Picking ours up on Saturday - Candy White (what's up with just plain white!)
It's an ex-demo 140 manual with climate, parking, priv & awning (and other bits) - would of liked a 180 but as wanting quick delivery (I.e. only paid deposit last week), so not much option and with hindsight like the idea of a simpler engine as its not for racing! Lucky with it being a 3rd car should be fine and looking forward to it!
However have used racechip.de for tuning chip, following recommendation from a friend in Germany. Posted to uk with photo installation guide and only costs approx £150. Used on 57 Shogun and fuel economy went from 24 to 29 with a glut more power. So will be pursuing this route again.
With reference to finance though, ING (via broker) comes in far cheaper than VW at just over 4% apr which saves over £4k over the term, therefore making it viable to finance rather than purchasing outright and putting funds to other use.
Cheers & apologies for a first lengthy post!