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Do you Touch Type / use Audio software or have a secretary?Yet again you show that you have no understanding of how or what democracy is in this country. Go and look for a document that says that a referendum is a legal motion. There simply isn't one. I'm sorry to shatter your illusion but this is why I asked four days ago "what's your plan for the UK?"
If it's helpful you might like to read this post again.
Both Cameron and BoJo know that they don't have a legal mandate to enact Brexit on the back of just a referendum which is why both are basically refusing to go near actually enacting Article 50. At the very least, we'll need full parliamentary approval (to enact Article 50) and it's very likely that this will be AFTER a general election, which will be campaigned on a remain/leave basis. In order to do this, both sides will have to actually have a plan, and the leave party (whichever one that is) simply won't be able to organise one, or will have to put forward EEA membership which is just a pretty rubbish version of EU membership, and people won't vote for it.
So other than screwing up this country financially, socially and politically, I don't think the referendum will have all that much effect.