Restrict ALL members to 10 posts a week to make everyone THINK before they post

can we do the "carbon-offsetting" thing? Since I only average 1 post every couple of weeks, someone else can have my other 18 and then when something really gets my goat (or there's a topic I actually can contribute to constructively) I get a few extra?
Cheers, Wind Witch
Can we carry over posts we haven't used? :confused:
Occurs to me that it might be useful to restrict posts READ to 10 a week - seem to spend most of my life at the moment on the forum following from one interesting post to the next in a lovely, warm Cali-flavoured dream. So much to read and learn about.
Personal i find, one can not start a "new" topic afther done a "proven search function use " .....!
And very high fines on not doing a search in existing posts first:bananadance
...offcoarse i will be supervising and collecting the fines:D
can we do the "carbon-offsetting" thing? Since I only average 1 post every couple of weeks, someone else can have my other 18 and then when something really gets my goat (or there's a topic I actually can contribute to constructively) I get a few extra?
Cheers, Wind Witch
Yes, we could start trading in them, you can offer them at the market rate to people who have exceeded their limit. And those desperate to post would pay more.......:D
I only have 2 left for this week. Have I been ROBbed?
I only have 2 left for this week. Have I been ROBbed?

You've not been robbed: how could you have been when things are just bobbing along nicely :sad

Silly Billy.....
I'm MARKing this one down to experience AND You can take you TIM e answering this one.
We are Vera lucky to have such a jovial crowd on this wonderful forum.

VW California Club
