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I fear that this meet and the Slimbridge meet will be a nightmare for the organiser.
If my interpretation of this is correct, the organiser would need to sort attendees into groups of no more than six and ensure the groups do not mingle. However, this is gov.uk guidance, and not necessarily a legal requirement.

National lockdown: Stay at Home
Coronavirus remains a serious threat across the country. Find out what you can and cannot do.
3.19 Can I go to my hobby club / amateur musical group / other leisure activity?
It is against the law to gather in groups of more than six, where people are from different households or support bubbles. The rule above does not mean that there cannot be more than six people in any one place. All activities for under 18s are exempt. There can be multiple groups of six people in a place, provided that those groups do not mingle.
In practice, however, this will make it difficult for some activities to take place without breaking the law. Activities where there is a significant likelihood of groups of more than six mingling – and therefore breaking the law – should not take place until further COVID-19 Secure guidance has been developed and approved to enable the activity to happen safely. This may include extended tour groups, large banquet dinners, society or club meetings, or amateur music or drama rehearsals.
If my interpretation of this is correct, the organiser would need to sort attendees into groups of no more than six and ensure the groups do not mingle. However, this is gov.uk guidance, and not necessarily a legal requirement.