Diesel emissions from parking heater



United Kingdom
T6 Beach 150
I've a couple of questions

-- does the parking heater exhaust have any systems to reduce pollution? Or is it pure and unadulterated diesel fumes?

-- has anyone measured the outputs of pollutants from the parking heater?

I am wondering about the localised environmental impact of the parking heater
Hi KP,

What a genuinely great question.

You could ask VW?
What would you like the answer to be?
if you let VW know before hand, what you would like the results to be, I’m sure they can prepare a report to satisfy your requirements!

I’ll follow this with interest

Not exactly the same, but principle should be
Page 19 !

Page 15

I suspect our vans don’t have this fitted

As far i know the diesel heater uses very litlle diesel/hour so the ammount of pollution will be not that much compared to the comfort you get from the heater . You could leave the heater of and put on a extra sweater . ;)
"I am wondering about the localised environmental impact of the parking heater"

I just like being warm. And when I'm nice and cosy, I reflect on how desperately short life is......
I've a couple of questions

-- does the parking heater exhaust have any systems to reduce pollution? Or is it pure and unadulterated diesel fumes?

-- has anyone measured the outputs of pollutants from the parking heater?

I am wondering about the localised environmental impact of the parking heater
Probably a lot less than the emissions you used to drive to the place where you intend to use your heater so I think you better stay at home from now on.
Every time you click on a website you release 1g of carbon into the atmosphere, and 50g if it has a video in it. Source, Dr Fable Radio 5 live just now. Emissions from cars are 4% of the total which is double that from aviation Act locally think globally he said.
Other points made in the program:
Population is an issue. The fewer there are of us the better. Anyone planning a family should really consider this now.
Electric bicycles are brilliant.
Electric cars only make sense if their power is derived from a renewable source. The more electric cars there are, the harder this is to achieve.
They recognise that none of us are perfect and it’s all about compromise.
Use a one cup kettle.
Depends how you define a renewable source, as you still need to create the infrastructure to capture the renewables....anyway...

Biggest change most people can make is by walking to the local shop rather than driving, walking the kids to school (if distance permits) etc as short trips produce alot of emissions. People will generally use the excuse "I don't have time, too busy". Make time as your health will also improve as a result of making small changes.
Depends how you define a renewable source, as you still need to create the infrastructure to capture the renewables....anyway...

Biggest change most people can make is by walking to the local shop rather than driving, walking the kids to school (if distance permits) etc as short trips produce alot of emissions. People will generally use the excuse "I don't have time, too busy". Make time as your health will also improve as a result of making small changes.
Having less kids is the biggest change people can make.
I've a couple of questions

-- does the parking heater exhaust have any systems to reduce pollution? Or is it pure and unadulterated diesel fumes?

-- has anyone measured the outputs of pollutants from the parking heater?

I am wondering about the localised environmental impact of the parking heater
Personally not something I worry about, I don,t have hard numbers but in use experience indicates it uses very little fuel so generates very limited pollution, compared with the drive to your overnight stop. I suspect a heavy right foot uses far more fuel than the heater ever will. Just use and enjoy being warm and get out camping all year round.

I've a couple of questions

-- does the parking heater exhaust have any systems to reduce pollution? Or is it pure and unadulterated diesel fumes?

-- has anyone measured the outputs of pollutants from the parking heater?

I am wondering about the localised environmental impact of the parking heater

Its a good question. certainly, as others have indicated, the amount of fumes/CO2 will be tiny compared to driving the van any distance. However, you indicate the 'local' environment....so:

I noticed a bit of a diesel/exhaust smell inside the van. Despite reassurances on here, I did check inside with a CO meter and it was nil, so despite the occasional odour inside, I'm reassured on that.

For the immediate local environment outside the van, it is exhausting underneath, so I think it would be sensible to be cautious if someone was sleeping in a connected awning with zero wind around when there is definitely a mild exhaust smell outside near the van. All very unlikely of course.

Including noise in environmental concerns, in some situations, the heater can be a bit noisy. Probably fine from inside a camper, motorhome or caravan. However, it could be a bit of an issue near a tent at sleep time with low or no wind noise. Just occasionally I've delayed using it in this situation.

Good to think about all the issues; overall the heater is absolutely brilliant and extends camping possibilities so much in colder seasons. I'm sure will all go electric in time.
I wonder more about the harm to your lungs if it's on for a prolonged amount of time, it certainly doesn't smell fantastic but like others have said, the comfort it provides is amazing, especially with the remote on cold days.
I've a couple of questions

-- does the parking heater exhaust have any systems to reduce pollution? Or is it pure and unadulterated diesel fumes?

-- has anyone measured the outputs of pollutants from the parking heater?

I am wondering about the localised environmental impact of the parking heater
You could fit this.
Hi everyone

thanks for your responses and interest in this

I am out of the UK with poor internet so will investigate more fully with VW on my return in 10 days or so.

just to clarify- I am interested in pollutants and their potential for harm to human health e.g. PM 1.0, PM2.5, NOx etc.

Localised high concentrations can be harmful if it is where people are. E.g at a campsite or near schools etc.

so going back to my original question- what are the implications for the emissions of a parking heater, running all night near where people are sleeping?

whilst the engines of motor vehicles have strict emission controls- I am interested to know whether such regulations apply to the heater. It may be that the heater puts out more dangerous pollutants than the engine due to this disparity in exhaust regulations. I don’t know. Certainly will do in a campsite at night when the engine is off.
According to the graphic in post #14 above, there are regulations and the heaters comply. Take a look.
Hi everyone

thanks for your responses and interest in this

I am out of the UK with poor internet so will investigate more fully with VW on my return in 10 days or so.

just to clarify- I am interested in pollutants and their potential for harm to human health e.g. PM 1.0, PM2.5, NOx etc.

Localised high concentrations can be harmful if it is where people are. E.g at a campsite or near schools etc.

so going back to my original question- what are the implications for the emissions of a parking heater, running all night near where people are sleeping?

whilst the engines of motor vehicles have strict emission controls- I am interested to know whether such regulations apply to the heater. It may be that the heater puts out more dangerous pollutants than the engine due to this disparity in exhaust regulations. I don’t know. Certainly will do in a campsite at night when the engine is off.
Totally different type of combustion burn in the heater compared to an engine.
Hi everyone

thanks for your responses and interest in this

I am out of the UK with poor internet so will investigate more fully with VW on my return in 10 days or so.

just to clarify- I am interested in pollutants and their potential for harm to human health e.g. PM 1.0, PM2.5, NOx etc.

Localised high concentrations can be harmful if it is where people are. E.g at a campsite or near schools etc.

so going back to my original question- what are the implications for the emissions of a parking heater, running all night near where people are sleeping?

whilst the engines of motor vehicles have strict emission controls- I am interested to know whether such regulations apply to the heater. It may be that the heater puts out more dangerous pollutants than the engine due to this disparity in exhaust regulations. I don’t know. Certainly will do in a campsite at night when the engine is off.
I’m really susceptible to the fumes making me feel ill, starting with a clogged up nose, throat then chest which then sometimes turns into flu like symptoms (without the temperature). We use the heater minimally and would rather add layers or feel a little cool. We Have used it though on really cold days when out with our little grandkids for the day and we come back to the van for lunch, etc, to get them warmed up.

On a lot of UK campsites and popular stop over places you don’t get much space between you and the next van, I would struggle if a nearby van had their heater on all night, even on low.

As for an environmental thing, if I see a ring pull on the floor outside, I’ll pick it up to recycle, so it depends how little you consider to be worth the effort.

I’m following this thread with interest on all levels.
We have never left a heater of any sort on overnight as our sleeping bags would make it too warm. If I get too cold in the evening I put my legs inside the bag. We use our heater to keep warm only when necessary if the jumpers don't work. Some consider they need a heater on because they are cold in their t shirt and shorts.
Has anyone had the catalytic converter fitted? I too have had a nasty reaction to the fumes so only ever use the heater to defrost the vehicle in the morning. If this gadget works it would be game changer for us.
I would like to cut down on the fumes. Very stinky. How much does this cat cost?

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