depends on how OCD you want to be :
Clean sliding door roller channels, top one bottom with a clean cloth, taking care not to remove the factory applied wax lubricant from the roller running surface, clean the white rollers with a cloth and a little silicone spray or dry PTFE spray to remove any crud.
silicone Spray to the sliding door release mech ( remove triangular cover at the rear bottom of sliding door)
apply white lithium grease:
front door hinge mechanism, rollers and springs ( spray can type is easiest to apply)
White lithium grease to sliding door latch / roller catch ( bottom rear of sliding door channel).
bonnet mechanism / catch
panel fixings
tailgate hinge ( high level)
Clean all rubber seals and apply Gummi Pflege to all rubber seals (whole vehicle) including roof seal, engine bay and tailgate, sliding window seals
remove lower (rear) fixing from each wheel arch liners remove the surprising amount of debris and wash out (enjoy the amazing amount of compost Accumulated! )
silicone spray to all visible fixings to prevent corrosion, roof, mud flaps, door shuts etc.
clean out tailgate lock mechanism and lube with silicone spray (slide back
the plastic wings to see how much of the beach you’ve brought home)
check-all bump stops are present and correct and that they are doing the intended job: two on tailgate either side halfway down, several under bonnet. lightly press the panel to determine is the panel moves / clonks, if it does adjust and recheck. (Tailgate stop adjusting is in the down load resource section of the forum, I do wonder if some people rear rattles are associated tailgate bump stops)
removable tow bar, if fitted,: remove clean and re-grease spigot, silicone spray the lock mech.
all the usual, check and clean roof drains, front and rear, clean out roof channels, apply wax polish to the roof channels and shuts (where the seal meets the roof) silicone to roof mech etc.
clean the fixed windows reveals, soft cloth pushed into the recess ( window perimeter) run the puckered up cloth carefully around the perimeter of the glass (it’ll be black with crud, cleaning prevents black strips on recently cleaned bodywork after it’s rained)
check sliding window drains are operating correctly : Air / water or silicone spray into each drain
clean the front window rubbers removing and green / grit
wind out awning mechs, clean and silicone, including extending legs.
As you can tell, i am really OCD, I periodically clean the wheel arch liners, underbody panels, spare wheel and apply silicone tyre oil to the liners / underbody, mud flaps etc and ensure there is no build up of crud where the liners meet the body work particularly the wheel arch edge. (And clean out behind the liners - see above)
clean the fuel filler flap inside, silicone the hinges / mech / spring etc.
clean the underside of the siding bench, rollers, mech + swivel front seats etc.
that lot should keep you busy for the weekend
Edit: remove the roof seal periodically (in section) clean the roof / rubber dry refit, checking for corrosion as you go
check the roof rubber seal for signs of rust - mine had failed within 1 year from new !