Power Packs for flat Cali Battery



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T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
Coming from the generation who carried around a set of jump leads I've been amazed at how things have moved on. I use them for phones etc but was not aware how portable and powerful they have become.

Looking to pick one up with sufficient grunt to start a flat 204 Cali. Any recommendations as vehicle electrics are most definitely not my speciality subject.

Already identified a suitable air compressor which should sit nicely under the bonnet and now looking for the Power Pack ???


A friend recommend this to me when I suffered a flat battery.
Got one like that. Started my old MGB OK but not had need to try it on the Cali as yet.
Don't forget to keep it charged up though.
Still got jump leads though.
How do you connect it up? I read in the manual (and a warning on the battery box) not to connect chargers directly to the negative terminal?

I used a charger once but connected it to the frame somewhere. Didnt have any problems but curious how you should connect it for future reference.
How do you connect it up? I read in the manual (and a warning on the battery box) not to connect chargers directly to the negative terminal?

I used a charger once but connected it to the frame somewhere. Didnt have any problems but curious how you should connect it for future reference.
Link to you tube which covers it:-

Mine arrived today. All charged up and in the Cali. Dying to try it out on someone's before I need to on mine

Unless you are camping off grid , play DVDs or have the ICE on frequently, have the full electric door going all the time and cab courtesy lights ON, then you should never have a problem starting.
Hopefully so but intend to be off grid occasionally so I've thought of it as extra insurance and it's pretty good as a charger for iPhones and the like when away from the Cali.

Well done Mike.

You have me contemplating one now:thumb
Thank you @BikerGran for supplying the test vehicle as it worked as per the you tube video.

An electronic gizmo is on its way to me, but I don't expect to need it as I now have a new battery - mine was the original 9 year old one! However, if I can help someone else with it, the purchase will be justified.
Already identified a suitable air compressor which should sit nicely under the bonnet and now looking for the Power Pack ???

still thinking about the best suitable air compressor , wich one did you choose ?
still thinking about the best suitable air compressor , wich one did you choose ?
Got one called the Premium Digital tyre inflator but they there are loads to pick from. Was about £30. Also a Race Tyre Pressure Gauge for a tenner. Both from Amazon. Means I can get the pressures right when they are cold without using the garage forecourt ones and if I ever do do pick up a flat chances are I will be able to get enough pressure in it to get me to a big flat car park to do a wheel change or a garage. Never had a spare in 12 years with the Touran and compressor did the job.

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Means I can get the pressures right when they are cold without using the garage forecourt ones and if I ever do do pick up a flat chances are I will be able to get enough pressure in it to get me to a big flat car park to do a wheel change or a garage. Never had a spare in 12 years with the Touran and compressor did the job.

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In the UK and Built up areas on the Continent. In Northern Sweden or Norway you could travel a fair few miles to find a garage, so always have the Spare and a Slime Kit loaded. Depends where you are travelling.:thumb
The jump start gizmo I ordered came with a compressor, all in a nice carry case! Cost rather more than the one in the link above but I don't have to find anywhere to stow different bits.
They look a bit scary, reminds me of a Samsung Note 7 :)
Does anyone know if there are any european manufacturers producing the same kind
of thing.
Don´t get me wrong, i love a good Chinese.
you may get a European branded one ... but still made in China ;)

The DBPower one mention above and the Anker ones are the best so far (search Amazon.co.uk for Anker Car Jum Starter Pack)

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