’s also less clean and more traffic here (exhaust fumes ) , Kopenhagen was much more relaxing to visit .


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Today we visited Potsdam , about 35km from Berlin . Took the train included in our pass we got . The weather was ideal to explore the city , 25celcius light clouds now and then.

Returning back to Berlin late afternoon we visited Brandenburg tower again as yesterday it rained slightly and we wanted pictures in the sun !
The Berlin dome/cathedral
The TV-tower
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This will be our 3th night on this site . need heading of tomorrow before 11am .
Plan is to drive somewhere close to Dusseldorf to visit the caravan&motorhome show on friday (free tickets from Camper Centrum Nederland ;)) as it is on our way heading home. Checking out the T6.1 California
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This will be our 3th night on this site . need heading of tomorrow before 11am .
Plan is to drive somewhere close to Dusseldorf to visit the caravan&motorhome show on friday (free tickets from Camper Centrum Nederland ;)) as it is on our way heading home. Checking out the T6.1 California

Iben and I try to figure out how and if we go to CS in Düsseldorf – either by Cali or plane. Are eager to see the new T6.1 before we eventually order. But its tight that we can make it due to work. Will let you know if we go – maybe we meet :)
Thismorning at 10am drove out of Berlin Wohnmobiloase after a 3 night stay
Drove about 530km today ending up at Solingen , a free aire next to the firestation (hope we sleep well tonight) . Only 38km from Dusseldorf were we head to in the morning hoping to see the T6.1 California at the caravan&motorhome show.
In Berlin it was 20cel allready a 10am , during the ride we only saw this go down ....@our home it’s been raining the last few days .....should we go back there?
Anyway , the ride thru Germany was ok if you like Stau und Baustelle! At least 15-20 times we needed to drive narrow lanes for work on the motorway i said earlyer : don’t like driving in Germany .
We passed Hannover also , what is there to see:oops:....das VW kundencenter ! About halfway our ride so perfect to stop for a break
Sure we spent money , will show you later what we got .
Inside no T6.1 but two nice oldtimers

Also the platform with engine of an Amarok


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After visiting Hannover Kundecenter we drove up to Solingen to spent the night at a free aire as said in post above , but here is the link.

We had a good night sleep with a few others and took of a 8.30am heading for Dusseldorf show witch wax only 38km driving from Solingen.
When we got there we had breakfast while waiting for the doors to open at 10am(toast in the RidgeMonkey easy!)

Never went to Dusseldorf caravan&motorhome show and this would be the biggest motorhome show i ever went as Brussels show is not that big.
We had free tickets from CCN Amersfoort and so only needed paying 10€ for a dayparking.
The show was big with all the large motorhomeproducers and vans , lots on the side about camping and travelling. But we went to see the T6.1 first !
Will comment about it in an other thread.

Walked about 5hours there and then headed direction Belgium to arrive home about 18pm .(220km)
Again dealing with a number of stau/baustelle until entering Holland suddenly the ride was smooth....
Unpacked the Cali a bit : fridge, cloting,....and lighted the fire in my stove as it was colder here then in Germany.
Had a good night sleep in our home bed , feels strange after 19nights in the Cali.
We drove from DK after work yesterday. Had a free aire at a campercenter 1 hour from the Caravan Salon. Ending on the parkinglot and ate breakfast while waiting for the doors to open. Went straigt for th T6.1 and spend some more hours around to get confirmed that Cali is best for us. Now at the restaurant in Autostadt. Will be back home tomorrow. Seems we are living our lives similar those days
I can show on a map witch part we drove in Denmark .
Last year we did the westcoast (with the Waddenzee) and the meet on the island Rømo
This year more east , Fune and Seeland(Kopenhagen) and the meet on Bornholm
We came in from Germany via Flensburg up to Aarhus , back down to Fune then Kopenhagen and took a ferry in Ystad (Sweden) to Bornholm (Denmark) , then headed back to Germany from Rønne on Bornholm to Saaznits (Germany)

In the pink marked places we spent the night(s)

Did 2680km and stayed 19nights in the Cali on the whole trip .
Belgium -Holland -Germany -Denmark -Sweden-Denmark -Germany -Belgium

Been looking at my Mastercard bills and it was quite an expencive vacation due the fact we did actually three citytrips alltogether .
Also as promised in post #45 i need to give away what we got at VW Kundecenter Hannover .....
I've allready tested it with the gin we got from Berlin .
A nice end to a great vacation ....
CHEERS ...!!!!
We went straight to that Berlin Stellplatz from Hannover after the 1st factory tour this year. The WC and showers weren’t good at all but the location was really great by the supermarket and S and U-Bahn stations.
Thank you. I finally found what I was looking for.

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