Goodbye Brussels, hello Burnley.

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Yet again you show that you have no understanding of how or what democracy is in this country. Go and look for a document that says that a referendum is a legal motion. There simply isn't one. I'm sorry to shatter your illusion but this is why I asked four days ago "what's your plan for the UK?"

If it's helpful you might like to read this post again.

Both Cameron and BoJo know that they don't have a legal mandate to enact Brexit on the back of just a referendum which is why both are basically refusing to go near actually enacting Article 50. At the very least, we'll need full parliamentary approval (to enact Article 50) and it's very likely that this will be AFTER a general election, which will be campaigned on a remain/leave basis. In order to do this, both sides will have to actually have a plan, and the leave party (whichever one that is) simply won't be able to organise one, or will have to put forward EEA membership which is just a pretty rubbish version of EU membership, and people won't vote for it.

So other than screwing up this country financially, socially and politically, I don't think the referendum will have all that much effect.
Do you Touch Type / use Audio software or have a secretary?
Apparently the Iceland team celebrations were a bit subdued....

I'm not surprised.... they all have to pop out to fish for some cod tonight to pay for another weeks rental on the team bus :shocked

On the other hand that nice Mr Hodgson could just give up 5 days wages and buy them a brand new one.
RH has resigned.
He was going to go for a referendum but for the sake of National Unity he declined as he would have caused a split in the Union.

England would have voted OUT the Scots would have all voted remain, the Irish are still laughing and all the Welsh who could be bothered to vote are still in France and mostly drunk.

I'm English and this is my low point of the year. Thank goodness the Tour de France starts soon.

Go and look for a document that says that a referendum is a legal motion. There simply isn't one.

Fred, you are quite right of course that neither the government nor parliament are bound by any statute to implement the result of a referendum. In constitutional principle, parliament remains sovereign.

But that point at issue here surely is not whether parliament could reject the referendum result, but whether they realistically would, given that a majority (slim or not) has stated their wish that the UK exits the EU.

I'd concede that a general election might conceivably override the situation, although even then I'm not clear how a party would successfully campaign on a platform of ignoring the referendum result.
We've had an non binding opinion poll in which 72% of the UK electorate participated and (by a very slim majority) they have expressed that they would like the UK to leave the EU. That alone has had consequences. Nothing else is "done". As I said, I think it's unlikely that the UK will invoke article 50.
No, I think things are set in motion and it is now inevitable sooner or later. Best we can all do is to unite and point our guns outwards instead of on ourselves; we can make it work - we have to.
I'm not clear how a party would successfully campaign on a platform of ignoring the referendum result.

If all parties campaigned on the basis that they would invoke article 50, except the Monster Raving Loony Party, I would switch my allegiance to Screaming Lord Such's successor.

Somewhat more hopefully, there is this. I have voted LD before, and despite the obvious treachery, Nick Clegg did a pretty good job of tempering some of the more odious Conservative policies in the previous government.
Thanks. You've just explained exactly why, at this moment, I feel ashamed to be British, or Welsh. In time I will, no doubt, become proud again and, despite being a fellow countryman, thank God I do not share your selfish, arrogant conceited values.
I feel ashamed to be British. For all the racist comments my Spanish wife and her French colleague has received before, during and after the referendum. I feel saddened that a referendum debate should evoke such hate for fellow Europeans. Thankfully though there have also been words of encouragement and kindness from other Pro Euro.
Ironically, Europe have already said that free movement is not up for grabs even if this leads to a loss in revenue for European countries. French nationals have received a letter from their embassies saying that the French government will help them to find work and return to France. France has paid for their education and they want these skills back. My neighbour working for a bank in the city can't keep up with people taking their millions out of the country. My highly educated Spanish wife has been in the UK over 25 years, she won't be applying for a work visa if requested, so we are already planning to sell our properties and move away from the UK . Brexiteers will probably be happy at this decision. I don't think Brexiteers even realise what the implications of their decisions are.... I only pray that Scotland leave the UK and join Europe once again. Terribly sad....
I feel ashamed to be British. For all the racist comments my Spanish wife and her French colleague has received before, during and after the referendum. I feel saddened that a referendum debate should evoke such hate for fellow Europeans. Thankfully though there have also been words of encouragement and kindness from other Pro Euro.
Ironically, Europe have already said that free movement is not up for grabs even if this leads to a loss in revenue for European countries. French nationals have received a letter from their embassies saying that the French government will help them to find work and return to France. France has paid for their education and they want these skills back. My neighbour working for a bank in the city can't keep up with people taking their millions out of the country. My highly educated Spanish wife has been in the UK over 25 years, she won't be applying for a work visa if requested, so we are already planning to sell our properties and move away from the UK . Brexiteers will probably be happy at this decision. I don't think Brexiteers even realise what the implications of their decisions are.... I only pray that Scotland leave the UK and join Europe once again. Terribly sad....
Yes it is very sad...I don't often agree with Polly Toynbee in the Guardian but .... ...On this occasion I do...

a bit of somewhat dismal light entertainment .....

How nice to see our footballers being the first to answer the referendum vote by leaving Europe.....

That's why mum's go to Iceland.

OMG England exit Europe twice in less than 7 days! Iceland with population of Leicester!
RH has resigned.
He was going to go for a referendum but for the sake of National Unity he declined as he would have caused a split in the Union.

England would have voted OUT the Scots would have all voted remain, the Irish are still laughing and all the Welsh who could be bothered to vote are still in France and mostly drunk.

I'm English and this is my low point of the year. Thank goodness the Tour de France starts soon.


I just love all those xenophobic cowards.....

Nearly 10% of the "British hero's who saved Britain in the battle of Britain" were Poles :(

My Mother, bilingual in French, joined the WAAF in 1940 and was in France before D Day, suffered racial abuse all the post-war years that she tried to raise her children on a white supremacist housing estate.

As I couldn't go to my local school I had to walk to another school further away, in Brixton, which meant that for their safety I could not bring my friends home.

3 days time I will be standing before the great memorial to the missing at Thiepval remembering over a million killed, wounded and missing during the first battle of the Somme and reflecting that I have not suffered the calamity of war in my lifetime, how grateful I am for tolerance of race, colour, creed and nationality.
I've found it interesting (although depressing) to re-read about how things have panned out in Switzerland since their narrow (50.3%) referendum vote in favour of immigration restrictions in 2014:

In summary: since the vote, the Swiss have realised that the free movement principle remains non-negotiable for fundamental Single Market access.

The cost meanwhile for Switzerland has been partial exclusion from the EU's collaborative science funding programme - actually a very big deal in the long run for an advanced economy reliant on an internationalised science-education-innovation ecosystem as a driver of growth.

The article says that a poll shows that today only 36% of the Swiss would still vote for the immigration restrictions they said they wanted two years ago.

Okay, Switzerland is not the UK and 2014 is not 2016. The Swiss federal government has just said it wants to press ahead to renegotiate the free movement rules, no doubt encouraged by the Brexit vote.

But I personally wouldn't be betting on UK+Switzerland against Germany+France in the next round.
I've deleted a few Facebook friends this week. People I had no idea were narrow minded and racist until now.I have a few friends from Poland, Romania and France. Have to say they are all lovely and I would chose them any day over the ones leaving signs or being abusive. No contest.

I've never felt English only ever British and European. Soon i may have neither. Hard not to feel a little lost now.

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But I personally wouldn't be betting on UK+Switzerland against Germany+France in the next round.
Judging by some of the border fences/restrictions put by some of the EU member states I don't think the UK and Switzerland would be the only ones!
5 Days and panic and retribution all round. Must be the end of the world.

As for the racism. That is totally unacceptable and disgraceful. The people of Europe are out friends and should be welcome and accepted. My objection is to Junker and the federal intent.

Also remember racism exists here in Scotland. My wife is English and has suffered racist comments in many areas up here.
Dividing the world in 'us' and 'them' is never a solution. Not for fear, not for jobs, not for safety, not for ruling a country. If we are ignoring what we have learned from 'them' we probably would still be living in a prehistoric setting. And most people have no idea of their own history.

Brexit or Bremain? The only conclusion that is safe to make is that you are in a strongly divided country - mainly divided by preoccupations and lies - not by facts. And that is not much different in my country and so many other countries in Europe. I think that should be settled first. We are our own worst enemy.

For those who seize on every currency and market fluctuation to pronounce imminent meltdown, the FTSE is up 2.5% which obviously means that we will soon be surpassing Germany as the new economic powerhouse of Europe and Obama is currently warming up Airforce 1 to fly over and strike a trade deal.
I'm getting a bit tired of all the talk about our intolerance to different nations. Britain is one of the most diverse countries on the planet. Yes we have issues and many of these are stoked up by people who can then claim to represent them for their own ends. We certainly don't need to be preached to on the issue.
I listened to the whole parliamentary debate yesterday, 2/3rds of it was taken up with our inglorious MP's using the one question they had to ask the PM to condemn this attack or that tweet etc. They were even reading out the tweets giving the vile and hatred of some idiot the oxygen it did not deserve. Yes it is wrong and the issue was rightly highlighted and intolerance of any sort condemned.
As for talk of Brexit being the cause. Yes we have racists in this country and yes some would use the issue but for political reasons the issue was blown into one of intolerance and not the real issue which was the results of economic migration.
Does my head in and I have a great deal of experience of dealing with issues of intolerance.
Move on, condemn these people, yes, hunt them down but do not seek to gain from it.

Racism always spikes after major events sadly but it does show that no matter how much we think we are past that it's always present.

It will I expect sink away with time but it's good to be opposed to it none the less and not get complacent that it's simply "solved".
Racism always spikes after major events sadly but it does show that no matter how much we think we are past that it's always present.

It will I expect sink away with time but it's good to be opposed to it none the less and not get complacent that it's simply "solved".
Agreed and I agree on being strenuously opposed to it. My point is when it being used. Just annoys me when people stoop so low. I'll shut up now I know everyone agrees.

They were even reading out the tweets giving the vile and hatred of some idiot the oxygen it did not deserve

Unfortunately for many (not all, but many) of our elected representatives, that's what they mean when they say "we're listening" - reading a bunch of demented tweets. As substitute for going out and actually talking to people about what their concerns are, then making an effort to understand those concerns in light of tectonic shifts in society, and then coming up with constructive ways to tackle the root causes of those concerns.

I'm sorry if I'm continuing to banging on about "Westminster Bubble", but I just don't think that many of the current generation of professional politicians actually get it.
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