Two ever so exciting times in my life.
The first was climbing on A buttress, Dow crag, in the lakes. I had got there driven by a madman on a motorcycle from the ODG, which I considered to be the most dangerous time of my life. 150 foot up, just reaching the second stance, big bang, ears ringing, feeling of being totally dismembered, a feeling of being bruised on every single part of my body, checked my waist belt just in time to watch a few scorched strands of perlon rope flake off leaving me totally unattached. THE most dangerous time of my life then followed as I attempted to reattach myself with just about every scrap of balance gone or making a slow and erratic recovery.
The second was quite amazing. Worsley on the M62 (now M60 I believe). Driving a BMW 7 series. Thunder everywhere than a great blue ball, seemed to hang in the sky, I'm sure the car lifted at the front but I was slightly distracted by lumps of a metal overhead gantry falling down. We carried on, probably the vehicle on cruise control, everyone behind me stopped. I pulled over after about a mile, got out, checked the car and my grey bonnet and parts of the doors were black. "Scorched" I thought but then found I could wipe it off like a polythene film. Someone suggested afterwards it was vaporised tarmac settling on the wet car, I really have no idea.
The electrics were peculiar though. One window not operating, the other going up and down with a mind of it's own. I wheeled it into the ever so teutonically efficient BMW dealer and with a smug smile on my face said to the service manager "Electric storm, probable lightning strike, need it checked over", ever so smug as they obviously would not have a manual procedure for that occurrence.
Two minutes later he emerged clutching a service bible and saying "ok, here we are, check list and recovery procedure, it will take an hour and 15 minutes". With smug smile wiped off face I went shopping