How do you know when gas is running out?!


Gone, but not forgotten!
VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150 4Motion
I know this is a daft question but without buying a spare bottle, how can you NOT run out of gas by mistake?!
You can't, I carry a portable gas stove which is fine to finish a meal or make a cuppa. it weighs little and cost less than £10 gas refills from Wilkinson for about a £1 ... B000S0J81Y

Mine is a throw back from tent camping with just two us, I put in the boot and have used it each time the gas has run out. ps you do get a bit of warning the flame does diminish gradually if you watch for it.

If you don't mind wasting a little you can weigh the bottle before you travel and replace it when there is not much left - see thread on weight of cylinders.

Hope this is helpful

Cheers all! Seems odd that with all the tech in a Cali (and probably other types of camper), there's no gauge to tell you where you are with it!

We have a camping stove so I might well pack that just in case.

I'm guessing a bottle does last quite a while though (bit of a "how long is a piece of string" type question)?!
As John says you can weigh the bottle, this gives an accurate guide to how much you have left, I have also seen someone with a set up digital luggage scales so they can weigh the bottle whilst away from home. In an ideal world I would take a spare bottle with me but I carry enough c**p with me as it is.
You can buy a stick-on gauge for the side of the bottle but from previous experience they are not very accurate
Martin said:
As John says you can weigh the bottle, this gives an accurate guide to how much you have left, I have also seen someone with a set up digital luggage scales so they can weigh the bottle whilst away from home. In an ideal world I would take a spare bottle with me but I carry enough c**p with me as it is.

Similar here - also don't like the idea of a large lump of gas bottle rattling around. Anyone up for inventing a decent, accurate mini gauge?!
KernowLad said:
Martin said:
As John says you can weigh the bottle, this gives an accurate guide to how much you have left, I have also seen someone with a set up digital luggage scales so they can weigh the bottle whilst away from home. In an ideal world I would take a spare bottle with me but I carry enough c**p with me as it is.

Similar here - also don't like the idea of a large lump of gas bottle rattling around. Anyone up for inventing a decent, accurate mini gauge?!

I think as has been eluded to already the volume is measured by weight and not directly related to pressure so a gauge in the accepted sense of the word wouldn't' work but of course scales are a gauge in their own right so you'd need some way to weigh the cylinder, possibly fitted into the storage box which probably presents it's own issues not least of which is cost.
Hiya KernowLad
and tacking on to what everone has said. I carry a spare 907 bottle which I use for outside (at present on an old Tilley double hob) when cooking meats or fish, stops the inside of the van smelling and getting greased up. I've just bought a Cadac Safari Chef for the same reason.
So you've always got a spare 907 bottle if you happen to run out inside or vice-versa.
When travelling or not in use I keep the spare bottle in a black builder's type bucket which is not too ridgid and can even be squashed oval, and I wedge the stood up bottle in the bucket with car sponges and chamois leather and anything you want to stash away. Safe as houses it's never moved. And when your camping.... a bucket's always handy. Cheers.

I carry a camping gaz single burner with pz ignition and 470 cartridge for his eventuality.

I also was given a set of digital suitcase scales as a gift. They are about the same size as a deck of playing cards. I reckon these are your best bet and have worked well for me.
nezzler said:
We carry a small coleman f1 burner as back up; ... B000JXQABQ

It's a great bit of kit and it also easily fits in our kayaks/bike bags (folded it's smaller than a mobile phone) as it's nice to have a brew/cook whilst out for the day. The gas cannister is the largest part!

I was looking at one of those to take on a sea kayaking trip, do you know how long that small gas will burn for? Just trying to gauge how many I would need for a weeks light use? :thanks
So far found three sizes that fit - we tend to use the medium size as one canister lasts about three evening meals. The large is simply too late for everyday use, however the small probably good for backpacking. Probably need three max for a week.

Just remember the matches - doesn't have a piezo lighter unlike the Cali! :rain
Guess who ran out of gas this weekend....?! :lol: :oops:

Luckily we'd had our meal and I was only heating up a bit of water for washing up.

New one bought (£25 for a refill - OUCH). The smaller 904 fits too (half the height) but is still bulky to carry as a spare.

We have a camping stove like the ones mentioned above so think we'll take that. It's a lot smaller than a big metal lump of gas bottle!

It's lasted over six months, we've done about 15 nights in it usually cooking a family meal each time, countless cups of tea and coffee, washing up water, etc, etc so not too bad really.
Went to turn on the hob in the van to start cooking breakfast and the flames just died on me so naturally thought I need to change bottle.
Tried again in the afternoon and everything was normal again!
Went to use gas next morning and gas pressure had dropped again,but was normal once again in the afternoon....could this be due to the mornings being close to freezing ?

Advice appreciated :D
Most likely that is the problem as the 907 bottles use Butane which can easily freeze at around 4ºC, unlike Propane which needs to go down to -40ºC before it freezes.
The boiling point of Butane is close to 0 Deg C. so the nearer you get to 0 the less gassing off occurs. The boiling point of propane is -42 deg C so no problem in our climate.

Google Butane in low temperatures any any number of caravan club articles will tell you more about it.

We keep a portable stove in the cabin at night to ensure that the first cup of tea is available. Soon after we get up the temperature in nthe camper is weel above freezing so no problem.

Hope this helps
That's good advise as well Ray.
So first thing I'll be doing on a cold and frosty morning will be to switch on the central heating,dress and then take the mutt for half hours walk....That will hopefully do the trick. "Don't you just love these little hotels on wheels.... :D

Boiling point, Martin, the point at which a liquid turns into a gas. more or less. Even air has a boiling point. Pressure has a big bearing on boiling point, ever made tea at 10,00 feet? the water is not hot enough. LOL thats why butane is a liquid in our gas bottles.
Hi Alan,

The problem you are having is due to the cold weather, the closer you get to freezing the less gas you will get. This is due to Butane having a boiling point of -2 degrees C, anything close to this the gas turns back into a liquid.

Hope this helps. Any other gas question send us a message.

VW Campersales.
VW campersales

Just out of interest,would I be able to change to a propane bottle and regulator should the need arise without to much hassle or would a company such as yourselves would have to do this ?

Hi Alan,

A propane bottle would not fit inside the fresh water tank, with the current gas regs you need to put the bottle in a sealed locker. Don't get me wrong it could be done but it would involve a lot of work.

VWCampersales said:
Hi Alan,

A propane bottle would not fit inside the fresh water tank, with the current gas regs you need to put the bottle in a sealed locker. Don't get me wrong it could be done but it would involve a lot of work.


Aluminium propane cylinder.

Checkout this thread (picture on facebook of aluminium propane bottle in cali gas bottle housing.

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