Goodbye Brussels, hello Burnley.

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Long road then!

About 1/2 mile.

So are you saying that ALL your neighbours, in this long road crossing 3 voting districts, voted for Remain? Or have you got some Bigots living across the way?

I have no way of knowing how my neighbours voted. I do know that it is a diverse road, with a Turkish family one side of me, Italians opposite, a Thai family a little up the road, West Indians three doors away and French near the top.
No. The implication is that the leave campaign was largely based on bigotry, and I am proud of the fact that my local area rose above that campaign.
I hate to add to the list of people objecting to your bigotry remark but it was the remain campaign who wished to simplify the debate by accusations of bigotry. If they had not and recognised some of the issues of economic migration we may well have got a remain win. It is your fault I'm afraid and I'm not happy that we are out on that basis. I blame you and people who have your myopic view. Yes there are people who voted out for that reason but anyone with an ounce of sense would have ignored it and won the hearts and minds of those with genuine grievances. They blew it and you don't get it. Sorry!

Is this the first evidence that the markets don't believe that Brexit will become a reality?

I live in an English road which is in three distinct voting districts. I am proud of the fact that all three districts stood up to bigotry and to remain in the EU.

Bigot - def one intolerant of anothers political beliefs. Most voting to leave loved their country and wanted the right to democracy - objectionable to refer to them as bigots but not entirely unexpected:stop

Doesn't that definition make the Poster a "bigot" as well?
Nice bounce but I would expect a retest of recent lows. That's normally what happens.

IMO still way too early to argue with any confidence what will happen to UK economy in coming months, although for the record I find it reasonable to assume there will be at least a substantial short-term slowdown in both capital investment and recruitment which is bound to have some negative impact on corporate profits and GDP - although it might be a modest one. We need to wait for Treasury stats etc over the coming months to see what actually happens.

I don't believe that short term equity and other asset price movements give any useful clues either way. The signal to noise ratio is extremely low and UK market movements are still probably being driven mainly by unwinding/adjustments of pre-referendum positions, and as usual much more influenced by global market fluctuations than the public/market watchers here in UK typically appreciate. Over the coming months through the Brexit negotiations, the backdrop will be a fragile global economy and the shifting outlook and sentiment on macro factors including demographics, technology, ageing workforce, excess supply and deflation, and very low nominal and negative and real interest rates, will remain much bigger drivers of global asset values - including UK equity markets - than the Brexit factor of itself.

Forecasting currency movements is utterly futile at any time, IMHO. The least-worst guide to the
value of the pound in six months' time is what it's worth today. I'd rather bet on Iceland against France (which I might do, actually) :cool:
Is this the first evidence that the markets don't believe that Brexit will become a reality?

I live in an English road which is in three distinct voting districts. I am proud of the fact that all three districts stood up to bigotry and to remain in the EU.
Oh dear, we still have Remainers who are unable to face up to reality I see. Please, please get real. The people have spoken, no government is going to go against it.
As for bigotry, I hav already been called selfish and now it is a bigot. When are they going to run out of insults? Remain lost, Leave won, that is it. The bigotry lies in not accepting that.
You lost the moral high ground when you voted to give away our countries hardwon sovereignty to an unelected body in Brussels run by a rude disrespect ful man called Junker for whom no one voted.
Oh dear, we still have Remainers who are unable to face up to reality I see. Please, please get real. The people have spoken, no government is going to go against it.

As for bigotry, I hav already been called selfish and now it is a bigot.

I have made it very clear that my remark was directed to much of the "leave campaign". However, I will remind you of an earlier remark you made:
"Interesting bit of information form the daughter of an old friend about the cost to us of EU membership. She mentioned in passing that for the last nine years she has been fostering 3 girls, not from the UK but from Lithuania and Poland."

That suggests intolerance of some of the youngest and most vulnerable in our society. I will also allow the possibility that I have misunderstood your reason for posting it.

I have made it very clear that my remark was directed to much of the "leave campaign". However, I will remind you of an earlier remark you made:
"Interesting bit of information form the daughter of an old friend about the cost to us of EU membership. She mentioned in passing that for the last nine years she has been fostering 3 girls, not from the UK but from Lithuania and Poland."

That suggests intolerance of some of the youngest and most vulnerable in our society. I will also allow the possibility that I have misunderstood your reason for posting it.
Does it not just suggest costs involved rather than intolerance???
You cannot have it all ways when trying to justify you point of view and then nit picking another's views.

If arguing on the forum shows anything it is that both sides have strong feelings but respect the others right to disagree.
Good news is that more of our European friends hate Junker as much as most freethinking people.
I live in an English road which is in three distinct voting districts. I am proud of the fact that all three districts stood up to bigotry and to remain in the EU.

Why speak in code?
'I'm not saying everyone that voted Leave is racist, but...'
Go ahead and say it, it's obviously what you think.
Well Gove stabs Boris and Boris knowing he is fatally wounded decides to bide his time. May from the start has been hiding in a cupboard now looks the most likely to win.

I've got to be honest I can't abide the woman.

Well it's not boring

My early shout Stephen Crabb best do some research on him.
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As this is continuing to be fractious and argumentative....

Can I suggest a 24 hour moratorium from midnight tonight?

Tomorrow is the 100th Anniversary of the start of a battle which in just 4 1/2 months was to cost in killed and wounded 1.2m casualties, fighting over a small patch of European soil barely 60 sq miles in size.

Perhaps a time to reflect on the price of division and intolerance.
Does it not just suggest costs involved rather than intolerance???

That is a fear: that somehow the children of immigrants are some sort of sub-class in our society, undeserving of basic social care.

There are some 800,000 Polish born migrants living in the UK, and about 150,000 Lithuanians. These are people educated at the expense of another European country, working in Britain, paying British taxes and contributing to British society. Why should their children be denied basic social care, or given inferior care, because of their parents' foreign heritage?

However, it may not be what the OP intended to suggest at all. I now know all too well how a poorly worded post can be misinterpreted.
As this is continuing to be fractious and argumentative....

Can I suggest a 24 hour moratorium from midnight tonight?

Tomorrow is the 100th Anniversary of the start of a battle which in just 4 1/2 months was to cost in killed and wounded 1.2m casualties, fighting over a small patch of European soil barely 60 sq miles in size.

Perhaps a time to reflect on the price of division and intolerance.
I agree and then proceed on looking forwards.

As this is continuing to be fractious and argumentative....

Can I suggest a 24 hour moratorium from midnight tonight?

Tomorrow is the 100th Anniversary of the start of a battle which in just 4 1/2 months was to cost in killed and wounded 1.2m casualties, fighting over a small patch of European soil barely 60 sq miles in size.

Perhaps a time to reflect on the price of division and intolerance.

I agree and then proceed on looking forwards.


I have made it very clear that my remark was directed to much of the "leave campaign". However, I will remind you of an earlier remark you made:
"Interesting bit of information form the daughter of an old friend about the cost to us of EU membership. She mentioned in passing that for the last nine years she has been fostering 3 girls, not from the UK but from Lithuania and Poland."

That suggests intolerance of some of the youngest and most vulnerable in our society. I will also allow the possibility that I thave misunderstood your reason for posting it.

As you will recall from my subsequent posts on this matter my concern WAS about the youngest and most vulnerable in our society because of the difficulty in finding fosterers for them.
if our local authorities have to foster children from the EU as well as children from their own area then clearly there will be a requirement for both more fosterers and additional funding. As a result we are faced with being unable to foster children simply because of the numbers involved.
That is not intolerance it is concern.
As this is continuing to be fractious and argumentative....

Can I suggest a 24 hour moratorium from midnight tonight?

Tomorrow is the 100th Anniversary of the start of a battle which in just 4 1/2 months was to cost in killed and wounded 1.2m casualties, fighting over a small patch of European soil barely 60 sq miles in size.

Perhaps a time to reflect on the price of division and intolerance.

I agree with that GJ. My great-uncle died in one of the Somme battles and is on the Thiepval monument. In memory of him and all the others, I'll certainly refrain from posting on EU matters tomorrow.

It sounds like quite a few Cali owners have visited the Flanders battlefields at various times. Maybe we could have a thread where we invite them to give us their impressions?

I'll set one up and see if anyone is interested in posting.
As this is continuing to be fractious and argumentative....

Can I suggest a 24 hour moratorium from midnight tonight?

Tomorrow is the 100th Anniversary of the start of a battle which in just 4 1/2 months was to cost in killed and wounded 1.2m casualties, fighting over a small patch of European soil barely 60 sq miles in size.

Perhaps a time to reflect on the price of division and intolerance.
OK Jen no problem
Give us all a chance to cool down!
My step grand father died on the Somme.
I agree with that GJ. My great-uncle died in one of the Somme battles and is on the Thiepval monument. In memory of him and all the others, I'll certainly refrain from posting on EU matters tomorrow.

It sounds like quite a few Cali owners have visited the Flanders battlefields at various times. Maybe we could have a thread where we invite them to give us their impressions?

I will be stood in front of that memorial at 7.30 tomorrow morning :(
if our local authorities have to foster children from the EU as well as children from their own area then clearly there will be a requirement for both more fosterers and additional funding.

So you pay no heed to the additional tax revenues provided to local authorities by migrants educated as the expense of a foreign country?
So you pay no heed to the additional tax revenues provided to local authorities by migrants educated as the expense of a foreign country?
Give it a rest and show respect. Those who died did so to preserve independence and freedom so we should honour their memory. :boring:boring:boring:boring:boring:boring:stop:stop:stop:stop:stop:stop:stop
Give it a rest and show respect. Those who died did so to preserve independence and freedom so we should honour their memory.

That is a particularly distasteful straw man. There is absolutely no disrespect to the war dead in discussing foster care: you are simply manipulating it for you own purpose.
The suggestion was a moratorium from Midnight tonight. CF may not even have read my post. I therefore do not see how continued debate can be considered disrespectful.
I will wthdraw as sides are set, will never agree and frankly are incapable of accepting anothers point of view. As for manipulation I will give Cripin the credit for mastery.
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