Your right we don’t 30 litres of water stored in a tank isn’t “fresh“ it full of bacteria #Breeding ground.

Grey water stored in a tank positive health hazard

I bet you keep a toilet in the van as well, right next to your food ?
you make your choices as Ocean owners, one way is not necessarily the only way.
Oh and while we’re on the subject of benefits of an Ocean, what about the necessity to empty those tanks regularly and chemically clean them to prevent potential health issues, let alone damage to the equipment in colder climates / winter.
current threads such as Do you use your water tanks etc show that these vehicles are not necessarily used as intended but instead become an aspirational item that is seldome used by many.
All that fixed waste of space backed by “real camper van“ marketing and aspirational BS, exacerbated by the One up man ship exhibited on a daily basis on this great forum, and if you dare to come on here with anything other than an Ocean, expect the sneering to begin by the usual suspects.
I have had several VW vans ovver many many years, my type 2 Devon had no “fresh” water tank, no grey water tank, no fridge, no additional storage etc. doesn’t make it less of a “ proper Camper Van“ In fact those with Original Camper vans and lots of converted vans look poorly on the Ocean brigade, who are thought to be snobby and not a proper part of the VW scene, particularly as they are seen to be poncy and often owners arrogant!
I Suggest you look at the long provenance of the van your in and the VW scene that is alive and well despite many stupid comments by the self professed Elitist.
I don’t get why in the U.K. particularly a T5se is seen to be lesser than a T6 ocean, seen to be lesser than a T6.1 Ocean, by some (usually with those insecure types) Coast is deemed all of the above as poor mans Ocean and Beach How very dare you call that a “proper camper van”.
Get a grip, The California in its various guises is a ponced up Transporter Van, cleverly marketed by VW as an aspirational toy, based on the initial provenance of the original Bulli and subsequent VW transporter based models, if you think anything different you are deluding yourself and duping others into buying into your reality which in truth is your insecurities & if you doubt it try scratching the surface of the VW scene and other forums (if you dare)