VW Cali
Guest User
Thanks for posting.
I highlight two extracts dealing with Lane hogging, and passing on inside lane:
Part 264 of the Highway Code says: "You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking a number of slower-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past."
Some have argued for copying the example of California where drivers are encouraged to stay in lane, but are allowed to pass vehicles on either side where necessary.
Heydecker says the Californian example would be ideal for increasing the carrying capacity of the UK's roads. "If this was just a capacity issue we'd say allow passing on both sides." But there is also an argument about safety.
Motorways are currently the safest roads in the UK, Heydecker says. Any change to the system of driving would need to keep them as safe as they are now. "The big question in the UK is whether we'd allow passing on both sides. I believe the Department for Transport is resistant to this."
My view:
My own view on 1 is that it is difficult to keep to, and sometimes more dangerous to stick to than staying in own lane. My view on 2 is that passing on inside lane is less safe than waiting to overtake on outer lane.
Obviously, there are other opinions here. T6 CFO for some reason does not agree with me on 1 even though I understood his reasons. Loz totally against 2 with a very precise mathematical claim of binary choice available.
At any rate, both 1 and 2 not officially recommended.