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DSG Gearbox manoeuvring uphill & going downhill

Hello, yesteday I sent an email to this company "GOTENMAN.COM" explaining the problem with reverse. I have readen the web and they are a group of engineers so i think they should know what they are talking about.
The answer that they had said to me was this ( sorry for the translation):

What I would tell it is happening to your car, is that the clutches preassure of the DSG box, is not enough and this causes that clutches slide, and this added to the little torque generated at low revolutions, causes that there isnt enough power to move the T6"

This is the orignal text:

"Lo que diría que esta pasando en tu vehículo es que la presión de los embragues de la caja dsg no es suficiente en comparativa al poco par que genera el motor a tan bajas revoluciones, por lo que patinan y no es capaz de transmitir suficiente par a las ruedas para mover la T6. "
Picked up our MY19 199 DSG mid March, done approx 500 miles. We have the exact issues that have been described e.g delayed delivery of power at round about etc. My "fear" (due to dangers of issue) is the DSG has been programmed deliberately to do this to help VW meet emissions on MY19's. Obviously if I take my Cali to VW they will say what I am experiencing is normal for the vehicle and they could be right if that is how they have set it up to met emission limits. I feel I am left with a potentially dangerous vehicle that VW won't fix because potentially they set it up that way in the first place in their haist the met the emission standards and off load MY19 199 vehicles
It dont like going backwards up my drive.. Boot it or nearly stall it..sounds that way anyway... .. Does my 2011 T5.1 DSG box need a software it on here once but cant find it now.... Any clues...
our 2019 T6 DSG is just the same, only had it 3 weeks and thought it was my driving but seems 'reverse uphill' is an issue !
Same here! Initially you think there’s no clutch but then it picks up.
so 180's have the issue too ... I guess maybe 4motions might not ?
Boot it to get it moving then very precise throttle control to maintain speed. Reverse far too highly geared for weight of vehicle.
so 180's have the issue too ... I guess maybe 4motions might not ?
My 180 4Motion doesn’t seem to. Start, R, Handbrake off, wait and off we go. It does have an anti-stall capability. Well mine seems to never stalled yet. Just wait and the revs slowly rise.
FYI - I've just picked up our new 2019 Ocean 150 DSG and gave it a good test at the dealership before accepting, using a roughly 8% slope, I could reverse from stopped with excellent control, practically the same as a manual, modulating the throttle with no snatchiness at all. Either some people's vehicles are affected or I don't know what... The car would release it's hill hold and roll downhill if no throttle applied, which I could stop / hold, then apply gentle throttle to reverse at less than walking speed - I know that you shouldn't slip the DSG, or any clutch, for long but it felt very 'natural' to drive. I have noticed a slight delay if trying to drive off in a hurry where it does pick-up abruptly but that's something I'll need to get used to!

Just my 2 cents...
My 180 4Motion doesn’t seem to. Start, R, Handbrake off, wait and off we go. It does have an anti-stall capability. Well mine seems to never stalled yet. Just wait and the revs slowly rise.
Just dont wanna have to revs balls off then off it goes suddenly. reversing onto avenue with little control/fast.. Cant be right surely !
Unfortunately it is how they are. You do learn to drive around it to some degree but its pretty poor all the same, doesnt really bother me now but Im certainly reminded when i drive the x3 with its far superior ZF box how much better things could be.
still pretty sure I read something about VW doing a dsg software update though?? Can a gearbox have software.. Gulp.. :( Or I assume an ECU tweek??
Yes a gearbox has its own "brain" so software updates are quite possible. VW call it mechatronics. They had this great idea to put it inside the gearbox covered in hot oil and is often why hard driven gearboxes (track) go into safe mode to protect the e;ectronics .
Thing is most times they dont update the software they reset the adaptations which means the self learning starts again plus some clutch pack wear adjustments.
still pretty sure I read something about VW doing a dsg software update though?? Can a gearbox have software.. Gulp.. :( Or I assume an ECU tweek??
I had my DSG software updated to the latest version recently as van sometimes would not move when cold and on a slope. It fixed my issue but reversing up slopes just the same as before.
I had my DSG software updated to the latest version recently as van sometimes would not move when cold and on a slope. It fixed my issue but reversing up slopes just the same as before.
. Skewif: You say It fixed your issues but would still not reverse on a slope very well... sorry but what was the issue it actually fixed then? I assume you mean it actually moves now!! Thats grim!!
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Just wondering if it's more of a 199 MY19 issue, maybe the software applied to 199's is slightly different to other power output Cali's, possibly to enable 199's to meet emissions compliance, just a thought. Interestingly when we first start to use our new Cali in March to enable us to feel safer at for example round about we had to be in Sport mode, now I only use VPower diesel the issue has improved by about 75%
I have a MY 19 199 and, not having had DSG before, I am finding it takes quite a bit of getting used to, particularly setting off - forwards or backwards! My experience is very limited so I will see how it goes - and watch this thread.

I have the issue and I've got a MY19, 4Motion, DSG, 199, picked it up in March and have covered only 500 miles
Just wondering if it's more of a 199 MY19 issue, maybe the software applied to 199's is slightly different to other power output Cali's, possibly to enable 199's to meet emissions compliance, just a thought. Interestingly when we first start to use our new Cali in March to enable us to feel safer at for example round about we had to be in Sport mode, now I only use VPower diesel the issue has improved by about 75%
Also the Gearbox will have “ Learnt “ or adapted to your style of driving. I, personally don’t think using the VPower has any bearing on the issue. Nothing wrong in using it if you wish but standard diesel won’t make it any worse.
. Skewif: You say It fixed your issues but would still not reverse on a slope very well... sorry but what was the issue it actually fixed then? I assume you mean it actually moves now!! Thats grim!!
Having the latest software fixed my issue of not moving at all when cold. Made zero difference to reversing up hills. I'm used to how they reverse up steep slopes now so not really a problem. I feel it does just take practice and getting used to. Due to the high gearing of reverse I find a little extra speed and very fine throttle control once moving helps.
How do people go on putting there dsg vans on levelling chocks with this problem???
We considered a dsg next this is making me think it’s a bad idea?
I've done 1k in my MY19 150 DSG Beach and I think im seeing the same as the general comments on this thread - I'm a bit hesitant to say for definite as I've not much experience with an auto before, and never in a van. So pinch of salt and all that.
For the first fortnight I was seeing lag at take-off and reversing and then a punch of power further down the pedal, enough for wheelspin three times in the first fortnight rather than the linear, smooth application I was expecting. So switched to driving in S for a week and that was much better. No wheelspin. Switched back to D recently, and actually finding I'm getting used to it now. The lag is still there but I'm not suffering wheelspin now and am a bit more confident that I can feed into traffic at junctions etc.

@Jay17cali Personally, I'd much much rather this quirky DSG than a manual - 95% of the time the gearbox is transparent to my driving and a large part of why the Cali is a pleasure to drive. I'd say test drive one. I don't think I'll be going back to manual.

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How do people go on putting there dsg vans on levelling chocks with this problem???
We considered a dsg next this is making me think it’s a bad idea?
Just control it using the brake with your left foot (gives it some exercise :D)
How do people go on putting there dsg vans on levelling chocks with this problem???
We considered a dsg next this is making me think it’s a bad idea?
I carry them but never had to use them yet.
I’ve practiced with them, but mine is a T5.1 in 4Motion. I just put in D or R and wait and it just creeps up.

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