T5.1 Beach 140
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Nothing like a purely coincidental cross post to put things in perspective!This post is based on observation only.
I went out earlier for the first time in about 8 days. Joined the queue to enter the supermarket. A lady aged mid fifties joined behind me, a few minutes later an elderly man joined the back of the queue, at which point the lady behind me said “Dad, what the hell are you doing here...” The average age in the supermarket was approx 80, typical content of shopping trolley was gin, tonic water lemons/limes, newspapers, some gardening paraphernalia and a small quantity of food. Observed quite a lot of close quarter conversations happening and people generally ignoring the guidelines including one elderly lady coughing her way around the place.
I get that self-isolation is challenging for all kinds of reasons but as the evidence has shown from all the countries that imposed strict controls (in many cases stricter than ours) the number of infections reduce and so does the number of daily deaths, which in the case of both Italy and Spain did not reach the daily highs we have now seen.
The way I see it, the rules of a lockdown are much like the rules of the road, if we all follow them, things generally work out pretty well but it only takes 1 person to ignore them for several other people to suffer the consequences.