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Lifetime VIP Member
you should write to VW to let them know your thoughts, particularly as your transporter based Van and mine share a lot of the same parts, they are produce at the same facilities.You obviously have too much time, to annotate 37 posts of mine with the SAD icon shows a significant level of insecurity .
Your comments regarding the built in water tank on the proper Campervan, SE/Ocean, we’re absolutely hilarious, and very Sad in way. Clutching at straws springs to mind.
If you want to maintain the Beach is a comparable Campervan to the Ocean then you have been conned. Having to buy something to cook on, carry water, a fridge etc and additional storage to stop everything rattling around makes it very poor value as a Campervan.
As a MPV it makes a lot of sense.
in the interest of the Forum this is my last post on this thread although I doubt that for the good of the forum it will be your last judging by you history of having to respond to any thing you can’t handle And your continued out and out passion to do this Forum and it’s members some considerable harm in some instances by spreading your spite and venom at will and unnecessarily so In many instances with your choice of veiled attacks at so many Whom choose to have an opinion you don’t share.
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