Goodbye Brussels, hello Burnley.

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I'm getting a bit tired of all the talk about our intolerance to different nations. Britain is one of the most diverse countries on the planet. Yes we have issues and many of these are stoked up by people who can then claim to represent them for their own ends. We certainly don't need to be preached to on the issue.
I listened to the whole parliamentary debate yesterday, 2/3rds of it was taken up with our inglorious MP's using the one question they had to ask the PM to condemn this attack or that tweet etc. They were even reading out the tweets giving the vile and hatred of some idiot the oxygen it did not deserve. Yes it is wrong and the issue was rightly highlighted and intolerance of any sort condemned.
As for talk of Brexit being the cause. Yes we have racists in this country and yes some would use the issue but for political reasons the issue was blown into one of intolerance and not the real issue which was the results of economic migration.
Does my head in and I have a great deal of experience of dealing with issues of intolerance.
Move on, condemn these people, yes, hunt them down but do not seek to gain from it.

Mike, agree very much with the tone of your post against racism but I do think that there is every benefit with Parliament discussing what has been going on and condemning it.
I beleve there is a huge benefit that the top legislative body in the country is seen to condemn these horrible attacks and to send a clear message to the country and abroad that we dislike them and they won't be tolerated.. Also to the police to act asap.
As Burke said 'when good men say nothing evil happens' (or something along those lines).
Mike, agree very much with the tone of your post against racism but I do think that there is every benefit with Parliament discussing what has been going on and condemning it.
I beleve there is a huge benefit that the top legislative body in the country is seen to condemn these horrible attacks and to send a clear message to the country and abroad that we dislike them and they won't be tolerated.. Also to the police to act asap.
As Burke said 'when good men say nothing evil happens' (or something along those lines).
Have no doubt I agree without reservation but it wasn't a debate it was the manner. It was the seeking of votes within ones own constituency with no regard to the fanning of flames. It's a difficult thing to get across. The condemnation was clear and is clear. I would not ever wish to diminish it only that that addressing it in the wrong way can cause an increase. It does need to be clear to anyone who is racially abused that they have the full support of parliament. It was!


Perhaps shouldn't have gone near this subject as to easy to be misunderstood. I am so against it that using it in what may be an advantageous way annoys me.
I will leave it there

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Have no doubt I agree without reservation but it wasn't a debate it was the manner. It was the seeking of votes within ones own constituency with no regard to the fanning of flames. It's a difficult thing to get across. The condemnation was clear and is clear. I would not ever wish to diminish it only that that addressing it in the wrong way can cause an increase. It does need to be clear to anyone who is racially abused that they have the full support of parliament. It was!


Perhaps shouldn't have gone near this subject as to easy to be misunderstood. I am so against it that using it in what may be an advantageous way annoys me.
I will leave it there

I know what you mean, I rewrote mine to you about 4 times to try to avoid provocation. But we do have stand up and be counted don't we. Can't let the nasties win.
I know what you mean, I rewrote mine to you about 4 times to try to avoid provocation. But we do have stand up and be counted don't we. Can't let the nasties win.

Except that it was from Poland

Reported in the Express.

I have no doubt that the Express would re-fabricate a report in Cheyuk Sinmun if it was sufficiently anti-EU, (or reported that Prince Philip killed Princess Diana).
And it was from the BBC!:shocked:shocked:shocked
See my post a few posts up.

Given every downward fluctuation meant economic meltdown we are clearly set to vertake China and Germany as the international economic powerhouse :shocked:shocked:shocked
Someone blundered at the BBC they didn't present it in a negative light!

Jen, I've seen something similar, that we will overtake Germany as the power house of Europe by 2030 I Think. . Related, amongst other things to population, pensions, apparently we have the most sustainable system in the the EU, and welfare.:)
Someone blundered at the BBC they didn't present it in a negative light!

Jen, I've seen something similar, that we will overtake Germany as the power house of Europe by 2030 I Think. . Related, amongst other things to population, pensions, apparently we have the most sustainable system in the the EU, and welfare.:)

When we cannot even beat Iceland I fear we are destined to remain second class in the cod stakes :(

Given what I am here for and the tragedy of 100 years ago tomorrow I cry at the thought of a fractured Europe
If Junker and his Council had not shown arrogance and contempt for democratic process and the peoples right to chose we would never had to make a choice. The unelected EC controls Europe and that is fact. The undermine the will of the people and are intent on control from Brussels. If you accept that then accept the fact that the majority of us do not and that includes our friends in the rest of Europe. I will not argue with those blinkered and unable to reason but merely state I did not want it to come to this. I wanted a partnership based on trade and inclusive friendship. Not under the control of megalomaniacs.
Apart from rain not a lot has happened. Think of it as a false start and none of the runners are keen to get on with it. (If the price was right I was going to look at topping up my SIPS.)

I suspect that a "Norway" type model will be adopted which will be ironic to say the least. On the plus side I have noticed some "legal interpretation" in the Times today on "passporting" which may benefit the City. (I stress it's a legal interpretation)
I suspect that a "Norway" type model will be adopted which will be ironic to say the least.

Personally I am not so sure that will happen. I say that because I think the core EU members backed by the eastern European states will make free movement a red line for Single Market membership; while on our side of the water I just can't see the Conservative party getting away with retaining free movement after 'take back control' (ie of immigration) was so pivotal to the Leave campaign.

But I may be proved wrong.
Apart from rain not a lot has happened. Think of it as a false start and none of the runners are keen to get on with it. (If the price was right I was going to look at topping up my SIPS.)

I suspect that a "Norway" type model will be adopted which will be ironic to say the least. On the plus side I have noticed some "legal interpretation" in the Times today on "passporting" which may benefit the City. (I stress it's a legal interpretation)
If that were to happen I would not be a happy bunny. I voted to leave, not to rejoin at disadvantageous rates.
Nice bounce but I would expect a retest of recent lows. That's normally what happens.

This is not intended as investment advice blah de blah

Just for the sake of clarity.. you seem to be implying that people who didn't vote to remain were bigoted. Was that what you meant?

No. The implication is that the leave campaign was largely based on bigotry, and I am proud of the fact that my local area rose above that campaign.
Is this the first evidence that the markets don't believe that Brexit will become a reality?

I live in an English road which is in three distinct voting districts. I am proud of the fact that all three districts stood up to bigotry and to remain in the EU.
Long road then!
Been out for a long walk then while pondering your reply?
Pity the Financial Markets aren't responding in the way you predicted, but you never know what the future brings. Mind you if one prediction is incorrect then i presume that your other predictions are also questionable!

So are you saying that ALL your neighbours, in this long road crossing 3 voting districts, voted for Remain? Or have you got some Bigots living across the way?
Bigot - def one intolerant of anothers political beliefs. Most voting to leave loved their country and wanted the right to democracy - objectionable to refer to them as bogots but not entirely unexpected:stop
The leave campaign attracted bigotry, it did not create it.

There is no doubt that some regions of the UK feel completely disenfranchised and that immigration issues exacerbated it to the point that the economic arguments came completely secondary.

Interesting to watch the US response given that the Presidents bullying, intimidatory intervention helped the leave campaign no end.
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