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I have seen somebody advertising a new canbus immobiliser on FB that is undetectable so even if a thief has stolen your keys he won't be able to start the Cali.
"New product just in. We now have a can bus immobiliser. The interface is impossible to detect once installed. Even if the keys are present the vehicle will not start without a preset sequence of dash or steering control buttons being pressed first. Perfect if your keys are stolen. Can't be beaten by any cloning software.
This is a game changer in the security industry.
Fitted for £349.99 in Skipton."
Sounds interesting if security is your thang.
"New product just in. We now have a can bus immobiliser. The interface is impossible to detect once installed. Even if the keys are present the vehicle will not start without a preset sequence of dash or steering control buttons being pressed first. Perfect if your keys are stolen. Can't be beaten by any cloning software.
This is a game changer in the security industry.
Fitted for £349.99 in Skipton."
Sounds interesting if security is your thang.