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Frozen water tank



T6.1 Ocean 204 4 motion
Like a complete jackass I've realized that I didn't empty the water tanks when we left Llanberis wales on the 4th Jan. I was midst cleaning Dave down today when it dawned on me, and the tanks are frozen solid. With the valves frozen I had to come up with a solution to thaw out the fresh water tank, as I knew that one was almost full opposed to the waste being very low.
If this has happened to you then can I make a suggestion that will allow you to thaw out and drain the fresh water tank.

Remove your gas bottle, remembering that for some odd reason it's a left hand thread, so righty tighty, lefty loosey doesn't apply for this connector.

Fill a 5L plastic bottle, like the one you get your screen wash in, with VERY HOT water pop it into the void and screw the tank lid back on.

Change the water after a few hours, but by this time your tap should allow you to open the valve to start the draining process.

My tank drained after 4hrs, hopefully no damage.

I could have cried earlier.
You could also trying running the auxiliary heater.
I think you’re the first person that this has actually happened to - or at least posted about it. There are hundreds of posts with people worrying about it.
If it does happen, why not wait for it to thaw gradually as the ambient temperature rises? Surely any damage is done when it first freezes?
We have another trip to Shrewsbury on Monday. My new rule is to empty all tanks before we leave regardless.....
Sorry about the really late reply yes all survived and fully functioning...phew
Thanks for updating at least you had ice for your drinks.
Sadly, I have a “leaving site” checklist. EHU disconnected and master switch off, gas bottle off, both tanks drained, floor mopped etc. Anal, yes. But it works for me
Sadly, I have a “leaving site” checklist. EHU disconnected and master switch off, gas bottle off, both tanks drained, floor mopped etc. Anal, yes. But it works for me
I have an ad-hoc version. soon to be a Bible lest I forget
Sadly, I have a “leaving site” checklist. EHU disconnected and master switch off, gas bottle off, both tanks drained, floor mopped etc. Anal, yes. But it works for me
Why “master switch off” please?
Sadly, I have a “leaving site” checklist. EHU disconnected and master switch off, gas bottle off, both tanks drained, floor mopped etc. Anal, yes. But it works for me
Don’t apologise, my list is written on an old flag positioned on the steering wheel when I arrive!
So just to be clear...

Nothing damaged when water tank froze.

Literally hundreds of posts been made about this!?!!
That’s the double toggle switch for the EHU in the rear cupboard. I don’t know if it’s essential to be off, but I do it anyway
I was simply puzzled as to what the benefit would be from switching it off.
I like these:

I have them individually marked up (EHU, water, roof, trip zero, etc.) and put any appropriate ones around steering wheel.
So just to be clear...

Nothing damaged when water tank froze.

Literally hundreds of posts been made about this!?!!
Hello, and YES nothing was damaged after the forced thaw, we are currently here in Shrewsbury and both our tap and tank are performing as expected with no leaks or obvious damage
Like a complete jackass I've realized that I didn't empty the water tanks when we left Llanberis wales on the 4th Jan. I was midst cleaning Dave down today when it dawned on me, and the tanks are frozen solid. With the valves frozen I had to come up with a solution to thaw out the fresh water tank, as I knew that one was almost full opposed to the waste being very low.
If this has happened to you then can I make a suggestion that will allow you to thaw out and drain the fresh water tank.

Remove your gas bottle, remembering that for some odd reason it's a left hand thread, so righty tighty, lefty loosey doesn't apply for this connector.

Fill a 5L plastic bottle, like the one you get your screen wash in, with VERY HOT water pop it into the void and screw the tank lid back on.

Change the water after a few hours, but by this time your tap should allow you to open the valve to start the draining process.

My tank drained after 4hrs, hopefully no damage.

I could have cried earlier.

VW California Club
