Leaking pop tops on 2023 California Oceans

Does anyone have any offical VW statement regarding postponing the swap?
I performed another test of the bellows yesterday, two weeks after my first test. Will provide an update later as some interesting results.

I created a YouTube channel with videos uploaded from the first and second tests so anyone can view the them if they like.
The channel name is ‘CaliLeaks’.
I performed another test of the bellows yesterday, two weeks after my first test. Will provide an update later as some interesting results.

I created a YouTube channel with videos uploaded from the first and second tests so anyone can view the them if they like.
The channel name is ‘CaliLeaks’.
Thanks for sharing the videos.
Thanks for sharing. Here are a couple of photos of my experience. Its outrageous that we spend £70k plus for a top notch campervan and we are faced with this. Still proud of your Brand VWCV?? I'm embarrassed for you!!


Thanks for sharing. Here are a couple of photos of my experience. Its outrageous that we spend £70k plus for a top notch campervan and we are faced with this. Still proud of your Brand VWCV?? I'm embarrassed for you!!

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Not great is it.. You can clearly see the fabric is completely saturated above and below the lower stitching. Once that happens there is no stopping the water ingress.

At first sight it looks like yours is leaking from the lower baton but if similar to my experience it’s coming in from the arched window zip and running down.

I’ve not tested the sides of the bellows but I expect it to leak like yours..
I've had the original red bellow replaced on my 2017 T6 California Ocean when I bought it last march. They installed a new canvas and I too have some leakage when it rains. So far not as drastic as some others here, but none the less, water is seeping in through the lower horizontal seams.

I will keep an eye on this topic too see if VW will come up with a sollution, I don't think contacting the selling dealer at this point will make much of a difference (it's not an official VW dealer, more a generic car seller, specialiced in used California's)
I've had the original red bellow replaced on my 2017 T6 California Ocean when I bought it last march. They installed a new canvas and I too have some leakage when it rains. So far not as drastic as some others here, but none the less, water is seeping in through the lower horizontal seams.

I will keep an eye on this topic too see if VW will come up with a sollution, I don't think contacting the selling dealer at this point will make much of a difference (it's not an official VW dealer, more a generic car seller, specialiced in used California's)
I had a MY19 Cali Ocean before trading it in for a MY23 and in the four years of ownership not a drop of rain either leaked or wicked.
I have a replacement planned for 4.9.. Slovenian VW doesn't know anything about postponing and general about this case.
Did you get replacement Cali during the replacement? :)
I have a replacement planned for 4.9.. Slovenian VW doesn't know anything about postponing and general about this case.
Did you get replacement Cali during the replacement? :)
I’m still awaiting to hear from the customer relations person from the executive office at VWCV. I was told I’d be contacted within 48 hrs. That was on Friday so I’m giving them until end of today before I start to chase as that’s 2 full working days. I’m anticipating hearing something about it from them if there’s now an official block on bellows replacement.
Does anyone have any offical VW statement regarding postponing the swap?
I wonder what they are doing about new build and what VW are using? The "C" version? Without the "C" version or something else. One is for sure I doubt they are stopping building new Calis.........!
I’m still awaiting to hear from the customer relations person from the executive office at VWCV. I was told I’d be contacted within 48 hrs. That was on Friday so I’m giving them until end of today before I start to chase as that’s 2 full working days. I’m anticipating hearing something about it from them if there’s now an official block on bellows replacement.
As if by magic after posting this at 3.26pm I have received a reply from VWCV at 3.55pm… it said very little other than they’re looking into it and will come back to me. Rather underwhelming but I suppose a perfectly reasonable response.
I’m extremely happy to say, I am now free of my Cali 2023.
Money back, and I’ll move on.
Hope all those with similar issues gets them sorted sooner rather than later.
I’m glad you finally have some closure on this. I’m hoping we’ll be able to get that soon too but I just don’t know. It’s reassuring to hear of VW apparently telling dealers to stop replacing bellows, but I can’t really believe that until I’ve got something in writing from them. The sceptic in me doesn’t believe that will happen, but I live in hope…
I’m extremely happy to say, I am now free of my Cali 2023.
Money back, and I’ll move on.
Hope all those with similar issues gets them sorted sooner rather than later.
Can you briefly summarise how you went about it Jon for anyone that may be considering the same?
I’m glad you finally have some closure on this. I’m hoping we’ll be able to get that soon too but I just don’t know. It’s reassuring to hear of VW apparently telling dealers to stop replacing bellows, but I can’t really believe that until I’ve got something in writing from them. The sceptic in me doesn’t believe that will happen, but I live in hope…
Hopefully a statement will be released soon, I’m just not confident on a Quick new design .
Had a quick look on the german forum yesterday 36 pages of this particular topic basically the same issue's, when is VW going to act? discusion with my dealer tonight whilst the roof is in for sagging!
Can you briefly summarise how you went about it Jon for anyone that may be considering the same?
I picked my Cali up around the 9th July. Whilst away in Switzerland / France it began leaking- from the Tailgate onto my head during the night and also from the bellow seams.
I came on here and online and noticed the numerous similar complaints-
I emailed the sales guy with pictures and videos whilst I was away, and told him I’m rejecting the vehicle , he mentioned bring it in when I’m home.
Once I was home I contacted vwcs who was In total agreement - these contacted vw Liverpool.
I was offered a poptop cover by the sales manager - i said I would think about it , but when I realised there was no quick fix I refused .
I confirmed with vwcs my disappointment in papering over a crack and emailed and confirmed to the sales guy my rejection.
In this email I CC’d the head of business and brand director - who responded quite quickly stating he will wait to hear from vwcs.
Vwcs confirmed rejection and vw Liverpool had some forms to fill in regarding refund.

I popped it in yesterday handed keys back and money will be returned within 3-5 days.

If anyone has finance then vwfs need a cancellation form from the dealership - as vwfs will be the owners .

To be honest it was all pretty simple once the right people were contacted and vwcs were very good.
There was no trying to get me in other vehicles, no persuasion of keeping my Cali and waiting on a new roof etc… but I was always straight to the point .

There is definitely a lot more people with leaking bellows than they make out.
Even the head of business / brand director mentioned it to me yesterday re: the number of complaints.

Good luck all…
I’m glad you finally have some closure on this. I’m hoping we’ll be able to get that soon too but I just don’t know. It’s reassuring to hear of VW apparently telling dealers to stop replacing bellows, but I can’t really believe that until I’ve got something in writing from them. The sceptic in me doesn’t believe that will happen, but I live in hope…
What has your dealer said is the way forward now that your replacement bellows are leaking?
What has your dealer said is the way forward now that your replacement bellows are leaking?
They asked me to open a case with VWCV, which I’ve now done. They’re also providing us with a topper as a temporary measure. I get the impression they would like VWCV to acknowledge the issue and agree to remedy it with the overwhelming evidence presented. This would obviously help them massively, not just with our case but with all the other owners that are coming back to them with issues too. And we’d really like to play our part and help get this issue resolved for us and everyone else as well. They know that we want a commitment to a permanent and suitable fix that leaves us with no leaking and they know we want it quickly. They also know we may reject the vehicle if this isn’t forthcoming. I haven’t pursued any other options at this stage with the dealer but might do so as a last resort if VWCV don’t admit the issue is real, however I really don’t see what they can offer other than bellows replacement, which I think would just be a waste of time. It would be a big decision for us to reject as the Cali is literally the best fit for what we need aside from the bellows issue.
. It would be a big decision for us to reject as the Cali is literally the best fit for what we need aside from the bellows issue.
And thats it in a nutshell. Any alternative at this point is a non starter for me, at least for this class of campervan. If I was considering eventually upsizing to say a Sprinter based Hymer or Sven Hedin then it would be an easier decision but for me at this point in time and for the next 5+ years, the Cali Coast with a manual roof is the perfect solution. I'm hoping for some downpours in the next couple of weeks while I'm away in Burgundy to give the fabric a real test. But so far its been water tight.
They asked me to open a case with VWCV, which I’ve now done. They’re also providing us with a topper as a temporary measure. I get the impression they would like VWCV to acknowledge the issue and agree to remedy it with the overwhelming evidence presented. This would obviously help them massively, not just with our case but with all the other owners that are coming back to them with issues too. And we’d really like to play our part and help get this issue resolved for us and everyone else as well. They know that we want a commitment to a permanent and suitable fix that leaves us with no leaking and they know we want it quickly. They also know we may reject the vehicle if this isn’t forthcoming. I haven’t pursued any other options at this stage with the dealer but might do so as a last resort if VWCV don’t admit the issue is real, however I really don’t see what they can offer other than bellows replacement, which I think would just be a waste of time. It would be a big decision for us to reject as the Cali is literally the best fit for what we need aside from the bellows issue.
Think the 2024 Nugget might work for you? That may be where I’d end up heading depending on how all this plays out.
FWIW I've also emailed VWCV customer care directly now too explaining I'm not happy about having to splash our for a wrap just to make the bellows perform how it's supposed to from the factory.

For us, like above, the Cali is perfect for our needs and we don't want a conversion so we'll be sticking with it, albeit digging our heels in until our issues are resolved. In reality and in the long term, the issues with the bellows are something that should be easily resolved. it's a part that can be fairly easily removed and replaced; it's not like the entire interior has to be ripped apart to work on it.
They asked me to open a case with VWCV, which I’ve now done. They’re also providing us with a topper as a temporary measure. I get the impression they would like VWCV to acknowledge the issue and agree to remedy it with the overwhelming evidence presented. This would obviously help them massively, not just with our case but with all the other owners that are coming back to them with issues too. And we’d really like to play our part and help get this issue resolved for us and everyone else as well. They know that we want a commitment to a permanent and suitable fix that leaves us with no leaking and they know we want it quickly. They also know we may reject the vehicle if this isn’t forthcoming. I haven’t pursued any other options at this stage with the dealer but might do so as a last resort if VWCV don’t admit the issue is real, however I really don’t see what they can offer other than bellows replacement, which I think would just be a waste of time. It would be a big decision for us to reject as the Cali is literally the best fit for what we need aside from the bellows issue.
I am waiting for a reply from my VW dealer. While I wait, how do you open a case with VWCV?