Was that after you was burgled.This is our set up from Ardnamurchan last week.
It's a Vango Kela III that I got second hand.
It did reasonably well - leaked a bit in the heavy rain and was a pain to pitch (solid rock ground was the issue not the awning)
However I think I would like something ever so slightly bigger -- any opinions on what I should look at?
Likely to be used from anything as basecamp tent for a bunch of climbers who are sleeping in small mountain tents to a family holiday
Would like something reasonably robust for all season trips.
View attachment 48614
View attachment 48615
Hi @kp64zlThis is our set up from Ardnamurchan last week.
It's a Vango Kela III that I got second hand.
It did reasonably well - leaked a bit in the heavy rain and was a pain to pitch (solid rock ground was the issue not the awning)
However I think I would like something ever so slightly bigger -- any opinions on what I should look at?
Likely to be used from anything as basecamp tent (e.g. for evening 'hanging out') for a bunch of climbers who are otherwise sleeping in small mountain tents (whilst I'm comfy in van) to a family holiday
Would like something reasonably robust for all season trips.
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View attachment 48615
That’s what we have. It’s great but a bit too big for some regimented sites, particularly when attached to the extended wind-out!This is what I saw at a campsite recently - Vango Sapera -- like an extended Kela - doesn't seem like they make them any more unfortunately.
Does anyone know of anything similar available? I think I like the fact it's at right angles to the van rather than parallel like the Galli.
Was also reasonably impressed with the airbeams..(would be interested to hear any views as to whether thought more robust than poles)
Amused by the 0% off on one of the camping shop websites!
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That’s what we have. It’s great but a bit too big for some regimented sites, particularly when attached to the extended wind-out!
View attachment 48720
Yeah, me too!Thanks. I generally avoid regimented sites!!
Your picture shows exactly what I'm hoping to achieve - nice one
My feeling is that awning such a pain to put up down transport etc might as well go the whole hog and get a massive one (my Quecha pop up gazebo useful for shorter trips etc instead)
shame they don't make these any more...
My setup too. I had a proper drive away tent (don’t even remember which) and sold after using once. Too many cons for me. Now I’m happy with all decathlon stuffs. If I’m staying in the same place for a week or so, I bring with me and use a Base seconds 4.1. A room for storage (expecially car childseats) and one for living. 15 minutes to assembly e 10 to dismantle. If I’m going for a shorter vacation, Arpenaz base M gazebo. Cheap, easy and quick to install (5 minutes, even less to dismantle). For both tent I spent less than half of a drive away tent.This is not mine but saw it on a site outside Lübeck this summer and thought I’d share it as it was something we were thinking about getting.
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Hi Taff7996 - re your Vango Palm awning I am thinking of getting one and was wondering how yours has stood the test of the time ? I am attracted to the lightness, size and speed of erecting it. I was wondering whether the material has proved to be robust and weather proof and any tips you could give thanks Scoobz
HI BeeBee was also wondering how you got on with your Palm Vango - see post aboveVango Palm ( bought from forum shop) 2 adults and big black lab ... we find it very useful, to sit of an evening, if it gets very wet it's roomier than the van and helps with storage if you fancy a drive away without packing up. It takes up about half of the boot lower space but is light and easy to erect View attachment 48705
Van needs to be further forward so you can open the driver's door.Those of you who are canny enough might notice something a little off with this setup
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