Hello. I'm a little concerned about the leisure batteries in our T6 Ocean. I recently decided to test the passenger area heater and noticed the indicated battery capacity on the centre control unit drops from 100% to 70% in about 5-10 mins of it being turned on, with a current draw of about 10 amps average. The voltage level drops from about 12.6v to 12.3v over that period. Hot air takes about 5 -10 mins to start flowing. After this, the battery stays at this charge level and the voltage seems to stay around the 12.3v level when running for about an hour. My concern is that significant drop in percentage capacity over such a short period, even though I do realise that the displayed figure is very approximate. I understand too that the heater demands a lot of power at initial start-up before reaching a steady state, but should I be seeing such a drop in charge level? Even if this is an approximate value, the relative drop seems still to be high for such a short period. If anyone has any advice, I'd be very grateful.