
Sorry to hear Jen, as you know I live along this stretch of the coast.

The shouting and hollowing we hear daily of owners trying to get their dogs back seems to be getting worse over the years.

Personally we do not let our large Boxer off the lead, the amount of distractions on the greensward for a dog is immense. I could not trust Benson to come back so he stays on the lead, a well fitted harness as standard.

Hope u get better soon,

Sounds pretty terrifying. True what you say about runners though. I've had quite a few nips and bites in my time as a mountain biker too, on the rear and legs. Something about it does seem to trigger something in some dogs, maybe it's herding instinct or hunting perhaps?

I often see ladies in our park with large dogs getting dragged around by them and it makes me glad we have something smaller.
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Sorry to hear Jen, as you know I live along this stretch of the coast.

The shouting and hollowing we hear daily of owners trying to get their dogs back seems to be getting worse over the years.

Personally we do not let our large Boxer off the lead, the amount of distractions on the greensward for a dog is immense. I could not trust Benson to come back so he stays on the lead, a well fitted harness as standard.

Hope u get better soon,


Thank you Kev.

Well you know Max, soft as anything, he's my best mate, first time I've ever had an incident with him since he cam to us as a rescue boy ten years ago. He knows most of the dogs on the East Preston Greensward and they all get on fine.

I must admit, if I was going to confront a dog who had lost it then I would prefer it not to be a big male Rottie :shocked A bit intimidating to say the least.
We are seriously considering a muzzle.
I'm not a dog owner but an occasional dog sufferer in the respect that their behaviour (and I know it's the owners, or maybe some are just mental like some humans) is irritating (barking dogs next door), irritating (jumping up at people and muddying clothes) etc. but if I had come to the realisation that my dog was unstable in some circumstances and it might need a muzzle then I wouldn't be considering it, i'd be on amazon or wherever buying one.

I hope Amarillo that you aren't too late with your seriously considering....
That’s an interesting belief and quite a generalisation. Though I do have a big 4x4 Cali.
I guess that you wouldn't qualify as I'm sure that you don't have an out of control dog.

I have known people who get a big dog then change the family hatchback for a big 4x4 because 'the dog needs it'.
I'm going this morning, but only because I can't stand the smell of any more TCP being poured over it by Jo :shocked

No chance of taking Max to his favourite beach cafe today. We both stink to high heaven!
When I got a rump/rear end bite by an Alsatian I was advised to come into the Surgery for a Tetanus boost.
Not a Police dog.
Sounds pretty terrifying. True what you say about runners though. I've had quite a few nips and bites in my time as a mountain biker too, on the rear and legs. Something about it does seem to trigger something in some dogs, maybe it's herding instinct or hunting perhaps?

I often see ladies in our park with large dogs getting dragged around by them and it makes me glad we have something smaller.

My Sister in law is a typical case of someone who buys the wrong dog then blames the dog.

She works all day long six days a week, smokes like a trooper and a long walk to her is about half a mile.

Husband finds intense difficulty getting into a standing position and does very little walking.


They buy a collie pup! A bright, intelligent dog with more energy than a nuclear reactor and it spends all day long seeing nothing but the small back garden. Then they make it worse. They decided to buy the Mum off the breeder as well. So now a collie pup and a six year old collie bored out their wits, getting no exercise and they wonder why there are behavioural problems, furniture getting chewed and allergy ailments with the young one.

I turn up: Into the country park next door, a five mile run with two energetic doggies,, two happy dogs returned home, both as content as can be.
Shame it wasn't a police dog, but you reminded me of a fab news story some years back... I just found it again here:

When I was at school I did work experience with the Warwickshire Police, exciting at 15. We visited Leek Wootton and was told the police dog demonstration was cancelled because the only dog available that wasn't on duty had a habit of biting bums instead of arms. We were all ready to don the big padded arm but alas they didnt have a bum pad.
My Sister in law is a typical case of someone who buys the wrong dog then blames the dog.

She works all day long six days a week, smokes like a trooper and a long walk to her is about half a mile.

Husband finds intense difficulty getting into a standing position and does very little walking.
I take it they are not on the forum lol :D
I've had quite a few nips and bites in my time as a mountain biker too, on the rear and legs.
Me too!

Hope there are no further complications for you, and Max, Jen.
I've never been a dog owner so won't attempt any misinformed opinions - just wish you a speedy recovery after what must have been an unnerving & scary experience.

This is a California Club forum.

If you wish to discuss dogs then there are many dog forums out there"

Remember trying to open a thread and talking about future driving permits and the above were @GrannyJen words (but replace dog with politics)

Just trying to prove a point!

Seriously, hope your ok though!! I have a life time of bad experiences with dogs including my friend getting attacked by an uncontrollable Rotty!!

Make a speedy recovery!

This is a California Club forum.

If you wish to discuss dogs then there are many dog forums out there"

Remember trying to open a thread and talking about future driving permits and the above were @GrannyJen words (but replace dog with politics)

Just trying to prove a point!

Seriously, hope your ok though!! I have a life time of bad experiences with dogs including my friend getting attacked by an uncontrollable Rotty!!

Make a speedy recovery!

I enjoy the non California topics on here and reading a heated debate. If there are sections you don't want to read you can just chose to ignore them, that way you will not see the content
I enjoy the non California topics on here and reading a heated debate. If there are sections you don't want to read you can just chose to ignore them, that way you will not see the content

I think the point Mark is trying to make is that while wholly off topic discussion about dogs is being tolerated, partially on topic discussion about post Brexit motoring is censored.

Follow my blog:
I think the point Mark is trying to make is that while wholly off topic discussion about dogs is being tolerated, partially on topic discussion about post Brexit motoring is censored.

Good point. As long as we accept the principle of having a "General Chit Chat" section (as most car forums do, otherwise stuff ends up 'bleeding' into the core sections anyway), I think we should be okay with having treads there about almost anything folks want to debate.

Provided a thread is clearly entitled "What do you think about the state of the roads?" or "Fox hunting" or "Brexit" then I can choose whether to read it or not. In fact I could change my settings so I don't see any of the General Chit Chat content, if I wanted.

At the same time, it's well established internet etiquette that you can expect to be called out for taking a thread off-topic, especially if you do so to soapbox on your pet, unrelated, subject. Although if it's entertaining and people enjoy it, you'll probably be fine.

But I think the time the mods need to step in is when an individual poster's behaviour crosses a line by being deliberately insulting, really offensive or clearly trolling. But that shouldn't usually mean closing down the thread, which risks 'punishing' the folks enjoying a good debate just because one or two individuals have gone off on one a bit.
I've pondered for some time whether to repy to this as I realise Im contributing to an off thread topic. Velma's Dad has summed up my approach pretty much spot on.

I've been on plenty of forums where the moderators literally let anything go and within a short space of time, it was an unwelcome wild west of the internet where newbies get shouted down asking basic questions let alone the politics questions. My old t25 forum haunt was horrendous before I stopped using them entirely.

As a volunteer I am proud of the friendly and inclusive atmosphere the forums have and want it to remain. I even self moderated my own post in this very thread because I thought it could cause arguments. I will generally let any thread run within reason but as soon as it starts to get heated or personal its probably time to intervene, that is not what we want here. Debate is good, arguments are not. If we want debates to keep going then we just need to try and not let emotions get in the way and keep it factual not personal. I know its not always easy but we have more in common here with our love of Cali's and the outdoors than we disagree on. :)
This is a great forum and a significant part of that is because we have great mods. Hats off to them all.
Agreed, the mods are great on here however looking at the moderator list some I never hear from are they dormant ?

How does one become a moderator? Is it personal invite like masons ?

This is a California Club forum.

If you wish to discuss dogs then there are many dog forums out there"

Remember trying to open a thread and talking about future driving permits and the above were @GrannyJen words (but replace dog with politics)

Just trying to prove a point!

Seriously, hope your ok though!! I have a life time of bad experiences with dogs including my friend getting attacked by an uncontrollable Rotty!!

Make a speedy recovery!

Thank you for your kind thoughts Mark but I am not sure what point you are proving. The title is general chit chat and that means any non-california related discussion.

However I do realise that you are relatively new and not aware of some of the preceding history that may give rise to certain moderation actions so please allow me to explain, and explain also why this section name was changed by Admin from "general chit chat" to Light-hearted chit chat".

Shortly after the Brexit referendum we had a Brexit thread.I do believe that before it was closed it became the second-biggest thread on here, second only to the the roof rot threads.

By the end most of the posts were full of poisonous rancour, personal attacks and general nastiness. It nearly tore this forum apart. There are still many people who up to then were frequent, positive contributors to this forum that have never posted again, and many who now only post infrequently. The moderators, quite rightly in my opinion, were roundly criticised by many for being too liberal and letting many exchanges get out of hand. The thread was eventually closed but even after the thread closure satellite threads would crop up, other Brexit topics, that very soon were poisoned by outbreaks of the old rancour and hostility.

That was when Admin put the "light-hearted" into the section title and said "PLEASE ... no poisonous politics".

In that thread that you quote from Mark it was happening again. What you cannot see are the posts removed as it was just stirring up the pot again. What you do not see are the reports to Moderators and the personal PM's from members asking why on earth we were allowing the thread to deteriorate into the old drum-beating that led to such hostility. What you do not see are the posts that were removed because they were simply jibes and digs relating to old history.

I asked, quite reasonably, please stay on topic and keep away from politics. Sadly it did not work out that way. I left it for quite a few days but when I saw that 75% of posts were no longer contributing to the topic but were instead resurrecting old hostilities, out of respect to other members of this forum who are sick and tired of threads deteriorating into acrimony once the dreaded Brexit word has been used, I closed the thread.

If you, or any one else, at any stage wish to query a moderation action on this forum then you are quite at liberty to do so. Use the report button and it will be discussed by admin and moderators together. We are only human, sometimes we do make mistakes, sometimes I accept I have been over-anxious to stop threads deteriorating into personal mud slinging. It has happened in the past, queries to moderation have been discussed, decisions have been reversed and threads re-opened and posts reinstated.
Agreed, the mods are great on here however looking at the moderator list some I never hear from are they dormant ?

How does one become a moderator? Is it personal invite like masons ?

I can only speak for me but it my case it was Martin publicly asking in the forum for people to step forward and volunteer. I stepped forward and was not killed in the rush.
I volunteered too, but I think there are other criteria too that go into the decision as to accept a volunteer such as how active members are, how much time they can afford to give and I suspect their general approach to the forum.
All this talk about going off thread has taken this thread off thread. :shocked

That's three threads in one sentence and now I'm going off thread......again!
All this talk about going off thread has taken this thread off thread. :shocked

That's three threads in one sentence and now I'm going off thread......again!

It must be a Dog's life being a mod. Ooops... :offtopic

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