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Rear Sliding Tray



T6.1 Ocean 199 4Motion
What's the forums view on the rear boot tray sliders? I am looking at one for my T6.1 on order, but its about £550 or so from for the specific lounge bed function version...

Is it a nice to have or an essential?
The shop sells one, good piece of kit and a great boon.
is the shop one built for the T6.1 or just one size fits all Oceans? it needs to be shorter or you have to move the seat forward/can't use lounge function as I understand it
I have one in my Beach, essential....probably not, nice to have ..... definatly
Makes life a lot easier :cool:
What's the forums view on the rear boot tray sliders? I am looking at one for my T6.1 on order, but its about £550 or so from for the specific lounge bed function version...

Is it a nice to have or an essential?
In the shop they have two types, 1 for the Ocean and 1 for the Beach. Both cheaper than £550. I don’t believe they are interchangeable. I plan to buy one for my Ocean once it arrives.
In the shop they have two types, 1 for the Ocean and 1 for the Beach. Both cheaper than £550. I don’t believe they are interchangeable. I plan to buy one for my Ocean once it arrives.
The one in the shop is for the T6 - the T6.1 has the lounge function which puts the seat about 4 cm further back in the cabin as standard to enable the Lounge Function - so I think the shop one will mean you have to push you seat forward 7 or 8 cm and you will be unable to use the lounge function.. or is the shop stocking a shortened version for the T6.1's?
The one in the shop is for the T6 - the T6.1 has the lounge function which puts the seat about 4 cm further back in the cabin as standard to enable the Lounge Function - so I think the shop one will mean you have to push you seat forward 7 or 8 cm and you will be unable to use the lounge function.. or is the shop stocking a shortened version for the T6.1's?
Oh, didn’t appreciate that! Thanks for the heads up.
Wish I had bought one before for my T6! I have the version from Calicap that allows you to store long items Ski's for example) on the left hand side. Easy to install as well. Wouldn't be without it now.
What's the forums view on the rear boot tray sliders? I am looking at one for my T6.1 on order, but its about £550 or so from for the specific lounge bed function version...

Is it a nice to have or an essential?
Absolutely love the Calicap one, yes it’s expensive but great quality and full width of our Beach, would buy again.
I recently got one from someone on the forum, who'd made two himself and sold one of them (thanks Tim).

I have to say it really is as good as everyone says. Easy to fit, and just makes it so simple to use. I've not been away since getting it due to COVID, but even whilst on the drive it's been really noticeable just what a difference it makes.

It's not essential, but probably about as close to being essential as can be....especially if you have a dodgy back!
I made my own for about £170. Any competent DIYer who owns a drill, a hacksaw and some spanners could make one. A pop-riveter would make a better job.

Don’t be afraid to give it a go. Honestly not that hard.

As has been said above, probably the best addition to the van. So much easier to access stuff and find stuff, especially with Euro crates fitted in to it.
The one in the shop is for the T6 - the T6.1 has the lounge function which puts the seat about 4 cm further back in the cabin as standard to enable the Lounge Function - so I think the shop one will mean you have to push you seat forward 7 or 8 cm and you will be unable to use the lounge function.. or is the shop stocking a shortened version for the T6.1's?
Pardon my ignorance but when you say the ‘lounge function’ on the 6.1, is this where you have the ability to angle the back of the bed into a recline position? Haven’t taken delivery of mine yet so a little in the dark.
Prob a daft question but if you have one on the beach I presume you can’t move the bench seat back, but presumably ok to put the seats into the bed position? Can you easily remove the tray if you want to put the bench seat right back and add the 6th/7th seats?
Just a reminder that @DoctorBob is talking about the Calicap T6.1 versión, as the rear bench is in a different position than the T6. As far as I know the forum shop doesn’t have this size yet. @calikev
Pardon my ignorance but when you say the ‘lounge function’ on the 6.1, is this where you have the ability to angle the back of the bed into a recline position? Haven’t taken delivery of mine yet so a little in the dark.
I havnt taken delive of mine either - mid September is the current target date...
yes the lounge Function combines the seat/bed and adjustable rear parcel shelf with mattress topper to make a sort of chez lounge!
My understanding is the T6.1 rear bench sits 5cm further back than the T6, hence the "issue" with the current T5/T6 rear pull-outs. This is, as mentioned above, due to the lounge function of the T6.1 bed.
My understanding is the T6.1 rear bench sits 5cm further back than the T6, hence the "issue" with the current T5/T6 rear pull-outs. This is, as mentioned above, due to the lounge function of the T6.1 bed.

A further thought, slightly :offtopic, this must mean the T6.1 lower bed is 5cm shorter than a T5/T6, as the rear boot mattress is 5cm shorter?
I asked this question in another thread as well, but perhaps your solution is different. How do you manage to keep teh tailgate up while the bikes are on it?

You just slide these onto the struts when the boot is open, whilst taking the weight of the boot on your head! (Need to cut them to length); We have a VW boot tent so they come in very handy when rack is fully loaded.

The one in the shop is for the T6 - the T6.1 has the lounge function which puts the seat about 4 cm further back in the cabin as standard to enable the Lounge Function - so I think the shop one will mean you have to push you seat forward 7 or 8 cm and you will be unable to use the lounge function.. or is the shop stocking a shortened version for the T6.1's?
Sorry - I am unable to get my head around why the lounge function would not be available if the seat is moved further forward. You are only going to use the lounge function when the seat is in it's most forward position anyway - i.e. in bed mode. Can someone explain this to me please?
Sorry - I am unable to get my head around why the lounge function would not be available if the seat is moved further forward. You are only going to use the lounge function when the seat is in it's most forward position anyway - i.e. in bed mode. Can someone explain this to me please?

I think it is irrelevant as you are inferring @Rololux, it is as you suggest - when you turn the seat into bed mode you have to bring it quite a way forward, then drop the back rest. The lounge mode is made using the rear "parcel shelf" cover. If you have a pull out shelf/drawer and decide to go for the larger size you will need to move the bench seat forward, but this has no effect on the bed/lounge function from what I can see.
I think it is irrelevant as you are inferring @Rololux, it is as you suggest - when you turn the seat into bed mode you have to bring it quite a way forward, then drop the back rest. The lounge mode is made using the rear "parcel shelf" cover. If you have a pull out shelf/drawer and decide to go for the larger size you will need to move the bench seat forward, but this has no effect on the bed/lounge function from what I can see.
that makes sense. so it only effects the placement of the seat when its in "seat mode" - Personally I would still like to have the correct sized tray for the position of the seat on the T6.1 - bit at least its a personal choice then and not detrimental to the Lounge function.

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