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California Club Meet Updated Information: Looe Meet - Oct 2020

I fear that this meet and the Slimbridge meet will be a nightmare for the organiser.

3.19 Can I go to my hobby club / amateur musical group / other leisure activity?
It is against the law to gather in groups of more than six, where people are from different households or support bubbles. The rule above does not mean that there cannot be more than six people in any one place. All activities for under 18s are exempt. There can be multiple groups of six people in a place, provided that those groups do not mingle.
In practice, however, this will make it difficult for some activities to take place without breaking the law. Activities where there is a significant likelihood of groups of more than six mingling – and therefore breaking the law – should not take place until further COVID-19 Secure guidance has been developed and approved to enable the activity to happen safely. This may include extended tour groups, large banquet dinners, society or club meetings, or amateur music or drama rehearsals.

If my interpretation of this is correct, the organiser would need to sort attendees into groups of no more than six and ensure the groups do not mingle. However, this is guidance, and not necessarily a legal requirement.
Im going to be down that way on that weekend and quite close, was just going to pop in to say hello, im actually staying at my nrother in laws place just down the road so not really practicle to stay. Is it poss to pop in ?
We are currently away at High Sands Creek Campsite, Norfolk. No visitors are allowed. Other sites are sure to be different so best to get a definitive check.

We are currently away at High Sands Creek Campsite, Norfolk. No visitors are allowed. Other sites are sure to be different so best to get a definitive check.

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The campsite owner/manager might not mind. As far as I know the £5000 liability falls to the group organiser with each adult member of the group liable for a £100 fixed penalty for the first offence.

Better for the organiser to seek legal advice.
The campsite owner/manager might not mind. As far as I know the £5000 liability falls to the group organiser with each adult member of the group liable for a £100 fixed penalty for the first offence.

Better for the organiser to seek legal advice.
As long as we don’t gather in groups of more than 6, we are no different to any of the other campers at the site and as you are not attending, you don’t need to concern yourself.
As long as we don’t gather in groups of more than 6, we are no different to any of the other campers at the site and as you are not attending, you don’t need to concern yourself.
I might not need to concern myself, but I can still be concerned. It is the 'mingling' bit in the non-legally binding government guidance that would worry me: it is not just about gathering in groups of no more than six.

And when I think back to the stick I got from some quarters over driving my boys to a local park - and then for collecting a few poulets from a farm in Kent in a contact free transaction. Who was concerned then about things they had no need to concern themselves with?
I might not need to concern myself, but I can still be concerned. It is the 'mingling' bit in the non-legally binding government guidance that would worry me: it is not just about gathering in groups of no more than six.

And when I think back to the stick I got from some quarters over driving my boys to a local park - and then for collecting a few poulets from a farm in Kent in a contact free transaction. Who was concerned then about things they had no need to concern themselves with?
Last week I stayed at a Caravan and Motorhome Club site, we were all members of the same club but there was no mingling, just like-minded campers enjoying themselves.
Im going to be down that way on that weekend and quite close, was just going to pop in to say hello, im actually staying at my nrother in laws place just down the road so not really practicle to stay. Is it poss to pop in ?
Whilst we would love to meet you it’s best to check with the campsite as I know that the camping and caravan sites have a strictly no visitors policy at the moment.
Clubs seem to have suspended all rallies now till next year, doubt if organiser will want to risk a £10k fine, maybe we need to have a football match each morning so we can call it a sporting event
That is a neat way to remove any liability on the organiser.

It makes a bit of a mockery of the new regulations.
Why? Just because a number of campers turn up in the same type of van doesn’t mean it can’t operate exactly the same as every other campsite. Discussions can be had at 2 m distance. Unless you get into party games etc I don’t see what the problem is.
Why? Just because a number of campers turn up in the same type of van doesn’t mean it can’t operate exactly the same as every other campsite. Discussions can be had at 2 m distance. Unless you get into party games etc I don’t see what the problem is.
Party games :D:D:D:D
Maybe next year...????
Why? Just because a number of campers turn up in the same type of van doesn’t mean it can’t operate exactly the same as every other campsite. Discussions can be had at 2 m distance. Unless you get into party games etc I don’t see what the problem is.

Hopefully the locals / local Police will share the same view.
I’m allowed to camp at a caravan & Motorhome site & that’s a “club meet” as I’m a member of the club & it’s organised by the C&MH club. Staying in one location with like minded people. What’s the difference?
I arrived yesterday at a campsite near Cheltenham and am enjoying a pleasant stay. The campsite is turning over visitors each day. We are on individual pitches separated by regulated 6m H&S fire standards. We talk with others on the site as normal, we are not in each others faces, no probs.
What’s all the fuss about? It’s not as though we’re having a ‘Love In’, let’s just meet up and enjoy ourselves.

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I’m allowed to camp at a caravan & Motorhome site & that’s a “club meet” as I’m a member of the club & it’s organised by the C&MH club. Staying in one location with like minded people. What’s the difference?

I see a gaping gulf of a difference between 7 or more people randomly turning up at a club site and an organised meet for 7 or more people on a club site.

Yes, I’m sure that you could organise yourselves into groups of six or fewer, but I’d still be concerned about the non statutory guidance of no mingling between groups.

The aim of the revised law seems clear. To reduce the risk from one person infecting up to 29 others at one gathering to one person infecting up to 5 others at one gathering.
It should be officially cancelled but people given the option to keep their pitch in case they want a long weekend near Looe. Those that go may bump into people on site with a common interest like stamp collecting, water sports or VW Californias. Can’t see anything illegal in that.
I see a gaping gulf of a difference between 7 or more people randomly turning up at a club site and an organised meet for 7 or more people on a club site.

Yes, I’m sure that you could organise yourselves into groups of six or fewer, but I’d still be concerned about the non statutory guidance of no mingling between groups.

The aim of the revised law seems clear. To reduce the risk from one person infecting up to 29 others at one gathering to one person infecting up to 5 others at one gathering.
We have no intention on sitting around in groups up to 6 (or more) whilst there, as far as we are concerned this is a group booking so we can meet other like minded people for the first time and hopefully put some faces to names. We have no intention of be breaking any social distancing rules whatsoever, 1 meter with mask two without and all socialising outdoors.

The above puts us at lower risk than our daily work routine and in the absence of any itinerary, communal gathering area or organised events we are comfortable with it. I agree that as an organised meeting/event if you can call it that it would be breaking some rules but there is nothing stopping all that have signed up going there independently which would not break any rules which makes it unenforceable in the eyes of the law.

We can argue what I have posted until we are blue in the face but the change in the law regarding social gatherings is really aimed at close contact gatherings like families and friends where it is extremely difficult to maintain social distancing, hugging, kissing and handshaking which I would find difficult too mainly because of habit. I have not seen my father and siblings since early March and Christmas respectively which is really tough but it would be impossible to maintain distancing. Meeting strangers, customers, suppliers and acquaintances is not a problem for us.

I see a gaping gulf of a difference between 7 or more people randomly turning up at a club site and an organised meet for 7 or more people on a club site.

Yes, I’m sure that you could organise yourselves into groups of six or fewer, but I’d still be concerned about the non statutory guidance of no mingling between groups.

The aim of the revised law seems clear. To reduce the risk from one person infecting up to 29 others at one gathering to one person infecting up to 5 others at one gathering.
What is the “gulf of difference” I’m intrigued as to what goes on at one of these meets that doesn’t happen on other campsites. It’s not one of those keys in the fruit bowl type parties is it?
We’re going to Looe that weekend at the same site of the meet. As long as we don’t meet in numbers greater than 6 there’s no problem and no illegality.
No mockery of the law. No different to the many campsites we have visited this year.
You could say you don't know anybody and that it's a very popular leisure vehicle and it's just a coincidence that half the campsite has been booked out with California's :D:thumb:bananadance2

As one of our foster children used to say deny deny deny :oops: ;)
I think the problem is this is an organised event, I totally agree that everyone will be sensible but at the end of the day it's borderline illegal . I just hope there are no snitches on the campsite
I see a gaping gulf of a difference between 7 or more people randomly turning up at a club site and an organised meet for 7 or more people on a club site.

Yes, I’m sure that you could organise yourselves into groups of six or fewer, but I’d still be concerned about the non statutory guidance of no mingling between groups.

The aim of the revised law seems clear. To reduce the risk from one person infecting up to 29 others at one gathering to one person infecting up to 5 others at one gathering.
Funny can't recall you being very hot on the law / guidelines and their aim - when it came to "no unnecessary travel" during the initial lock-down period ...

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