Neighbour moaning about our heater noise



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We had a knock on our window last night around 11pm from our next door neighbour on our campsite asking us to turn our heater off as the noise was irritating them, what surprised me is they were in a caravan and could still hear it through any insulation they have, what if I was pitched next to a tent? Anyway, being a good neighbour we did turn it off but I am now going to be worried I am annoying people when we want some heat.

I have been pretty close to people, on Aires etc, and have never had a complaint.

I am regularly towing my Sisters caravan and we try to pitch as close as allowed to each other and I have yet to hear my heater running.

Put it down to neighbours with Bat's ears :shocked
He probally could not hear is TV due to your heater noise....
When on a campsite you hear lots of heaters , TV's , dogs , slamming doors , even power generators some times...a felt irritaded also sometimes but thats camping.
Expect they thought you were going to gas them.
Hope you did not have an electric door.

When you walk back to your van say from the loo block you have to be fairly close before you here the heater
I think mine is loud, bit I never checked if it was fitted with intake silencers. I wouldn't want to camp next to it.
Click, click, click, click.....

Is that more irritating than the noise of the burner?

If so, we lend those noises to our neighbours sometimes but we don’t run it at night as we don’t like the occasional smell of the fumes wafting up. People taking a shortcut though our pitch in the middle of the night crunching the gravel as they go is definitely more annoying!

We have never had our heater serviced so may now do so as the van is eight years old. Rang the Eberspächer service people who said we should get it serviced annually at around £140. Crikey, that’s a shocker.
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I have to check the Control Panel or put my hand in front of the Heater Vent to check its On. Can only hear it on Start-Up and getting to temperature.
That's just rude, its still extreamly cold at night and with that in mind unreasnable of them to invade your space with a request like that. I'd have been tempted to stick on some shorts, turn that sucker up to number 10 and open a window!
We had a knock on our window last night around 11pm from our next door neighbour on our campsite asking us to turn our heater off as the noise was irritating them, what surprised me is they were in a caravan and could still hear it through any insulation they have, what if I was pitched next to a tent? Anyway, being a good neighbour we did turn it off but I am now going to be worried I am annoying people when we want some heat.
Keep using your heater and don't worry. If they needed total silence then why did they book into a campsite where that's never guaranteed? There's often kids crying, dogs barking, loud tv's, people having disagreements, door slamming, loud snoring etc and that's just on the site. Campsites are often situated near roads, railways or under flight paths of nearby airports and then there's the dawn chorus. They should try camping at the Chertsey site! That's what you are buying into when you go camping at any site. It often goes with the territory.
Rather than asking you to turn off your heater, which is an important feature of your van that's helping to maintain your personal comfort, they should have done what everyone else does when camping, be tolerant of others and accept that it isn't always going to accord with their own exacting personal requirements. Anyway, it's not as if it makes that much noise once up to temperature.
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I find caravaners in general noisy, the doors need slamming, the zip on the awnings sounds louder than a cali sliding door.
Theres always about 300 pegs to be hammered in to the awning and then the noisiest thing on every camp site that I've been on (apart from my snoring I've been told) is the parade of caravaners with their water barrels on tarmac at 7am

I don't think the cali heater once its up and running is particularly noisy, the initial firing up with the pump ticking away makes a bit of noise but not much.
We had a knock on our window last night around 11pm from our next door neighbour on our campsite asking us to turn our heater off as the noise was irritating them, what surprised me is they were in a caravan and could still hear it through any insulation they have, what if I was pitched next to a tent? Anyway, being a good neighbour we did turn it off but I am now going to be worried I am annoying people when we want some heat.
Seems unreasonable to me.
In a caravan forum a galaxy and a half away ....

11pm seems to be the time to play dead and switch off all noise-making machinery.

A discussion a little while back, from one authoritative worthy, a veteran of many rallies, it was categorically stated that all noise must stop. I must admit, the discussion extended to the noise that campervan doors closed with and I was getting that pariah feeling :shocked
Those heaters aren't that loud unless its getting going.

At the dorset meet I went the loo at about 5am and could hear the gentle whoosh of many heaters doing their thing. It was not audible from inside my van and even outside it was pretty quiet if you dont know what youre listening to.
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Use foam earplugs... then you can’t hear people complaining
My guess is they get noisier the older they are and may need servicing if the noise they make increases.
I was saying they may get noisier "If they need servicing" yours may not.
friends in cali have kept other friends in tent awake when using the heater, but would have thought that you would have to be pretty close to disturb someone in a caravan
Might be a good idea to carry a supply of ear plugs to issue to any complaining neighbours.:)
Light up the barbecue and chuck an old tyre on it. They're soon forget about your heater.

Just an idea. :thumb
Light up the barbecue and chuck an old tyre on it. They're soon forget about your heater.

Just an idea. :thumb

Especially if the Barbie is under their van :shocked
To a certain extent it depends on who pitched first. If you pitch near a sliding door camper you can reasonably expect associated noise, and the likelihood that will be electic appliances in use. We like to think that we act responsibly on site, but there will be some associated noise that a van brings.

Similarly when we pitch, we try and avoid anything that looks like it has an air conditioning unit mounted on the top - asking for trouble.

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