I think the product is excellent, and VW Germany know it, but premium cost, and I understand that lockdown has inevitably affected production. No doubt that will get back on track but feel their communication (from source in Germany, or 'Brand' as the dealers call it) has been woeful and falls way below the standards expected from any producer not just a higher-end brand like VW. They just did not get their act together for a long time following lock down. In my experience one the mainstay principles of customer service is keeping people informed and they fell well short of this. Seem to be getting their act together of late by using VW Vans chatline as main point of contact. I ordered my Ocean on 7th March and it is currently on a ship Status code 39 (The City of Rotterdam) approaching the port of Tyne due in at 5pm today. Not that I'm desperate to get my hands on it, and have been following every minute of its progress

Chatline have been very good in the past couple of weeks but have your order number to hand.