Shower wall cracks, check yours by vent.



Bristol S/W
Grand California 680
I'm posting this here for future web searchers,
It's been mentioned on FB before, for whatever reasons the shower wall can crack around vent (perhaps heat or water).

I think the wood is getting damp and expanding leaving the very thin laminate to crack. I just removed mine and there is little to no sealant, plus the wood is just poor grade ply. The edge of the hole is very fractured too. I'm going to seal the hole and then the vent.

You should check before it's too late
vw group.jpg
To me that looks like how i cut laminated wood. :)
The edges do look chipped and not damaged from water.
Just looks like a very badly cut hole with no protection on the laminate.

I would be inclined to use a small bit of filler to level out the chipped laminate.
Then use PVA glue to seal the exposed wood, make it water resistant.
Maybe then pack under the cover edge some sealant to redirect any water if dropped down the panel.
That way you can still get the vent cover off.

Good spot though.
With reference to changing the butterfly flap to Louvre type, this allows full flow of air through the boiler and stops the chance of accidentally closed flaps and heat build up. Easy change, old ones clip out and new ones go over original outlet. Takes seconds to do.

Don't loose the little spring, push to one side and pull out.
Search "Truma Lamella Air outlet - black".
I used Leisure shop direct, they were quick.
When used with gas and electric boiler makes 6kw, which is a lot to get through those little pipes, if one flap is accidently shut the other three must cope, I had scorch marks on grey duct insulation.


VW California Club
