California Club Meet France Meet -september 2017

There has been a lot of frantic activity in Champagne in recent days, a late frost coinciding with bud burst, especially of pinot noir, has had all hands working to protect the vines.
Hmmmm... I'd say not...
Great you're so keen @Victor but @hotel california is on here pretty much daily so if there's any update I'm sure he'd let us know. And in the meantime you can always 'follow this thread' in case you miss anything.
Let's hope there's good news soon :thumb
Well , i got confirmed from the owner that from friday 2nd september in the afthernoon till sunday 4th september now coming , so 2016 ....we can arrange a meet-up at this lovely site.
A tasting of the champagnes on sathurday late afthernoon and a BBQ ( each bringing their own meat or other....) using the on site large BBQ' s and other facilitys.

Now we need to fix a price , and a way to subscribe and pay in advance.
Will ask the club to make a announcement on the forum within a few days, so we can start to sign in .

Would be nice to see a line up with those who actually thinking to come over now we got a date , i hope to get up to 20 Cali's maybe 25....
More deails asap.

Just add. that we hope to arrive at a price just under 40 euro ( hoping to calculate in to pounds and to be paid like the other forum meets) for the two nights / Cali with 2 adults , hoping to negociate childeren free....
Including the stay from fridaynoon till sundaynoon
All the site facilitys , showers,etc....
Tasting at sathurdayafthernoon
BBQ ready at sat. evening each bring theire own food

We will start a new tread once the full deails are worked out with the link to subcribe/pay .
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Edit august 2016: meet is on hold for now will try again a other date maybe next year....

So for the meet from 2-4 september 2016
Provisional list:

Hotel California : 2 adults+ 1 dog

Copy paste and add your name + details
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Wrong end of September for us so won't be able to pop in sadly

Sent from my Galaxy S6
We might be able to make it. But won't be able to decide before somewhere in august..
This is a great find by Wim.

I was there today, buying champagne, and it is a lovely location. A sleepy village in a glorious part of Champagne-Ardenne, good connection to the A4 and handy for Reims and Epernay.

The site itself, to almost repeat how Wim described it, space for a dozen vans, two small areas for parking, electric, shower and toilet, washing up facilities and a BBQ.

nowak1.jpg nowak2.jpg nowak3.jpg
This date is not looking good for us either, we will try and juggle things around, is this set in stone? I think the problem is it coincides with kids going back to school
The place is great , but seems there are not much people in for the date....

Can't do good for everyone , the second weekend in sept. there is a meet in the UK , and i thought the earlyer in september the more chance on nice weather and the longer the days ...a few weeks later would mean a much earlyer sundown...

So i hope there will be more people able to come as i would be a bit lost on my own there....:D
This date is not looking good for us either, we will try and juggle things around, is this set in stone? I think the problem is it coincides with kids going back to school

Now thats for me the thing , or you go AFTHER schoolhollydays and get reaction like above
Or you go IN the schoolhollydays and reactions like , got other things plannned , to busy , to expencife , .....

We like to come out when school is on so things are less busy and the HIGH season is over.
Thanks for arranging this HC. Might make it but relying on VW to build my Cali. If it's built by say mid August there is a fair to middling chance that we shall be across for an extended test run about then. Fingers crossed.

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We love meetings! Unfortunately, we can't be at this champagne-meet (I ticked another month than september... ). Maybe next time :)
Good luck!
That is quite bizarre, my wife and I stayed at Champagne Nowack last night, just randomly picked it. I have to say it is excellent. Nothing in the village whatsoever apart from Champagne Houses, so if you like your fizz, it's a perfect choice. I will do a comprehensive post on my return. P.S. we stayed as part of France Passion, hence it was free. But we did buy a bottle of Champagne!!
Count us in if this goes ahead Hotel. Thank you for organising this meet.
Count us in if this goes ahead Hotel. Thank you for organising this meet.

I beeing a bit supprised on the low reaction as when i first mentiont it here , there was more positive reaction , but i know it's afther the summerbreak and some may have spend theire vacationdays and money by then....
Hope more wil confirm , for the time i wil not start taking money as there is to low intrest.
If we lose the site/ date due to low intrest it would be a shame.
Well, we're on the campsite now....and we've got it to ourselves! Sitting here looking over the vineyards with a bottle of Chamagne Nowak blanc de noirs.....what's not to like?!

Good recommendation by HC!
Well, we're on the campsite now....and we've got it to ourselves! Sitting here looking over the vineyards with a bottle of Chamagne Nowak blanc de noirs.....what's not to like?!

Good recommendation by HC!

Nice ! The great thing is you just park up walk in and ask for a chilled botle and a winecooler , walk to the Cali and enjoy.....
It sounds wonderful.
First day at New school for our lad on the Monday after so not great timing for us.
Love the idea though
The ways this is going we will be on our own having the whole place to ourselves ....
We could ask for a other weekend in september but would this change the actual numbers on people coming....?
I know the UK members need to cross the channel but was hoping on some more response from members from the mainland , it's just a weekend so not a real vacation....
I can possibly make it, and will do, but I cannot commit yet, it's a funny old year for me with lots of family things going on and my grand declaration three years ago of "That's it! I'm retired!" now looking rather hollow
Hi Wim, Do not give up just yet, we find from many of the meets we arrange a lot of people decide to come last minute

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