T6 VW California Delays

Hi, how long did you guys have to wait to get first est. date after ordering yours? I ordered Cali 9 days ago. Does it take so long? Dealer said it is because of vacations. Could it be true? Thanks for replying

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I hate to say it but that is optimistic.
Factory hols over today I believe

I hate to say it but that is optimistic.
Factory hols over today I believe


Hopefully the factory re-opening will trigger a bit more information this week. 5 weeks since I last spoke to the dealer and still didn't have a confirmed build week.

Am I right in thinking that this week is build week 30?
I am asking because after paying 10% of deposit, dealer told me that rough/estimated day of delivery will be known by facory after a few days. He also told me (before paying) that I will get my Cali in the first half of April, probably one or two weeks before. I am from Slovenia btw. Don't know what to think or expect now.

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One month of waiting just to get in the line?

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When I ordered the dealer said I wouldn't hear anything for a month. And that was true.

However the actually delivery date (from ordering to receiving) was slightly less than the estimate of 4 months.
Thanks. Yours was quick

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There were quite a few others who ordered in January and got similar timescales. But yes the poor people who ordered in February didn't seem so lucky. But then that's just in the UK ... it seems to be quite different between countries
Dear all, only just saw this thread. I ordered May 2016 and provisional build week now 9th Jan. I can sort of cope with the length of delay but it's the uncertainty that sticks. VWCS have been next to useless offering no explanation at all. One point I note from the previous comments was reference to dealers selling their quota. Mine sold their allocation by early Feb and I am increasingly of the suspicion that orders after that go into the next year's allocation, hence 9th Jan. If correct, VW know this is a working practice and should be straight with customers. Anyone got evidence to suggest I am drawing an incorrect conclusion?
I thought the allocation for dealers was per month not per annum. No evidence to back that up though. Judging by other orders yours sounds about right at 8 months. That seems to be the size of the backlog at the moment.
Thanks. My dealer mentioned a figure of just under 30 and it was yearly. Regardless, it's a case if just having to accept it. Shame there us such vagueness to the process.
I've been to two dealers. If my memory is correct they both mentioned in the 25 - 28 range and it's yearly. Was also told that if they sell their allocation the next year allocation would be higher.
Thanks. Interesting. There is value in dealers exceeding targets as they get more allocation the following year and an extra sale that year from which they will eventually get a profit? If so that's a win win for the dealer and the customer simply waits? I have no problem if that's the case but would like to know that it is. Clearly can't prove any of it.
My dealer told me that the allocation was annual. He sold his allocation of Calis in the first quarter and has nothing in the showroom now, not even to show customers. He will take orders for possible delivery in February!
That's an angle I hadn't thought about as my dealer (who sold out in early Feb) is also lacking a demo of any description. So it may well be the case that these delays until 2017 are as much to do with individual dealer allocations as anything else but we are not informed on ordering? Out of interest I will put that to VWCS but am not holding out for an open and honest answer.
Just spoke with my dealer and he told me that factory postponed production time for multivans for another 5 months. He said it will not affect time schedule for Calis. Can anyone confirm this?

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Good News (at last) - just had an email to say we have a confirmed build week for our Beach - week 34!
66-plate it will be then.
When did you order? What ia 66-plate?

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When did you order? What ia 66-plate?

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Ordered mid-February.
66-plate: UK registrations have a year identifier which changes every six months. March to August it is the year - so 16, on first Sept the first digit goes up by 5, to show Sept - Feb, so 66.
66 was good year, England won the world cup and Stoneybroke was born!
We also got confirmation of a week 34 build for our new Ocean.

The dealer suggests delivery in late September. We ordered early March.

It's getting closer ......
3 weeks from ordering I still haven't received estimated time of delivery. But dealer just phoned me and said that if I tell him my final specifications for car till the end of the day, he can put my order in some kind of a gap in production line. So that my car could be ready much much sooner than anticipated (April). Could this be true or should I be suspicious about it? What do you think?

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3 weeks from ordering I still haven't received estimated time of delivery. But dealer just phoned me and said that if I tell him my final specifications for car till the end of the day, he can put my order in some kind of a gap in production line. So that my car could be ready much much sooner than anticipated (April). Could this be true or should I be suspicious about it? What do you think?

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I think your dealer is full of BS.
I would love to be wrong though and you get your Cali earlier.
I would get it in November this year instead of April next year. How can this be possible? Maybe someone resigned from his order - thus the gap?

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VW California Club
